Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Would vectored vipers work with death from above?

Would vectored vipers work with death from above?

Looks like it their not elite. Says it "gains mobile if it isn't damaged" so I would think so.

Edited by Silverhelm

Would vectored vipers work with death from above?

You might find better luck in the Rules Questions subforum rather than the News topic. With that in mind, I don't think it would work because its ability isn't active unless it's in play.

Tyranid-only deluxe expansion announced! I knew it!

Complete with new cards for the other factions to combat the Tyranids.

It's a shame there's only two cards per faction though. I mean I know it's about the 'nids but two cards? That's the best they could do?

Edited by DigitalEccentric

Would vectored vipers work with death from above?

You might find better luck in the Rules Questions subforum rather than the News topic. With that in mind, I don't think it would work because its ability isn't active unless it's in play.
Edited by Silverhelm

Unfortunatly it doesn't have the keyword Mobile. It only gains it when it's in play and as such can't be used with Death From Above.

Love the Nids, will update the first page tomorrow :)

Tyranid-only deluxe expansion announced! I knew it!

Complete with new cards for the other factions to combat the Tyranids.

It's a shame there's only two cards per faction though. I mean I know it's about the 'nids but two cards? That's the best they could do?

It may be only 2 cards, but each faction still get a Unique unit that won't rotate out.

Hey Killax and timezero, how close did we get to predicting the 'nids? (I think we got close wit Ol' one eye)

I like what they did with the synapse creatures (them being pseudo warlords makes sense)

"infested planet"? Seems intresting! I'm prediction something similar with nercons and tomb worlds.

My first impression is they look good, but for sure it will shake the meta. Not only because of the faction, but also because of the 7 new unique units. The 3 spoiled so far are good! (Yay for Sisters of Battle!)

The unique Tau will be strong with Commander Shadowsun, the Unique AM will be strong with AM in general and the Unique Chaos is violence incarnate (until they release Abaddon on the Chaos side) and he's good with both Warlord so far.

Hey Killax and timezero, how close did we get to predicting the 'nids? (I think we got close wit Ol' one eye)

I like what they did with the synapse creatures (them being pseudo warlords makes sense)

"infested planet"? Seems intresting! I'm prediction something similar with nercons and tomb worlds.

Really close if you ask me! I mean Old One Eye and the Swarmlord are a bit obvious guesses (since they are the only true Nids with characters) but since the Swarmlord is on the cover of the box it's save to say he's also part of it.

Here's my (p)review on the spoiled cards from The Great Devourer.

From the getgo the Tyranids look really dangerous (and also can be) but to me it seems like the key thing to stop them is to kill the sub-Warlord asap. There is nothing on them that seems to indicate they can be bloodied like a Warlord and as such thaking out the initial thread can leave the Tyranid player with little forces.

As currently only 1 of the spoiled cards has a Command Icon, costs 2 to boot and isn't very impressive by itself (besides me believing it will be an auto-include anyways as it is also the first body shown that can actually infest a planet) I still believe that infestation will be a -1 card or resource modifier for the planet and as such we are very likely to see the Virtulent Spore Sacs being a very important strategy to Tyranids.

Onto the review of the Tyranid cards:

- Old One Eye : Extremely potent Warlord that simply said is really hard to kill. However it's 6/6 start isn't that impressive so far so I'd personaly glady switch to a Warlord who is less of a presence by itself but starts with more cards. I'm fully aware that having the sub-Warlord is a great trade for 6/6 stats however the current shown Tyranids have almost no Command presence and the sub-Warlord does not add anything to that either. 4/5 for being a huge hassle to deal with however and the likelyness of people needing to destroy the sub-Warlord first and then come after the Old One Eye with whatever is left makes him incredibly hard to kill.

*I do think the Swarmlord will have a 2/6 stat aswell but with a 7/7 hand and a +1 ATK bonus to all tokens at the same planet.... Which makes him my personal favourite if that is true.

- Stalking Lictor : ??

- Predation : A 0 costed Event seems always good for a Warlord who only has 6 resources to work with.

- Digestion Pool : Seems like another auto include altough it's uniqueness will limited it to being included once or twice (much like Archon's Palace) I do feel that this will be a very important card for all Tyranid decks as the cards shown again have a small Command presence. The difference between -1 and -2 is also huge as I personally still convert 2 resources into being worth 1 card.

- Ripper Swarm: Seems like a 0 costed 1/1 with Ranged. Which is strange in my books. We'll see if it holds any Command (I doubt it) because else this cards seems of little to no value to me...

