That is an excellent point. As you said, Oliver's details are scattered over three, if not all four, pages of this thread. I will compile everything once an opportunity arises, but I am occupied at present.
Edited by AsymptomaticLooking To Start A Game Here
Not a problem, it'll just be useful to have it all in one place for easy reference XD
Core Book
Home World: Voidborn 1
Background: Adeptus Arbites 2
Background Skill : Interrogate
Background Talent : Weapon Training (Shock)
Background Equipment : Shock Maul, Carapace Chestplate, [12 Lho sticks substituted with 12 servings of Recaf]
Background Aptitude : Defence
Role : Sage 3
Role Talent : Ambidextrous
Granted Aptitudes: Defence 2 , Intelligence 1 , Intelligence 3 , Knowledge 3 , Perception 3 , Tech 3 , Willpower 3
Revised Aptitudes: Defence, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Strength , Tech, Willpower
Divination: 05 - Trust in your fear. + 5 to Perception. Pyrophobia-flavoured.
Starting Item Requests: Combat Vest, Laud Hailer, Photo-visor
Starting Experience : 1,000xp
Starting Purchases : SKILLS [1. Commerce (100xp); 2. Logic (100xp); 3. Parry (200xp); 4. Tech-Use (100xp)] @ Known (500xp); TALENTS [unarmed Specialist (450xp)]
Remaining Experience : 50xp
- Weapon Skill : 40
- Ballistic Skill : 25
- Strength : 30
- Toughness : 27
- Agility : 36
- Intelligence : 37
- Perception : 40
- Willpower : 35
- Fellowship : 27
- Influence : 30
- Awareness 1 -
- Ambidextrous - [Role]
- Carapace Chestplate (x1)-
Character Creation Supplement
Build: Spindly (2.10m/75kg)
Age: Youth (22)
Colouration (Skin): Greyish
Colouration (Hair): Red
Colouration (Eyes): Watery Blue
Physical Quirk: Minor Limp
Homeworld Superstition: Welcoming Hatches
Home World Memento: Squeezebox
Background Memento: Bent Key, Old Nameplate
Character Fluff
Currently, he goes by the name "Oliver Yu", a name he prefers over his previous one. The old nameplate bears his birth name "Alice Older". While he is certainly tall, his left leg is noticeably shorter than his right (by a centimeter or two). As Oliver's gait is normally lopsided if he takes long strides, he habitually slouches or pads the sole of his left boot to mask this limp. Most times, he acts the way he looks: aloof and lethargic. His beady blue eyes are more often than not hidden behind tinted glasses or hair. The untamed red mane on his head betrays his otherwise stoic image.
Edited by AsymptomaticMight have overdone it with the sheet, but every obtainable describes its source.
For future reference, the hours I am not available are generally between 0300 and 1200 EST. Outside of that window, I frequently check for new posts even if I cannot provide in-depth replies.
Edited by AsymptomaticUnderstood Asymptomatic. I'm primarily going to be posting in the evenings, as I'm doing now, perhaps a bit later depending on the days schedules. It will take me a bit of time to get used to the schedule of when you all post in order to give everyone the chance to speak before I continue the story.
If at any time any of you feel I'm moving too fast or too slow, please tell me. As I mentioned, I've not GM'd a PBF before, so I may not have a feel for the pace that you all would like set, and I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
I also just want to say that all of you are doing a fantastic job with your posts. PBF are a good time to be a bit more descriptive with your reactions and characters since we have time to read and respond. I really like what you all are doing.
In summary... While Princep Pak was celebrated by the lower masses, he was also an obstacle between the unnamed Intendant and Indomitus Fautor , the Reaver Titan ? Thus, Magos Naveen suspects that the Intendant has something to do with Pak's otherwise untimely death? And Cassidy Talmere, who also stands to inherit Indomitus Fautor , would be one of the first people to question had she not disappeared?
You appear to have it right Asymptomatic.I take that as a plus that I have described it well?
I can / have been posting whenever, I check the site a few times a day unless I'm particularly busy. It takes me a little while to get one out, but that's just trying to find the right words.
I have email alerts, so I just wait for posts then start thinking mine up. Pretty much good to go whenever as I have a pretty eclectic sleeping pattern
Just wanted to make sure the conclusion I drew was correct. I will see about getting an adventure post in before I retire for the night.
Out of curiosity, how "solid" would you rule a grapnel's line is? Will a grapnel line impede other characters' movements if positioned near their bodies? Recycling the grapnel-using Desperado concept, I was wondering if I could shoot two lines around an opponent as a form of area denial. For example, two lines and a wall would form a triangle that serves as a "soft" enclosure, though the opponent inside could take some action to either maneuver or cut the lines. The overall goal is to make the opponent "waste" an action instead of doing what they want to do. As a side effect, maybe lines used in this way could provide a bonus to hit for allies as the opponent dodges more predictably. I am not particularly attached to this idea, though I am curious to how you would address it.
