Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

I'm a bit dissapointed in the artwork, I was expecting something different from a card named "Slaanesh's Temptation".

Something involving daemonettes and fanservice ;)

I really like Slaanesh's Temptation. Looks like a solid card in the early game to mid game ans worst case, it has 2 shields.

Doom Siren might the beginning of a new theme for Chaos if support for that theme shows up by the end of cycle #2.

Ancient Keeper of Secrets bothers me. It's a 7 cost. Still playable with Chaos for sure. The 3 command icons are nice and the effect is awesome, but the biggest flaw is the 5HP only. You can have the best ability ever, but a dead unit doesn't do much.

Oooohohohoh Doom Siren! \m/ RAWK!

To bad you can really do it only once...

Lets hope that chaos gets a real good AE unit sometime soon.

Slaanesh's Temptation is a good card, but sadly the other two cards aren't. Doom Siren seems to be designed with future Chaos cards in mind, not the current cycle.

Yeah it really gets you thinking. Perhaps this is a set up for a new Slaanesh Warlord aswell. One that runes Noise Marines with AoE (?) who perhaps can generate some form of Cultists by itself.

I do agree with the above however.

I feel out of the 3 Slaanesh's Temptation is the best, mainly because of it's Shield Icons but it can also help out during the mid stage of the game, where you for example have won the first planet with "Rush" Chaos and only need the 3rd to seal the deal.

Doom Siren currently is useless, but again maby we'll see more Noise Marines.

Ancient Keeper of Secrets is too expensive, which it was costed 6, I could see it being played a bit easier then.

So again ideally we'd see a Slaanesh Warlord who can create Cultists and has a signature unit with some AoE, however that will be in the future...

Well, we do have Xavaes Split-Tongue, who is Slaaneshi and can generate cultists, though he would have to be in play and in a position to do so. At least, he's a start.

Edited by Titan

If Slaanesh is synonym with "generating cultists", i'm in!!

I like Zarathur's playstyle with his direct and indirect damage with damage boost from his power.

I don't like Ku'gath's playstyle. I was never a fan of DoT and Pestilence effect and that is what this warlord reminds me.

I like playing big fatties and if a Slaanesh warlord brings that to the table, count me in for sure!

Well if I was a betting man Id say Slaanesh would be more about sacrificing for gains, this is also seen at the Attachment and Throne and yes also Cultist tokens. However I dont think Slaanesh should be all about Cultists. But more like a reversed Eldar/Dark Eldar approach.

A Cost 3 0/2 1 CMD AoE 2 signature squad could be made.

A Event that allows for Slaanesh units to return could also be made at the cost of sacrificing another unit.

An Attachment/Support that would further "leech" would also feel very much like something 'eternal'.

Now if Lucius would have the same Cato stats but would create Cultists upon own unit destruction I think we have a match.

Another spoiler! I love it.


Wait that's an astra millitarum card- why does it have blood angels in the artwork?

I love how it works, and very cheap to put two units (one temporarily, one permanently) out of action...

Still not sure how that works thematically tough:

Inquisitor: "The emperor compels you!"

Eldar gaudrian: "Euh...no?"

Inquisitor: "yes he does, now shoot your allies!"

Eldar: "Okay." *shoots farseer*

Edited by Robin Graves

Wait that's an astra millitarum card- why does it have blood angels in the artwork?

I love how it works, and very cheap to put two units (one temporarily, one permanently) out of action...

Still not sure how that works thematically tough:

Inquisitor: "The emperor compels you!"

Eldar gaudrian: "Euh...no?"

Inquisitor: "yes he does, now shoot your allies!"

Eldar: "Okay." *shoots farseer*

Yeah the art on this card also got me confused.

Now it's important to remember that despite it being quite good it's also not uncommon for an enemy Warlord to show up at the busiest planet and as such it's abilities are a bit more limited.

However during the mid to lategame it is indeed a great way to get a unit exhausted and punch his own Pirates/Traders to death. All in all not bad at all, in special against SM and Eldar this should work out in quite some scenario's.

Blood Angels gonna slap their Librarian because Coteaz said so.

I would really love to see Lucius as the slaaneshi warlord. If not him, at least someone from the Emperor's Children. It's high time we had some of them in the game.

I would really love to see Lucius as the slaaneshi warlord. If not him, at least someone from the Emperor's Children. It's high time we had some of them in the game.

