Soooo what else do ya all play?

By Gadge, in X-Wing Off-Topic

I dont think i've played a tabletop game other than xwing for six months but i am a really keen gamer with a good group of mates.

For the last few years we've been tabletop RPGing both FFGs Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader systems ( i play a adeptus mechanicus dude in the RT game we have). I'm dead lucky in that i play in a group with a lot of the games writers so the stories and atmosphere tends to be epic.

I also absolutely adore DungeonQuest... right back from the days when it was done by GW

I still play 40k, i know there are a lot of 40k refugees here! But i play the old 1980s version with a GM as more of an RPG skirmish and occasionally necromunda.

Recently i ran a really retro 'red box' 1970s edition D&D campaign which was a hoot as well.

Outside of sci fi and fantasy i really like WWII gaming and tend to play 'operation wwii' which were a great set of rules by an italian guy but didnt take off. FOW seems really popular but i've *armies* worth of 20mm painted stuff and boxs of scenery and cant face changing scale.

So what do you all play whn you're not piloting snubfighters :?

I got back into tabletop miniatures solely because of X-WING. Now I am doing my upscaled version of Attack Wing too.


Same rules bigger models for attack wing?

I'm largely in the same boat. I'd been RPGing but gotten bored of painting models. I had a 1980s 3000 point skaven army sitting on my painting table for six months that i couldnt face painting.

I was in my FLGS and i saw how good the pre paints were, knew my regular gaming guy Andy (who runs our RPG campaign) played xwing and thought 'i'll buy two A wings to join in'.... then i got a core set... and you know the rest.

Wow that sounds like an AA meeting introduction.

'Hi my names Gadge and i started 'winging' in 2014... i was feeling kind of low at the time... ' etc

But i loved it, i love the fact i can repaint if i want to, i love the fact i dont need to.

I love how going to a mates for a game means taking a mobile phone box with some padding and four ships... not four packing crates full of tanks and imperial guard.

I love how setting up for a game takes 20mins , not all evening.

Most of all i love how a 'viable force' can cost you £50 in the uk. You cant get a unit for warhammer thats usable let alone an army for that!

I know what you mean. I used to be a game store assistant manger, and I was that miniatures expert guy. I played, painted, and sold the hell out of 40K and WH for years, until I began to hate GW, as they kept on becoming bigger asses.


FFG rocks it right.


I have so much faith in FFG, i love how they are snapping up all the 'good old stuff' from GW and making it better.

When i left GW after working in uk studio doing events, i left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. They were pretty good to worrk for and treated me very well... i'd just got sick of seeing warhammer stuff.

In fact *EVERYONE* did, we were all playing WWII games at lunch or in the evenings as when you're doing it day in day out for five years your hobby becomes a chore and you need the break.

At one point an 'all at lenton' memo went out telling us all to take the T34s and panzer tanks off our desks and out of the cabinets as it 'looked bad' when people were given tours that we were all playing other games.

Personally i thought it looked 'healthy' and that we all had a knowledge of a wider gaming world.

Allessio Cavatore and I played Battletech at lunch a few times and that really annoyed a few higher ups. :)

When i left GW i sold *everything* i owned. I'd aquited loads of rare unreleaed stuff, studio scenery (rescued from rubbish skips) , lifesize props like plasma guns and marine helmets and even some prototype playtest models like the 'orgus flyer' from rogue trader and the dark eldar prototypes.

Sold it all to mad keen collectors and didnt need to work for about six months. Sort of regret selling the rogue trader stuff now.

But i wouldnt play a GW game for years. Then Andy who one of my best mates left the studio and he felt the same so we went back to playing the version we played when we were kids (original rogue trader) and started up a blog about old school gaming.

Slowly the passion is coming back for GW stuff. I play 3rd edition warhammer and rogue trader, i play all the old RPGS and box set games from the 80s (dungeonquest, talisman, chainsaw warrior, curse of the mummys tomb etc) but Andy moved back to Forge World lately and they are doing some well cool stuff so i'm slowly building up a horus heresy army but onlyusing pre 1990 bits and models i'm getting off ebay as i want a retro look!

Yeah I sold 95% of my GW stuff. I am not going back to it. It has been ten nice years of peace.


I've been a long term addict gamer for more years than I care to remember. I got started with World War II 1/72nd scale and had quite a good collection when I was introduced to micro armour (1/300th scale). After building up a sizeable German army, most of the guys started heading towards modern and I got left behind, so I kicked into modern. That was about 30 years ago.

Had a look at 40K, but never really got into it. When GW came along with Space Marine, I dived into that and now have around 2,000 models covering 5 different armies, including units from 9 different Space Marine chapters. I played Space Marine, Titan Legions, Epic 40,000 (which was naff), and Epic Armageddon (which I find is really good). I haven't had a game for about a year or so, but still enjoy it.

Some of the guys I game with have tried all sorts of aerial combat games for World War I & II, Korea, Vietnam and modern. Immense fun, every one them. I've got some bits for a Roman gladiator combat game which is a great beer and pretzels game for a Friday night.