- Savage Warrior Prime : A clear cut 5/5 sub-Warlord for me. It's important to note that he actually has 2 abilities that currently are unique and thus might be different for other sub-Warlords...

These are: 1. It needs to commit to another planet when possible as your Warlord and 2. Battle and Initiative are "stolen" by this unit unless another enemy Warlord is present at the same planet.

* In order to deal with Tyranids I believe it's key to being able to dealing with it's sub-Warlord ASAP. When this isn't done the Tyranids will be able to dominate pretty much any initial battles with this body. With it's real Warlord commiting to the planets that can grand him the most resources... A very dangerous sub-Warlord and currently the most powerfull thing shown about the Tyranid faction.

- Hunter Gargoyles : Seem okay-ish to me. Nothing to exiting. It's the lack of Command Icons that makes me doubt these will be auto-includes.

- Virtulent Spore Sacs : Seem like a very key card to me. Has Command, the ability to "kamikaze" and to Infest a planet. The latter seems of utmost importance...

- Termagant Spikers : Seem good, if we can get a stream of tokens online. The thing I wish was here is a Command Icon...

- Spore Burst: Simply amazing, allows you to net a free resource and get key-cards back. 2 Shields and thus a 5/5 and auto include for sure.

The non-Tyranid cards:

- Seraphim Superior Allegra: Not to impressed honestly! Sorry to say it but a 3/4 with 2 Command for 4 (and Unique) does not really fill a weakness in AM right now. For sure it's amazing with Preemptive Barrage and a Catachan Outpost for example, but then we are talking about 3 card combo's... That allready are powerfull without this card in the mix for AM but also still are 3 card combo's. I think it can be included once for the lategame and IF AM manages to stay in the game for that long it can be a key card to eventually win the game. By itself however it isn't that good as say the 4 Costed competition it allready has. If I where to rate it it would be a 3/5 . Good but nothing "game changing" like Darring Assault Squad or Klaivex Warleader.

- Pathfinder Shi Or'es: Is exactly what Shadowsun and Aun'Shi where looking for as this is a straight upgrade from the Carnivore Pack. The only downside is that it still is unique and this can't really be included more than twice. However, combined with a single Fireblade Kais'vre I do feel that Tau have a very strong unique presence. Which is good against Archon's Terror and many other removal cards that can't hit uniques. 4/5 with Shadowsun and I'd even go as far as saying 5/5 with Aun'Shi as the card can ready itself and thus allow Aun'Shi to stay around longer.

* PS I view the Carnivore Pack as a 3/5 also normally but with Aun'Shi as a 4/5 because of the same reasons.

- Roghrax Bloodhang: DANG! This card is quite bonkers with Zarathur and also likely to be bonkers with Ku'gath. As it seems now we have a 4 Costed 2/5 with Brutal (which is an okay-ish deal, not to special) but when we look at Bloodthirst this 4 Costed Army card becomes a real Warlord killer. As It's likely to say: During a combat in which one or more units have been destroyed at this planet double this units ATK.

This means we will have a unit that can combine really well with the destructive nature of Zarathur. An example would be:

Zarathur goes to the same planet as Roghrax, plays a Warpstorm, dealing everybody 2 and 3 to the enemy. IF an enemy Warlord would be present Roghrax can now hit that Warlord for a likely 8 ATK (2 from basic ATK, 2 from Brutal, doubled to 8) + 1 from Zarathur... Warlord dead? I do think so. Unless this doubling up works differently! In which case it would still add up to 6 ATK +1 (2 from basic which is doubled to 4, + 2 from Brutal) which still is likely to kill Warlords in combination with a Warpstorm. Id include 1 or 2 for sure. 5/5.

Finishing this review I do feel that currently Tyranids still look a bit underwhelming. It's WAY TO EARLY to tell but they do actually need more units with Command Icons. As a single Command Icon on something that is costed 2 still isn't enough to gain some okay-ish income.

In many cases I'd say for a good game of Conquest to be played you want to have income at minimum 2 planets but more likely or favourably 3. For Tyranids I feel this should be a minimum of 1 planet but more likely or favourably 2. This currently cannot be done with the pool shown. Winning battles is really good but if you can only deploy 2-3 units during the initial turn, the battle is not automatically won when you factor in the Command presence of other decks and the likelyness of Ambush cards comming afterwards.

As such I'm looking forward to many more Tyranid cards and Im dying to know what Infested planets do (or don't do more specifically).


Last but not least, the initial page has been updated!

