Soooo what else do ya all play?

By Gadge, in X-Wing Off-Topic

And we just ordered Imperial Assault because it was about 40% off, so that was a no-brainer.

Ooooh everything in the top pic I like! (and have except for takenoko, and replace legendary with dice masters)

Dagonet, have you seen what the next smash up expansion is gonna be about? :)

Edited by Robin Graves


Haven't heard about it either, even though I slavishly listen to The Dice Tower podcast and watch a bunch of channels on youtube.

Oh you'll love it...


A lot of games. More recently, I picked up everything for Firefly The Game.

Oh you'll love it...



I forgot but was just reminded that we've also got Dead of Winter on order.

Mtg is my primary game alongside x-wing right now. I love how transparent the designers and developers are with how they design the game, and I love how affordable it is for someone like me who doesn't have a lot of time or money to dedicate. Anyone who claims it costs hundreds of dollars to play Magic don't know what they're talking about, any decent Friday Night Magic tournament will have a draft tourney that you can play in for $15 or less without owning any cards, and you will win if you know what you are doing.

Started my grown up gaming with yugioh in 2010, then got into Magic in 2011 with Innistrad after I realized yugioh was just a cash grab merry go round of secret rares, reprints and bannings.

Tried 40k in early 2013 I think, right after 6th edition released. I knew I wanted a game with more of a spacial component that felt more like an actual military battle. After playing for about 5 months I realized 40k was not the game for me. I still couldn't play a game for longer than 10 minutes without having to look something up in the rule book because of all the tables and hidden stats and all the extra unneccessary rules meant to make the game feel more cinematic. I also hated paying so much money for plastic pieces and then having to spend hours assembling them and painting them myself like a sweatshop laborer. No thank you.

The X-Wing found its way into our game store, which mostly focused on CCGs but our owner loved star wars and liked how small the game was (Wave 2) I took one home to demo it so I could explain to customers, and I was hooked. Simple streamlined rules that were easy to remember and created cinematic gameplay, in-game strategy being just as important as list building, affordable expansions that were playable out of the box. Yes. This was the game for me.

Edited by Tvboy

Battletech and Bolt Action.

My first MWG was Axis & Allies Miniatures, way back in 2005. From there, I got into the Naval Miniatures variant, and then was drafted into 40k in College.

The earlier ones fell by the wayside (40k well after college), so I was mostly into electronic gaming until X-Wing popped up. Now, that and the Naval Minis are my Games of Choice, though I hardly ever get to play either with anybody.

I also made my own Zoids RPG, and have been running a campaign for almost three years.

At the moment, the miniatures games I'm playing are X-Wing and Infinity, with Armada on pre-order. For card games, I currently play the My Little Pony and Vanguard CCGs.

At the moment, the miniatures games I'm playing are X-Wing and Infinity, with Armada on pre-order. For card games, I currently play the My Little Pony and Vanguard CCGs.

/)^ ε ^(\ So AWESOME!

X-wing was my gateway drug. Still the main game I play. But my wife and I casually play games with friends often. It all kind of started with Settlers of Catan, and from there we got into Smallworld, Ticket to Ride, Agricola, Memoir '44, A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, and 7 Wonders. For Christmas we got Eldritch Horror (along with Mountains of Madness) and we LOVE it.

We also got the LOTR LCG and Imperial Assault this past week, but we haven't stopped playing Eldritch Horror to try those out.

Edited by Jfitz1431

squad leader/Richthofen's war/starfleet battles/Airwar/axis and allies/ pretty much any war game. Not into the open ended games that never end or the ones that require a DM or require you to constantly collect Constantly collecting cool miniatures that's different...

Edited by Swedge



Hey Swedge! how about DROPZONE COMMANDER?

You know what, drop zone looks so cool, and usually cheap over at MM... this terrain though, EPIC and time consuming.

Yeah they really went all out for the pictures in the rulebook:



But they also have modular terain.

Resin or just simple cradboard:


Guess this will do nicely


The new iMech from Apple.


But they also have modular terain.

Resin or just simple cradboard:


Guess this will do nicely

I was looking at some of this stuff to use with Robotech RPG Tactics, the scale is off though. 10mm scale and Robotech RPG is 6mm epic scale. Most of the images like this that I have seen, seem to hardly notice the difference in scale.


Edited by LordCole

never heard of drop zone but i did play some kind of modern warfare game that had miniature tanks/ planes etc. used a deck of playing cards for damage but forgot how it worked.

I started with RPGs in the 80s with Champions and eventually GURPS, as well as board games like Star Fleet Battles and Squad Leader. Never really got into D&D

My next move was into CCGs with Decipher's Star Wars and Star Trek as well as INWO. Never got into Magic myself.

I eventually got into miniature gaming through Heroclix, liking the preprinted nature but not the rarity levels. Moved into LOTR and 40k liking the "buy what you need" nature and the customizing, and just struggling with the actual painting. This moved into FOW and Hail Caesar and SAGA and Bolt Action, I'm more of a historical gamer I've discovered.

Then I found X-wing, loved the non-collectible nature coupled with fairly nice looking miniatures, and the prospect of pushing plastic spaceships around while making "pew pew" sounds had me. My local gaming area started transitioning into STAW, but the look of the ships, the ships and cards you couldn't get without turning to EBAY, the ridiculous power combos and mixing of empires really has quieted down my zeal for that game.

Currently, I have a small gaming group I get together with "not often enough" for board gaming and X-wing and the eternal threat of exposing who is a Cylon. I just finished up the six month WoL tourney for Heroclix which was my most consistent gaming experience of 2014, I can never really stray too far from my comic book roots.



Hey Swedge! how about DROPZONE COMMANDER?

That looks amazing!

Glad you like it. looks like GW has one more thing to worry about.

Anyone else here play/used to play Babylon 5 or Star trek A Call to Arms (from Mongoose Publishing)?

Glad you like it. looks like GW has one more thing to worry about.

I suspect that GW will fail to worry about any of these games until it's too late for them. It's a shame really, as I did enjoy the days when it was a gaming company run by gamers rather than beancounters.

I currently do WWII using FOW, previously used Battlefront WWII, Blitzkrieg Commander and Battleground: WWII. Am looking at Bolt Action for skirmish level and see that in my future.

I use DBA: de bellis antiquitatis, and Field of Glory for acient warfare.

I've recently dove into Ronin for skirmish level 28mm Samurai!

I also have Wings of Glory, but haven't gotten into it much because of XWing!

I'm looking for an ideal skirmish ruleset for French and Indian War as well, but haven't been happy with what Ive found so far!