My main passion is 20th century gaming. I've spent the last twenty years or so developing a set of rules for World War II Naval Fleet action gaming that has been hugely enjoyable, and proved quite popular at our local wargames club. I've had a passion for Vietnam gaming but couldn't find a set of rules I liked, so once again I wrote my own. Still a work in progress, but it has proved popular for a change of pace at the club. I've been a Star Trek fan for ages and wanted a fast playing fleet type game, so I wrote a set of rules I called The Dominion War which is also still a work in progress. My latest design work has been on a Cold War skirmish set of rules set around 1988-89. A friend of mine has authored the Skirmish Sangin rules for skirmish gaming in Afghanistan and he's got me hooked on that now as well.

I've got about 6 Blood Bowl teams, a Battlefleet Gothic Imperial Fleet and an Eldar fleet, original AD&D RPG with most of the add-on books from around that period, Judge Dredd RPG, and the first West End Games Star Wars RPG . I don't do any roleplaying anymore, but used to love it when I did. Always a good laugh and a lot of fun.

I've found you can have a lot of stuff, but it's the guys you game with that bring it all to life and X-Wing is no different.

Edited by Parravon

I'm really into writing my own rulesets too. Luckily my mates are happy to play them.

I was really annoyed once when wargames illustrated commissioned me to write a vietnam skirmish system, paid me for it, supplied the models, i wrote it... then it was never publishd because the owning concern (battelfront/flames of war) had decided to do a 'vietnam' supplement and didnt want two sets of nam rules

Personally i thought that was frankly bonkers to make a 15mm mass tank battle game for vietnam :)

My system was up to a platoon a side but more about patrol clashes and SF ops

Mine is along the same lines as well. Skirmish gaming with individual figures. One of the things I love to do is campaign over several missions, so every set of rules I've written include some kind of ongoing campaign option. It actually makes it quite interesting trying to write a set with the ongoing campaign option in mind.

I looked at FoW Vietnam, and thought "no". It just didn't seem to fit properly.

Thirty-two years of gaming turned into slag due to a partial house fire while I was out on the road, Girlfriendclaus started talking me into getting back into the hobby, FFG and the prepainted X-Wings sealed the deal.

I dont think i've played a tabletop game other than xwing for six months but i am a really keen gamer with a good group of mates.

For the last few years we've been tabletop RPGing both FFGs Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader systems ( i play a adeptus mechanicus dude in the RT game we have). I'm dead lucky in that i play in a group with a lot of the games writers so the stories and atmosphere tends to be epic.

I also absolutely adore DungeonQuest... right back from the days when it was done by GW

I still play 40k, i know there are a lot of 40k refugees here! But i play the old 1980s version with a GM as more of an RPG skirmish and occasionally necromunda.

Recently i ran a really retro 'red box' 1970s edition D&D campaign which was a hoot as well.

Outside of sci fi and fantasy i really like WWII gaming and tend to play 'operation wwii' which were a great set of rules by an italian guy but didnt take off. FOW seems really popular but i've *armies* worth of 20mm painted stuff and boxs of scenery and cant face changing scale.

So what do you all play whn you're not piloting snubfighters :?

How about Talisman? that was once done by GW to. Kinda liked that one's (Wayne Englands'?) artwork better.

I am waiting til after Christmas, but looking at Robotech RPG tatics, 6mm epic scale, some printable terrain and all my local Brothers.

I love talisman but it can just take ages to play.

Arkham Horror is the same, awesome game but set up takes ages and a game takes about four hours.

I also love xwing because you can easily do a 100 point stock game in an hour.

Thirty-two years of gaming turned into slag due to a partial house fire while I was out on the road, Girlfriendclaus started talking me into getting back into the hobby, FFG and the prepainted X-Wings sealed the deal.

I feel for you, dude. A house fire is one of my biggest fears. I don't give a rat's behind if the lounge suite, or the home theatre, or the kitchen got burnt to a crisp. I don't care about the bed (unless I'm in it at the time). But if my gaming room got caught in a fire, it's 30+ years of games, models, and research material just gone.

Waaaaaaaaaaaay to much card games for starters.

Magic the gathering I picked it up around the time of revised/ Fallen empires and I'll probably keep going 'till one of us collapeses; WOTC or me.

WoW TCG untill blizzard pulled the plug and i joined the Red lantern Corps in a fit of rage.

Lcg stuff: CoC, Warhammer inv, A netrunner, 40C . I got out of LOTR and never really into aGoT.

Dice games: Quarriors/ dice masters . If it's made by wizkids/designed by Eric m. lang I gotta have it. I'm seriouslt thinking i have a fetish/addiction for brightly coloured plastic cubes with odd glyphs on them.

King of NY/Tokio: You play a giant monster and you don't get along with other giant monsters. awesome!

Other boardgames such a s betrayal on house on the hill, kaosball, tokaido, talisman (when we get around to it) and other stuff such as BANG (dice game) and Smash up.

