Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Mmmmmm Purple.

Yeah Not a big fan of Slake the thirst. Shadow field is great against token decks (And i'm predicting that's viable strategy for 'nids) Kabalite halfborn should have had a command icon.

What's the point of slake the thirst if they draw right back up? Use bounce effects and then hope you hit what you bounced? I can't think of any good triggers off of opponent's discards. I would think new cards for the opponent would be better on average considering the cards left in hand are the cards which she was unable/unwilling to play during deployment. Maybe if you wanted to counter search effects? I don't see how it's worth using.

Mmmmmm Purple.

Yeah Not a big fan of Slake the thirst. Shadow field is great against token decks (And i'm predicting that's viable strategy for 'nids) Kabalite halfborn should have had a command icon.

The downside is that it doesn't work against Tokens because it says Army units.

However, the thing that makes it better as Suffering is that it does protect you from relevant high ATK Warlord Groupies and Warlock Destructor. In many cases however, it will still be used for it's Shields.

I can't think of any good triggers off of opponent's discards. I don't see how it's worth using.


And milling (mostly versus strong card draw thus Eldar and Tau and decks who use Ammo Depot):


Cards in hand often are key cards however, often a bit to expensive to deploy or Events like Drop Pod Assault and Warp Storm.

Not saying the card is great by any means, but I do understand why it was designed this way.

- Starting with 43 cards in deck is usually the case after the initial draw.

- Opponents on avarage will draw 2-4 cards from their deck each turn and not put out to much pressure so Urien can't handle it.

- The Support allows for milling.

- Turn 7 this could mean a potential 28 cards are gone by drawing and an additional 7-12 when a multitude of milling Supports are included....

This can lead to a strategy where you force your opponents to skip income or mill themselves eventually quite easily...

Not a potentially strong option. But an option for sure.

Edited by Killax

D'oh! forgot token units don't count as army units. Sigh: why do we have 3 types of units? Ok warlord units i get but tokens should count as army units. Same with 3 different things that move units, but aren't the same. yeah yeah I know it's what makes Conquest Conquest. (That and sticking tank upgrades on aircraft! :D )

D'oh! forgot token units don't count as army units. Sigh: why do we have 3 types of units? Ok warlord units i get but tokens should count as army units. Same with 3 different things that move units, but aren't the same. yeah yeah I know it's what makes Conquest Conquest. (That and sticking tank upgrades on aircraft! :D )

I know what you mean I get a lot of "if I would of designed this game game moments too."

Also the downside of playing multiple CCG/LCGs. You tend to forget wich game you are playing and then realise things work a bit diffrently then you tought.

Soul Seizure seems like the best synergy, but then again, Soul Seizure doesn't seem very good in the first place.

Soul Seizure seems like the best synergy, but then again, Soul Seizure doesn't seem very good in the first place.

Agreed with Kith in the context Urien so far seems inferior. With the recent DE spoilers it is also sort of confirmed that Urien will not be likely to replace Kith as the favourite Warlord.

Now, IF Urien had his signature unit 4x instead of 2x, I do think we could have seen much more potential from him. As it is however he has a sort of focus on Events that are not incredible my any means.

A deck for him in the near future does not look bad but does look inferior to Kith's.

New Eldar Audio spoiler:


Spoiler starts at 1h34m

My thake on the cards:

- Wraith Knight seems like another Battlesuit, good but not incredible. Having said that I do think we can include 1-2 for the straight up heavily Control decks. Unlike the Battlesuit this card is fantastic by itself and that's always something I am looking for. As mentioned by the 'cast, they can be insane with Gift of Isha but getting it in the discard pile is a different story. Not really needed but good nontheless.


- Seer's Exodus was known and isn't my type of card because of Tense Negotiations and Nullify allready filling up the deck. It can be good but isn't always needed. Where Tense Negotiations give you a fantastic offensive option and Nullify (as always) gives you a fantastic control option. Getting out is far from ideal in many scenario's. In a way this card is like Know No Fear.


- Slumbering Gardens to little effect for my liking for something but can indeed be a niche fit for Aun'Shi. I highly doubt it will see use or suddenly make Aun'Shi fantastic because again of Tense Negotiations.

