Anyone think we'll ever get a new expansion?

By Vandal Thorne, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

...or is Arkham Horror a thing of the past now that Eldritch Horror is out?

No new expansions but arkham and eldrich are both in print and both are great additions to any collection.

My money's on "no." Eldritch, Elder Sign, and Mansions of Madness are seeing all the love. Eldritch specifically carries over so many mechanics and concepts that it would be redundant to support both.

I concur with Tibs...not only have we not seen anything new in a few years, but Kevin's departure, coupled with the game mechanic similarities to Eldritch makes it highly unlikely we'll ever see another expansion. In truth, many of us thought Miskatonic served as the bow on this gift when it came out.



And yet I respectfully disagree :D Kevin left, true that, but other games Kevin designed had new designers working on those (Wiz-War, Elder Sign, and so on), and the newest additions in those lines were superior than the original designs. So, I don't see Kevin as a fundamental pillar for Arkham's growth.

True is that Arkham reached a point were adding new stuff could exasperate the already existing overbloating, so that I see more Arkham being developed on specific areas to expand theme rather than getting anything big, but there's space. In any case, as long as they don't declare the line closed, I keep on waiting for new things to come :)


I greatly appreciate your optimism! It would be cool just to create a pack which included three new Neighborhood cards and one or two Investigators . I'd pay $5-$7 for it.


Yes, that's a cool site...and I'm proud to be a part of it.



The fact that they are still printing all the modules does not mean the game is 'dead'. There is still global demand for the orgin game and all the expansions. Is there need for more expansions......maybe. Is there an opportunity for more expansion.....definitely. It's all about allocating resources to this, and I personally think FFG's attention is elsewhere, including x-wing. However, there is always an opportunity for an expansion, especially since the game and it's expansions are still in demand. I would be happy with either another large expansion (another map board), or another small expansion box.

Anyway, we continue to play as often as possible, and live In hope for an expansion some time in the future......

The fact that they are still printing all the modules does not mean the game is 'dead'.

Also, it's worth noticing that all Lovecraftian games are still filed as "Arkham files" and the Fall FFG event is called "Arkham Nights". I think the game is enjoying a golden slumber, and I'm happy a game so old is still receiving so much love and affection :)

The call of cthulhu LCG is officially out of development (no new cards) and arkham/mansions appear to be in a similar state.

The golden age of cthulhu + FFG seems to have passed.

Eldrich and elder sign are still good, and getting better with age, but my favourites are the ones no longer being supported.

I'd like to see many more expansions, but not very optimistic at the moment.

Unfortunately FFG won't give any answers to questions about the future of their products, which is frustrating.

I like how Ares games has recently outlined their plans for new War of the Ring expansions and special editions over many years, even though they admit that they can't be specific on release dates or even if the limited editions will actually be produced.

I wish FFG would engage in dialogue with their customers and end the obfuscation about future plans. It hasn't even been possible to get a straight answer about whether the painted monster minis range has been cancelled, which seems likely.

One thing I could see being done is a rule consolidation and clean-up combined with bringing ONE element of Eldritch to Arkham: alternate victory conditions that involve solving Mysteries as an option instead of sealing gates. It might be adding a Mystery Card for each old one, and possibly a deck of cards for each GOO that would set (difficult) goals the investigators would need to achieve in order to win the game. It could be done without an additional board, and would add a whole different dimension to an already great game. Call it Mysteries of Arkham.

Edited by Wolfpack48

That would be great, but it would be such a huge paradigm shift for the game that it might be impossible. I think the Personal Story cards sort of capture that feel.

The fact that they are still printing all the modules does not mean the game is 'dead'.

Also, it's worth noticing that all Lovecraftian games are still filed as "Arkham files" and the Fall FFG event is called "Arkham Nights". I think the game is enjoying a golden slumber, and I'm happy a game so old is still receiving so much love and affection :)

Hehe, it's hardly an old game though is it, not when you compare it with things like: Monopoly, Chess, Wei-Qi, Cluedo, Scrabble.

There's no point to this, just saying :)

That would be great, but it would be such a huge paradigm shift for the game that it might be impossible. I think the Personal Story cards sort of capture that feel.

