Oh well, that just leaves more time to practice on my jokes that aren't up to scratch yet! A shoggoth enters a bar, and... hey where are you guys going?
Arkham Horror Band Names
And the brochure said, "... the club has the most talented comedians and a professional, dedicated and courteous security team..." Now *that's* funny.
Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to sit down and remain silent. Cracking private jokes is not allowed in this fine establishment.
*wanders off mumbling*
Cthulhu and his minions can kiss my ass. I'm not afraid of them anymore. You really want to drive someone insane? Bring them to this club.
Alright folks! The usual presenter is late tonight, apparently the road is flooded between here and... Y'ha-nthlei? At any rate, allow me to present the next show, performed by...
Cthulhu and his Minions! Apparently they will perform an astounding trick and disappear... this can't be right... the entire world?
May I have a round of applause!
I just saw Black Shoggoth. Great group. Ozzy Azif is a great front man.