Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM

By TheChampIsHere, in Odds & Ends

Wow that's actually pretty nice, better then those little sticker things u get for preordering!

Luna Diviner 7 said:

Ok, I saw a pic of the "reaction commands". From what I see, I don't think that counts, but whatevs.

Reaction commands are in Riku's duels. It is also in some sleights like Sora's Sonic Rave (press A up to 6 more times) is now a reaction command (press ^ up to 6 times.)

I got it! It's is just what you would suspect, nothing drastically different from the GBA one...but I love the 3D running around...I would reccommend it...also, the cards are mini cards...they are postcards...I imported a different book of KH postacrds a little while back, it has a lot of different ones in it, so it is cool to add them to the collection...

It totally bites, here in Edmonton, every stores shippment of KH Re:COM was delayed till thrusday, and ENTIRE CITYS WORTH LAME, so now i has to wait more, these KH delays are gonna kill me.

75 years from now

Kingdom Hearts 17 delayed, Eroecchi collapes outside his local EBgames store....

Card_Breaker said:

Luna Diviner 7 said:

Ok, I saw a pic of the "reaction commands". From what I see, I don't think that counts, but whatevs.

Reaction commands are in Riku's duels. It is also in some sleights like Sora's Sonic Rave (press A up to 6 more times) is now a reaction command (press ^ up to 6 times.)

That's called button mashing.

And from what Champ said, card breaking with sleights isn't a reaction command, it is simply card breaking with sleights in a given cinematic.

That may not be a reaction command, but there are reaction commands while performing sleights. Like during Goofy Smash, after Goofy hit them, you have to press triangle to hit them up in the air, where Goofy slams them down. If you don't press triangle, the sleight just ends.

TheChampIsHere said:

That may not be a reaction command, but there are reaction commands while performing sleights. Like during Goofy Smash, after Goofy hit them, you have to press triangle to hit them up in the air, where Goofy slams them down. If you don't press triangle, the sleight just ends.

Usually, I just button mash and it works out okay...lawl...

K, so, if I can get my DVD recorder to work, I'll be uploading youtube videos of me playing. I'll most likely do standard mode to give me a challenge...I hope I'm ready for it...

K, so my DVD recorder can't record it... but my VHS machine can... yeah... can really upload something as old as a VHS... I'll try buying a sreen capture later or something... then I'll just take the video on the VHS and put it on my computer...

Don't you mean proud to give you a challenge? I always do all my games on Standard first, because I view it as that was the first way the game was made, then it was made easier and harder. I view as the way it was originally intended, and I always only have one file on my PS2. I'm weird like that, I feel like if I have another file, I'm leaving the other one behind, and alone...I feel bad. This only happens with Kingdom Hearts, don't ask why...

the extra boss is interested. Zexion battle was cool.

all in all not bad.

Strategically, keeping only 1 file is the worst thing you can possibly do. What if you screw yourself over and save? Do you restart or just give up? I honestly don't know anyone that would keep only one file unless they had to. I'm not trying to be rude and bash you guys, it just doesn't make sense from a thoughtful perspective.

And what's with everyone trying to get others to watch them play? That has to be the most boring thing...

I mean, by now, just about everyone has either played this on Final Mix or they at least have a PS2 and can fork over 30 bucks. Again, not trying to be rude. I just don't get it. Can someone fill me in?

Luna Diviner 7 said:

Strategically, keeping only 1 file is the worst thing you can possibly do. What if you screw yourself over and save? Do you restart or just give up? I honestly don't know anyone that would keep only one file unless they had to. I'm not trying to be rude and bash you guys, it just doesn't make sense from a thoughtful perspective.

And what's with everyone trying to get others to watch them play? That has to be the most boring thing...

I mean, by now, just about everyone has either played this on Final Mix or they at least have a PS2 and can fork over 30 bucks. Again, not trying to be rude. I just don't get it. Can someone fill me in?

He has a valid point. I keep 2-3-4 files inbetween two memory cards incase something happens to one.

I would love to fill you in Luna, but I dont know either.

