New Article up about Challenges & Characters

By Batterskull, in General Discussion

I was six packs away from "Pokemon Status" when they announced that rotation was coming. I'm not going to say it wasn't a gut punch, but I was getting burnt out anyway from the broken aspects of the card pool.

I'm in a similar situation. I bought the last two packs from the previous cycle pretty much out of habit, but I don't think I've ever opened them. I have the entire last cycle unpurchased, and I'm debating whether to bother. On the one hand, having the complete 1E cardpool holds some appeal, but on the other, I'm likely never going to play with those cards, given it's been at least a year since I've played AGOT with anyone.

What is "Pokemon Status?"

Gotta catch 'em all.

Gotcha. I would've never made that connection because I made my peace years ago with the realization that because they keep coming out with new species of Pok émon, I'll never be able to catch 'em all. :(

Gotcha. I would've never made that connection because I made my peace years ago with the realization that because they keep coming out with new species of Pokémon, I'll never be able to catch 'em all. :(

You're not trying hard enough.

It will likely bring in a lot of the players who have been drawn to the LCG model, but only became aware of it after the initial investment became so great as to mitigate its enticement. That and fans of the HBO show who also happen to be gamers. This is going to be a beast of a game.

I play Star Wars, LOTR, and Conquest, but I never got into AGOT nor Netrunners because they have accumulated way too much sets for me to be able to afford and to jump in. Thankfully, the 2nd Edition comes at the right time, and as a fan of the TV show I'm looking forward to this revision and I plan to play it as much as I could find a play group at my local store.

Been away from the boards/game for a while - interesting stuff. Have to voice my first "Ned" type disappointment with the preview though: So Eddard can single handedly take down an army (see strengths in the challenge preview)? Would it really have been that hard to keep all "army" characters a higher strength than unique's? All you have to do is not use the trait, and give the card some other generic name (captain, Knight, commander, champion, man-at-arms).

I know it's not important to most and kind of nit-picky; but, I was really hoping with the change in the strength and gold curves, FFG would improve on this. Those small things can really add to the flavor.

Been away from the boards/game for a while - interesting stuff. Have to voice my first "Ned" type disappointment with the preview though: So Eddard can single handedly take down an army (see strengths in the challenge preview)? Would it really have been that hard to keep all "army" characters a higher strength than unique's? All you have to do is not use the trait, and give the card some other generic name (captain, Knight, commander, champion, man-at-arms).

I look at it this way: ASOIAF is intensely character-driven, with each choice the characters make having tremendous impact on the balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms. It's not as though Eddard is singlehandedly cutting down an army of assailants (indeed, they need not be chosen to satisfy his Military claim). He is, though, an accomplished general and (as Hand of the King) in command of forces far beyond that of a single army. Military challenges need not necessarily be direct clashes on the battlefield. They are sometimes better-expressed as an overall demonstration of one's military strength, especially when the victory goes to the defender, which will often be the case with Eddard.

Edited by MarthWMaster

Been away from the boards/game for a while - interesting stuff. Have to voice my first "Ned" type disappointment with the preview though: So Eddard can single handedly take down an army (see strengths in the challenge preview)? Would it really have been that hard to keep all "army" characters a higher strength than unique's? All you have to do is not use the trait, and give the card some other generic name (captain, Knight, commander, champion, man-at-arms).

I know it's not important to most and kind of nit-picky; but, I was really hoping with the change in the strength and gold curves, FFG would improve on this. Those small things can really add to the flavor.

LOB! It's Littlefinger, how have you been? How about Madkasel?

Edited by w1ndst0rm

don't know about you guys,

but i would love a change in the challenge phase, instead of doing all your challenges one after the other, and the other player just defending,

it would be better if it swapped challenges between the players, that makes the challenge game more strategical, and also if you're the second player you still got a chance to do some serious damage, not only withstand the punishment.

might be only for just mode (1vs.1). because its too straight forward, attack with everything you got hoping the defending player kneels everything he's got so you don't get hit back

if you alternate the challenges during the phase, cards that doesn't kneel to attack or defend still might get compromised in the sake of defending or attacking a very important challenge.

they can even print a card with all the challenges icons and you can count witch one you've already started (even wined) by placing coins or power tokens.

it might sound far-fetched but i think its a good idea