Possibly so -- I guess I'd still want a gate seal to still be a route to victory, but that you could opt for the alternate victory conditions too. I wouldn't want them to replace gate seals, but just provide an alternate path. Gate seals could even still be part of the mystery condition.

Actually, the personal stories are a good example -- it would be like a stepped story much like they are in Eldritch, or a 3-step personal story, with possibly a pass/fail conditions at each stage. (pass/pass/pass) would be the perfect path, but maybe other ways of getting there (pass/fail/pass, etc) to provide variety. Just thinking out loud. Edit: Personal stories for Android work something like this.

In any case what I'd be super excited to see is a rulebook+reference book format for Arkham, similar to Eldritch. Basically all in one rule book for al expansions with a master, alphabetical reference book.

Edited by Wolfpack48

New expansion or not, new edition or not, i think a consolidated version of rules and errata would be nice, with special attention to wording... (of course, card text updates and printing errors like purple encounter symbols would stay in an errata list).

Should a new expansion appear, consolidated rules would be a must.

(Should a new edition appear, it wouldn't happen of course, but i could still hope attention to wording :) )

Edited by Dr Mordrid

I'd be happy with a revised edition, with a cleaner rulebook and a bit of streamlining, that was still compatible with the stuff I'd already bought.

I'd be happy with a revised edition, with a cleaner rulebook and a bit of streamlining, that was still compatible with the stuff I'd already bought.

"Arkham Horror Collector's Edition" - limited print, somewhat ridiculous prize, would include:

- remastered rulebook (possibly following EH rules-reference split)

- all expansions* (only the revised CotDP, I suppose, but maybe the old one would be included in a separate box, for the sake of completeness)

- all promos from Arkham Nights, books, and whatnot

- a storage box with a great insert, simplifying the setup

- Investigator cards have skill sliders attached semi-permanently

- custom spin-down counters to track Stamina and Sanity

- all of the Arkham Horror Premium Figures (I don't like these, but it's a collector's edition after all)

- an Ancient One promo exclusive to this edition (I would hope not, but it would be likely)

- all Arkham Horror League scenarios printed (thanks mulletcheese for reminding me about that)

Edited by tsuma534

It would also need a book of thematic scenarios and maybe an art book, just to make it a bit more expensive.

There was a very good artbook they published a long time ago, called something like "The art of HPL Cthulhu Mythos" (not so sure if you're aware of this). It hosted a selection of drawings created for the CoC LCG, many of them were later used in other Lovecraftian games

tsuma, I really don't think your packaged deal is feasible. For one, not every monster figure has been published—and I don't think they stopped short just for fun.

The permanent skill slider thing seems bulky, and the spin-down sanity/stamina sliders wouldn't work because maximum values can change.

This whole thing would easily be over $1000. That price tag won't attract anyone.

This won't happen. I mean, I said the same exact thing about investigator and monster figures, and I was wrong about that... but I feel sure about this one.

It was a joke Tibs. I thought I made it absurd enough for it to be obvious, but apparently my "poker face" was too good.

Sidenote: I was under impression that all monster figures were eventually published, thanks for clearing this.

" \_(ツ)_/ "

People have suggested stuff like that in all seriousness.

Tiny packs of new AOs and stuff would be neat though.

Edited by Tibs

I've not played with all of the stuff that's currently available yet!

And I'm really miffed that the CotDP expansion pack contains OW and Encounter cards sized differently (larger in both width and height) to all the rest of them. Perhaps we could have this reprinted on stock of the same dimensions first.

I'd also like to get my hands on the investigator figures, they look good.

tsuma, I really don't think your packaged deal is feasible. For one, not every monster figure has been published—and I don't think they stopped short just for fun.

The permanent skill slider thing seems bulky, and the spin-down sanity/stamina sliders wouldn't work because maximum values can change.

This whole thing would easily be over $1000. That price tag won't attract anyone.

This won't happen. I mean, I said the same exact thing about investigator and monster figures, and I was wrong about that... but I feel sure about this one.

I totally agree it isn't feasible for ffg


I'd buy it :)

As a soon to be newbie who is a completist, the collectors set of everything would be amazing :)