Well Id rather see Lucius as Fabius Bile as Urien and Fabius Bile both kinda fill that crazy scientist role in 40K.

Yeah. Fabius is also not all that slaaneshi anymore. He's sort of strayed away from that path and just concentrated on his experiments.

Another spoiler! I love it.


I gotta say that this is one of the most powerful cards that I have come across that is simple to use and highly effective. Just my thoughts here. (not that AM can't use it)

It sure is powerfull however Im also more inclined to say so because of its 2 Shields.

Because there are a couple of factors that need to be taken into consideration.

1. The card looks for a planet that contains a unit, two if you want damage to be dealth (and yeah you want that).

However at the same time:

2. The card looks for a planet that does not contain an enemy Warlord.

(3. The damage must be dealth to another target unit.)

So my "issue" with this is that in my experience we more often see a Warlord getting deployed at a planet that contains a large number of units (making this card not that hard to play around) and other than that, despite cool optional combo's I'd say it's more likely that during the later stages of the game this card will be functional at removing a 0-1-2 drop with a 3 drop that also is on the same planet (again this is often more the case during the very late stages of the game).

So all in all it's powerfull but no Drop Pod Assault or Gift of Isha. Nontheless I do really like it, please do not get me wrong.

I would really love to see Lucius as the slaaneshi warlord. If not him, at least someone from the Emperor's Children. It's high time we had some of them in the game.

Is Fulgrim still alive as primarch of the Emperor's Children? If yes, would it be too powerful to have a primarch as a warlord?

Personally, I'd love to see Warmaster Abaddon as a warlord for Chaos Undivided!

I doubt we will see the Primarchs but Abaddon is a must surely?

Fulgrim is still alive, yes. He, along with all the surviving traitor primarchs has become a daemon prince of Chaos. However, they are not involved and perhaps not even concerned with their legions anymore and are almost never seen. It is doubtful they would be seen in the game due to that reason and the fact that they would be immensely powerful.

I mean, in the two glimpses I've seen, Magnus walked through the massed fire of a half dozen Space Wolves dreadnoughts, several squads, including Long Fangs and Wolfguards and mortal heavy weapon emplacements, as a "man pushing through fields of corn". In another battle, Angron was the size of a Warhound titan and it took 100 Grey knights just to temporarily banish him into the warp. Their power would be off the scale.

Edited by Titan

Maybe we'll one day see a warhammer 30.000 Conquest, spinoff, set in the Horus Heresy...

I don't know if their power would be off the scale as Zarathur looks like a Daemon prince to me. There is always a way to do something, but FFG might have greater plans for those primarchs.

On the other hand, we might see the primarchs of the loyal Space Marines made like Guilliman and as much as I'd like to see The Emperor made, that might not happen.

Ku'gath is a Great Unclean One which is the equivalent of a primarch if we consider the Chaos Gods the equivalent of the Emperor and they made Ku'gath as a warlord, so anything is possible! :P

Edited by timezero

Maybe we'll one day see a warhammer 30.000 Conquest, spinoff, set in the Horus Heresy...

I've always thought that HH could be made into a LOTR style solo/co-op game with a choice to play either loyalist or traitor.

On the other hand, we might see the primarchs of the loyal Space Marines made like Guilliman and as much as I'd like to see The Emperor made, that might not happen.

Ku'gath is a Great Unclean One which is the equivalent of a primarch if we consider the Chaos Gods the equivalent of the Emperor and they made Ku'gath as a warlord, so anything is possible! :P

The Emperor was made as a promo card in the old HH card game. I still have it. Having said that, I agree it is unlikely we will see him here. Maybe a card called The Golden Throne or Imperial Throne Room could be made, though.

The loyalist primarchs are even more unlikely, as they are almost all either dead or missing in action, their fates unknown. The only exception is Guilliman, who is kept in stasis after receiving a mortal wound, but it is unlikely he will ever recover.

As for Ku'gath, he is powerful, but not nearly as powerful as the fluff makes the daemon prince/primarchs out to be. They are pretty much the most powerful Chaos beings besides the gods themselves.

Maybe we'll one day see a warhammer 30.000 Conquest, spinoff, set in the Horus Heresy...

That would cause an earthquake in the 40K gaming world.

I say this with all sincerity.