Player positions have been fulfilled at this time, but please check back as additional spots may open in the future.
Hello all. I'll start by saying I would like to get a game going here, since FF has been so kind as to provide a spot for us to do just that. Frosty71 proved it is possible, and seemed to stir up some interest, but noone else has capitalized on it. I thought I might see if I could get a regular thing going, provided enough people are willing.
About me, I'm an avid fan of the 40K universe. I run a Black Crusade game that has done quite well, and I've tried my hand at Only War using the Siege of Vraks as a setting, which met with much excitement (and many executions by the comissariat) before fading out due to schedule conflicts. I own the cores of all the 40K RPGs, and the complete Black Crusade line. I've also partipated as a player in a DH 2.0 PBF over at rpggeek where we ran the intro scenario found in the DH 2.0 core. I'm a very thorough, detail oriented GM, and I try very hard to establish the setting. This can sometimes mean I am long winded, but I will endeavor to keep that to a tolerable level. I am also very open to critiques, as more than anything I would like to provide an entertaining game.
All that said, I understand that PBF is not for everyone. I found my experience with it to be a mostly positive one, but it certainly has its drawbacks. I'm looking for at least 3 players, no more than 5, who are willing to give it a go with me. I have not run a PBF before, so I will not promise the world, but I will promise to try my very best to make it good.
My intent would be to run an adventure of my own design, as I'm sure many people are familiar with Dark Pursuits by now. If you're interested, please post here. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Edited by jjjetplane209