Whoa whoa whoa, someone who agrees with me? That's nearly sig worthy.

Luna Diviner 7 said:

Whoa whoa whoa, someone who agrees with me? That's nearly sig worthy.

Lol, nearly...

I keep only one save file, but I know where you are coming at. In my first file of CoM (not Re: CoM), I sold all my 0 cards because I thought they were useless and they sold for a lot... I never knew they could card break everything... So I lost when facing now I know better... Btw, I had to restart...

Why did you have to restart?

Luna, in case something of that sorts happened, I always save my save file multiple times on 2 different memory cards, what I meant by my last post, was that I couldn't finish the game, and then start a completely new file on Proud or something, but yes, I am aware of something like that happening.

I like to watch people play, because if they every have trouble, it is nice you to know that you can help them...

TheChampIsHere said:

Why did you have to restart?

Luna, in case something of that sorts happened, I always save my save file multiple times on 2 different memory cards, what I meant by my last post, was that I couldn't finish the game, and then start a completely new file on Proud or something, but yes, I am aware of something like that happening.

I like to watch people play, because if they every have trouble, it is nice you to know that you can help them...

I couldn't get zeros no matter how hard I tried...

So I went on youtube and I found Lexaeus, Zexion, Vexen, and Larxene's voices!!!

All are on the spot. Lexaeus has his deep voice, Zexion has his emo voice, Vexen has his evil scientist squeelish laugh, and Larxene has here little giggle.

TheChampIsHere said:

Why did you have to restart?

Luna, in case something of that sorts happened, I always save my save file multiple times on 2 different memory cards, what I meant by my last post, was that I couldn't finish the game, and then start a completely new file on Proud or something, but yes, I am aware of something like that happening.

I like to watch people play, because if they every have trouble, it is nice you to know that you can help them...

I couldn't get zeros no matter how hard I tried...

So I went on youtube and I found Lexaeus, Zexion, Vexen, and Larxene's voices!!!

All are on the spot. Lexaeus has his deep voice, Zexion has his emo voice, Vexen has his evil scientist squeelish laugh, and Larxene has here little giggle.

I heard Larxene's voice, I don't think it fits, honestly, I think it needs to be a little more high-pitched, like in the japanese one. I don't want to listen to anybody elses voice, until I hear them myself...I know I won't be able to wait till Riku's though to hear Lexaus and Zexion...where are you, and what level? I'm want to start Riku's next year, and since Sora's is a little short, I have limited myself to one world a hasn't been working!!!! So I make sure that I gain at least 8 levels per far I just beat Agrabah....I know I'm going slow, but I always get to level 100...and if I don't by the time I get to Marluxia, I won't till after Riku's because I'll want to play his so badly...

TheChampIsHere said:

I heard Larxene's voice, I don't think it fits, honestly, I think it needs to be a little more high-pitched, like in the japanese one. I don't want to listen to anybody elses voice, until I hear them myself...I know I won't be able to wait till Riku's though to hear Lexaus and Zexion...where are you, and what level? I'm want to start Riku's next year, and since Sora's is a little short, I have limited myself to one world a hasn't been working!!!! So I make sure that I gain at least 8 levels per far I just beat Agrabah....I know I'm going slow, but I always get to level 100...and if I don't by the time I get to Marluxia, I won't till after Riku's because I'll want to play his so badly...

I'm only up to Wonderland, FL4 - Sora. Though I am beating Nobody X!

And being overleveled isn't never get a challenge! I'm currently Lv 16... soon 18 but only to get Sonic Blade!

Lv 19... and I'm on the 5th floor. I still have 2 more sleights til Sonic Blade after which I'll get like 4 CP boosts (desperately needed) then max out HP. I'm prolly gonna do so before the 5th floor except the HP part... had a bit of trouble with I should level up...

Me saws that already, don't you have the game?

Also, do you know what the max HP and CP is? Can anybody get both without hacking, and all the sleights you can learn from leveling up?

I don't know exacts but you can only max out 2 of them.

What I do is max out HP and Sleights. CP that is left is clearly enough...more than needed.