I think I managed to dodge that bullet. The CCG never appealed to me, and when I found out how much some guys had spent on their "decks" I was quite happy I never got into it. I'm a figure gamer from way back. You've got to have figures to move and/or dice to roll. It's the only way to wargame. :)

i started as a war gamer as well.

Russian/Eastern front, Stalingrad, Squad Leader, Axis and Allies, On to Berlin, Kriegsmariner, so on and so forth. Went from that to Magic when i wanted something easier and quicker to play, and stayed on that until i found warhammer 40,000, which i started playing in the very end of Rogue Trader (color me cobalt! if anyone gets the reference). played warhammer for a long time off an on, until GW just became so far out of touch with what the players wanted with the game that i gave it up, sold out of it and bought a bunch of Warmachine stuff, and loving the hell out of that game.

I picked up X-Wing, because a very close friend of mine really wanted to play, and he and i dont get to do a lot of things together, so i bought in so we could play...i haven't looked back. While warmachine is my first love, FFG certainly made my second.

my other hobbies are reading and shooting. I've been reloading for years now, own several handguns, rifles and shotguns. Love Ed Brown and STI, i think they make the best guns on the planet. carry a glock 27 every day. Love older stuff too, own an M-1 Garand, M-1a (M14), 06 Springfield, KAR 98k, Gewer 42, M91 Mossin Nagant, 7.7MM Arisaka, Luger P-08, Walther P38, so on and so forth.

Also love music, and video games. Im really digging the Master Chief collection, and hope they do more and finally get that **** beta out on XBL.

thats me.

Ah , i used to enjoy shooting.

Since i left the army though all i can shoot in the UK is BB guns.

I dont want one for 'home defence' or any of that stuff i just used to like target shooting and the occasional bit of rabbit hunting/shooting (i dont even have an air rifle anymore but my family are *very* into air rifles and my uncle and my cousins were quite good in the competetive scenes in the uk for a while if i recall)

I've never got into CCG games either.

I tried three times with magic. Its ok, just never hooked me, i think i just like models too much.

Likewise i bought a lot of the battletech ccg when it came out but it wasnt a great game.

I tried the warhammer universe one too but didnt like it, it was one where you had a card board to play around, cant remember the name

I've been buying stuff since about 1988...

Five full metal Terminator Squads for Space Hulk. For Rouge Trade... Genestealer Covern, Eldar Army and Squats. For Warhammer third edition... Nurgle, Khorne, Orc and Goblin, High Elves and Skaven armies. At least four Space Marine armies for 40k (third edition?) as well as an Ork Evil Sunz army. Oh and a Death Guard army. For Confrontation (the French one!) Ophidians and Dirz. At least three armies for AT-43. A large Imperial fleet for Battlefleet Gothic. Large Imperial army for Epic/Space Marine/Adeptus Titanicus. Large Ork army for same. Large British Para force for AE-WWII type games. And Japanese force too. British Socialist militia for 'A Very British Civil War'. Redemptionist gang for Necromunda. Oh, and Scavvies. Orc, Goblins, Chaos, Chaos Pact, Underworld, Skaven, Vampire, Human, Slann, Nurgle and Halfling teams for Blood Bowl.

Now for the worst bit. Since 1988 I've played one game of 40k, one game of Confrontation and about three seasons of Blood Bowl (about 20 games) and a couple of (Blood Bowl) tournaments.

X-Wing was my gateway into tabletop gaming. I've discovered many different board and cards games since then.

Some of my favorites:




Imperial Assault

Also really like:

Summoner Wars



Twilight Imperium

X-Wings is the only miniatures game that I play. I do own some Warmachine minis and some Warhammer but those were gifted to me with the hopes that I would jump into them but work and school don't really allow me the time to paint minis.

There is a growing Mage Wars crowd in my town and I think I am going to start playing that a little more. My normal gaming group likes to play things like Pandemic, Risk, the Resistance, King of Tokyo, and Betrayal at the House on the Hill.

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I didn't really know there were so many great board games until recently. I stumbled across X-Wing on tabletop while searching for some old X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter youtube videos.

I've now added X-Wing, Wrath of Ashardalon, Pandemic, Blood Bowl Team Manager, Death Angel, King of Tokyo, and Castle Panic to my collection. My family usually plays at least 3 board games a week.

And under the tree?

Castle Ravenloft, Legend of Drizzt, and Imperial Assault. It's going to be a good year :)

Has anybody here played RISK Legacy?

Has anybody here played RISK Legacy?

Not yet. Don't you sort of "customize" your game as you go, as in permanently altering your version?

Yes, with stickers and by writing the victor's name(s) on the board. But my friend found a way around it: photocopy the stickers, cut them out and then use Blu-tack to stick them in place. that way you can re-use the baord.

And unlike ordinary RISK you each play with a diffrent faction, that you can level up.


Half the fun of the game is naming your cities and the continents. Especially if your friends aren't into My little pony; friendship is magic, and you name your first city "Equestria". And your friends than fail game after game to capture/destroy it (I upgraded it with a bunker complex +1 on highest def dice)

Edited by Robin Graves