Arkham Horror Band Names

By Food Eater Lad, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

While in our sixth hour of gaming, we all got a bit silly and started making band names inspired by Arkham Horror. I wish I could remember all of them, but Chthulhu's Dreams mess with you.

So in no order, here are some names for bands inspired by the Arkham Horror Board Game. Feel free to use them for your band, but mention me in your liner notes!

The Black Goats

Dagon and the Deep Ones

The Yellow Kings

Monster Surge

And my favorite, a death speed metal band from Norway DOOM TOKEN.

The DOOM TOKEN is fantastic ;)

As for us, we just named our group "The Arkham Doctors"

"The Dreamlands!"

"Whiskey at Hibb's"

Return It to the Box

The Innsmouth Look

Southside Strangler

Luck (-3)

Couldn't Evade a Chthonian

Fourteen Dice, No Successes

Jenny's Packing Heat

Terror Level 11

Lost in Time and Space

Sorry i am late. I was up late at the Monster Cup show.

Did anyone catch Deputy Dingby on the Tonight Show last night?

Yeah, he opened for the Sheldon Band, right? :D

Oh you were there too? I love their new song "ancient whispers"

I didn't see you because I was lurking in the threshold. I have a bit of a paranoia trait.

Edited by John Bua

Don't forget Nuns With Shotguns.

Ok had to change my list halfway trough because there is already a lot of Mythos themed metal out there:

These are all existing bands:



Unaussprechlichen Kulten


Al Azif


R'lyeh (Devourment)

Cthulhu Rites

Here's my own stuff (along with what type of metal I imagine they would play):

Doom Track (Doom metal )

Elder SIgN ( Black metal )

Unseen Forces ( Death metal )

Sheldon Gang ( nu-metal )

Cursed ( Doom metal )

Azathoth ( Doom Metal )

Midnight Strikes ( Nu-metal )

Devil's Bargain ( Heavy metal )

Red Die (Heavy metal )

Ancient one ( Folk metal)

Did you guys catch Gate Burst on Fallon?

Move on Black was da bomb.

Dimensional Patterns sounds like a cool psychedelic band!

My band - Arkham's Razor

My band - Arkham's Razor

My band - Arkham's Razor

I'm reluctant to admit it, but that's probably better than any I came up with. :)

I'm pretty sure Terror Level 11 beat mine XD

I'm pretty sure Terror Level 11 beat mine XD

TL11 has quite a cool aliteration in it!

Cursed Rites Headlined by Rex Murphy.

We've Got the Look

I Shoggothed your Mom

I Shoggothed your Mom

And suddently I'm afraid to google images for that...

Man, Inner Sanctum rocked the lodge!

Welp, now I definitely have Roxette stuck in my head. Thanks, all.

(That sounds sarcastic, but really, thank you.)

She's got the look, the Innsmouth look

She's got the look, the Innsmouth look

What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn green

and become scabrous, bald, and sprout gills and baleen

and I go

(Other candidates that I couldn't quite make work: "unclean," "marine")

edit: saline

Edited by subochre

Roxette kicks all kinds of ass!

Roxette kicks all kinds of ass!

Indeed. They are also present in EH under the monicker " ass-ette "