The ropes could definitely be used to clothesline an unsuspecting target. I think, depending on the situation, I would rule that it requires some level of effort on the targets part to escape the trap/triangle. I think I would want to tie the success of the trap to the degrees of success with the BS test that launched them, as an attempt to judge how well placed the lines were. Too close to my head, and they serve no hindrance as I go under them without much effort. Similarly, too close to my feet and I pass right over them without effort. Your degrees of success would likely drive a delay up to a limit, a line would take at most a half action to navigate, and would otherwise reduce movement in that half action.
I don't know about a bonus to hit for allies, as crazy heretics might not take the obvious route, but I would rule you could use the Overwatch action for something like that which would provide the advantage of a Pinning test to a normal attack, regardless of success.
I'm going to hold off on advancing the story in case anyone wants to post tonight. I'll move forward with the next scene tomorrow.
Can you tell me what is in the cavity in the micro-Titan ahead of my post, or will I have to make a test to open it? Didn't want a blank post on the thread with just a question so I thought I'd post it here.
You'll have to test for it...
Okay, what should I test against? Security? Awareness? Sorry, just so I'm not making the wrong roll or wasting space in the thread.
Either of those would be acceptable. When in doubt, make your best guess on a roll, you won't be wasting space. As long as it's justifiable I'll let it go.
Arkio, the whole section of the library is missing, just an image. The shelf is empty. The histories, the shipping logs, the encounter log, and the journal have been taken from the room after the scan was taken, but the pages were ripped from the journal beforehand. Just wanted to clarify that.
Just to clarify, do we literally only have the gear as equipped on our character sheets? Or are we allowed a little artistic license so we do in fact have things like a pen and some paper an such? It'll help to know this stuff for the future, cause we'll need to start thinking about acquiring writing kits, spare dataslates or an auto-quill otherwise.
Just to clarify, do we literally only have the gear as equipped on our character sheets? Or are we allowed a little artistic license so we do in fact have things like a pen and some paper an such? It'll help to know this stuff for the future, cause we'll need to start thinking about acquiring writing kits, spare dataslates or an auto-quill otherwise.
I assumed the former, other than cosmetic clothes and accessories.
As an aside, Jaspar may be able to swing a Perception roll rather than Intelligence for Navigate (Surface). Drawing a map may involve the raw imagination, but accuracy is dependent on how well the cartographer perceived his environment (supported in-game with Perception listed as Navigate's Alternate Characteristic). It may be considered min-maxing (Jaspar's 23 INT vs. 30 PER), but I believe the case is there in this instance.
You all have dataslates, courtesy of your first encounters with the Inquisition, and I'm willing to take some liberty with things that aren't strictly identified in the armoury. Pen and paper do not equate to an auto quill or the like, so you might be able to get away with something like that. However, I would encourage you to first examine your own equipment before asking for a particular item. In this case, you have an auspex and a dataslate...
I may not have been clear with what I was asking for. I am looking to draw a map of the room itself , i.e., the dimensions of the room, distance between pieces of furniture, etc. A blueprint of the room, if you will, compiled from the collective investigations made by the three Acolytes-to-be. In the technology-inclined environment Oliver & Company ( not the movie ) find themselves in, their dataslates certainly run the risk of being confiscated. Foldable pieces of paper are more concealable, as well as easier to encrypt.
The blueprint itself can certainly be created, with the details you are suggesting, from the auspex and the dataslate. Creating the same detail on a piece of paper is significantly more difficult. That may require a more rigorous test as, despite our best efforts and tons of time, we are not all capable of drafting such things in fine detail. Now, as for a foldable piece of paper, which I would wager is as susceptible to confiscation as your dataslate, though perhaps not as susceptible to digital incursions, you can comfortably assume you can scrounge a piece of paper and something to write with without an acquisitions test.
A rough sketch will suffice, as it would simply supplement, rather than replace, the higher-tech auspex readings. I like to think of the sketch as a form of visual shortcut, such that the characters can more quickly recreate the room in their mind's eye. However, as a complete sketch of the Princep's room would be suspicious, I propose to "break" the basic drawing across several sheets of paper or handkerchiefs. For example, the capital letter "E" can be broken into one long vertical stroke and three shorter horizontal strokes, yes? Apply the same principle to the simplified room layout, with a few "dummy" sheets thrown in. Each party member would carry a combination of real and dummy sheets. That way, only those who are aware of what the final product should look like (and which puzzle pieces are red herrings) can determine the significance behind the seemingly random scribblings. Or so my thinking goes. It may be an unnecessary measure for an unlikely situation, but Oliver places extra importance on backup plans.
A little off topic considering the conversation you guys have been having, but I thought I'd stick it out there, but I've noticed quite a bit of attention from the other forum users, provided a good point at which to jump in, could we consider another player for the story? If someone is willing to create a character from the planet we are on, or has a good reason for being where ever we are at the time, another player might be good
just a thought
I'm open to that, though to fit there would likely need to be some character restrictions.
Well any player worth his character sheet will be willing to play with some restrictions, I.E: must choose Forge World Rhodin IV as home world, or must take Ad Mech as background or some such. Obviously they would need to converse with you quite a bit before they joined in, but if Ting and Asym are okay with it, and we can find a player, I'm up for and okay with this XD