2/5 in theory 3/5 with positive FAQ...

So, cool spoilers but nothing to the extreme for Eldar. However on FFGs part this is a good choice again because Eldar are allready in a very healthy state

Complete spoiler for the 5th Warpack:


AM: Gets the incredible Coteaz, a Warlord which allow you to go bonkers with AM in terms of aggro.

SM: Gets subtle boosts, great Attachment to replace one Iron Halo with and other cards that seem focused towards the Nids expansion.

Tau: Gets good boosts for Aun'Shi.

Eldar: Gets a couple of cool cards, boosts that will not directly switch their allready powerfull decks.

Dark Eldar: Gets Urien boosts mainly.

Chaos: Gets subtle boosts, give great options.


Hopefully English scans will be up soon!

I've been using an Aun'Shi deck a lot lately, and these new cards are exactly what it needs. Will be tricky figuring out what to swap, but more units that combo with Etheral, but are not ethereal themselves is definitely what I need. That support as well will help keep the battle going in the event that I don't have non-ethereals to do most of the fighting.

AM: I'm excited for Coteaz, but it's weird because the Guard have a lot of really good Vehicles ATM, and nothing to synergise them with. I really hope the next Guard Warlord is vehicle orientated, because I reckon you could have a kick-ass armour deck. Still, interested to see what I can build with Coteaz, as there are a lot of options atm. Might got back to allying with Space Marines.

Oh I have some guesses of what is to come, for AM I still expect a Death from Above like card but only looking for AM vechicles (to be put on the last planet).

Apart from that I also think it's likely we will see an Event that will create 2 AM tokens at a target planet.

For Tau in general I feel they need a Cost 3/3 with Command and a small ability. Something like it would be great for Aun'Shi but also Shadowsun if was designed well. However due to the spoiler of Nids' Tau sub-commander 2.0 I am not a 100% this will come.

A suggestion from me that will make Tau incredible:

Cost 3

Command 1


Reaction: When this unit enters play search your top 3 cards for an Attachment and put it into your hand.

Hit or miss you get a good body for Aun'Shi. Apart from that it is very likely to find another Attachment in the Shadowsun deck.

I want a Tau commander in a crisis suit. Maybe even Commander Farsight himself.

But we allready have the Crisis suits right? *(note I dont play Tau all to often besides Aun Shi)

Also have to say this art in this pack is amazing! Just look at it:

IMG-20150324-WA0008.jpg IMG-20150324-WA0014.jpg IMG-20150324-WA0021.jpg

Edited by Killax

Yeah the art is top notch.

Edited by Silverhelm

Mmm Daemonettes...

No habla espanol!

More or less this is it:

Cacophonic Chorus-Power-Maneuver????-Slaanesh: Exhaust your warlord to have your opponent inflict X amount of indirect damage among the units he controls. X is the number of units your opponent controls.

Clan Snakebite Brute-Warrior-Rok???????: Forced reaction: After this unit resolves it's attack, deal it 1 damage.
Flavor text: Snakebites are ferocious in combat and even more lethal when wounded.

Firedrake Terminators?????-Soldier-Salamander-Elite: Reaction: After this unit is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking unit.
Flavor text: These space marines are as unstoppable and deadly as the lava rivers of their homeworld, Nocturne.

Not an exact translation, but I hope you get the gist.

Edited by Titan

Hehe! LOL looks like i called it right about Ragnar being with your warlord even tough he IS your warlord!

No answer to my questions as to how you hit something at another planet with a sword, or who in their right mind would attach a dozer blade to a flyer... (Yes I'll never let up about that :D )

How about the Shadow Field enhancement then, one of the most iconic pieces of Dark Eldar Commander Wargear, now unusable by your Warlords. :P

I just read the bit on infinite loops.... what!?

Makes sense really:

You have to tell your oponent how it works (do it once) and then say how often your are gonna keep doing that. Otherwise you'll get some ahole opponent who'll insist you do (explain, tap cards, etc..) your infinite loop for each and every time it loops*

* Anybody try that with me and i'll declare a attack with my steeltipped boot against their leg.

Just seems so... what!? lol

"Yeah, so here's my loop."


"I do it ad infinitum and win"

"... What!?"