Unless command isn't something that Tyranids need to work their strategy? Looking at the fluff, the Tyranids aren't a force that worries about logistics or anything like that. They just turn up, destroy, consume and move on.

Not sure if this would break the game, put perhaps Tyranids don't need to win command in order to be able to generate resources. It would fit from a thematic perspective and make them more of a unique faction.

I think that makes sense. Perhaps they can generate some resources/cards advantage by winning battles? Or as we discussed in the other thread, by infecting? This would fit in with the fluff you are reffering to. Defeat, consume, gain strength and do it all over again.

Unless command isn't something that Tyranids need to work their strategy? Looking at the fluff, the Tyranids aren't a force that worries about logistics or anything like that. They just turn up, destroy, consume and move on.

Not sure if this would break the game, put perhaps Tyranids don't need to win command in order to be able to generate resources. It would fit from a thematic perspective and make them more of a unique faction.

While it would be fitting, we don't see anything along those lines. As such I think the infection of a planet is rather simple to understand and to resolve. In theory no "army" in Conquest needs to generate resources as we all get 4 resources and 2 cards to work with every turn.

However the mayor difference here is that Tyranids come with 2 Warlords. As such I highly believe there are more Combat driven and as such more limited to aggressive games. In a way Zarathur is also like that and Straken is able to do this now aswell due to the Staging Grounds.

I personally believe however that the Nids will be able to light-choke opponents down. No income for them to eventually go to the ideal Tyranid point where 5 planets are infected and thus both players are forced to work with their basic income only.

I think that makes sense. Perhaps they can generate some resources/cards advantage by winning battles? Or as we discussed in the other thread, by infecting? This would fit in with the fluff you are reffering to. Defeat, consume, gain strength and do it all over again.

Winning battles in theory allready gains you resources and or card advantage. As such I believe that the sub-Warlord is a way for Tyranids to have a boogyman for Planet 1 "all the time" and a Warlord going to other planets that form interesting prey. Winning both planet battles would not be uncommon and thus there would be an "income" of 2 planets for them.

Again my gut feeling is that Infected planets will lose either their resource or card income options. Which in turn would render quite some Planets useless for opponenets and also renders Void Pirates and Rogue Traders down quite quickly...

I personally believe however that the Nids will be able to light-choke opponents down. No income for them to eventually go to the ideal Tyranid point where 5 planets are infected and thus both players are forced to work with their basic income only.

There may also be a way for players to "un-infect" a planet. This occurs to me because of Virulent Spore Sacs ability, where you deal damage and infect the planet. While this could be two completely separate effects, it also suggests that by saccing or healing those units, the planet could become uninfected. Having nids being able to infect all planets in play, with no recourse, seems a bit over the top to me. But then again, if they don't have much command, this is a way to level the playing field. I hate it when I can't make up my mind on something.

I like the idea Titan altough I doubt well now see ways to change infection instantly.

The article also mentions changing planets for ever. Which further makes me guess it will in fact be permanent.

Direct quote from The Gread Devourer article, emphasis mine:

"In Warhammer 40,000: Conquest , Tyranid cards such as the Virulent Spore Sacs ( The Great Devourer , 48) allow you to infest the planets of the Traxis sector. Infested planets are marked with a special infestation token, and in order to remove this token, a player must win a battle at the infested planet ."

Direct quote from The Gread Devourer article, emphasis mine:

"In Warhammer 40,000: Conquest , Tyranid cards such as the Virulent Spore Sacs ( The Great Devourer , 48) allow you to infest the planets of the Traxis sector. Infested planets are marked with a special infestation token, and in order to remove this token, a player must win a battle at the infested planet ."

Seems cool to me. In that case Im still looking very forward to seeing what Infestation does :)

Balance is always good. I'm anxious to see what infestation does as well.

From what we know so far, infestation is a prerequisite to certain cards or enhanced certain cards. I suspect it might give a boost as well to the Tyranids like the creep does for the Zerg in StarCraft.

It might give one or more of the following:

1- stat boost (like +1/+1)

2- speed boost (like mobile or a way to move around infested planets like a Nydus Network in StarCraft)

3- card/ressource generation (that would replace the Void Pirate/Rogue Trader if they can't play neutral units and/or neutral cards and would fit thematically with Kill -> Consume -> Move On)

4- all of those answers

Time will tell how right or wrong I am, but I feel I've nailed it with point #3!) :P

Edited by timezero

New dark eldar cards on conqast fb page. I would link but I'm on my phone at work

From what we know so far, infestation is a prerequisite to certain cards or enhanced certain cards. I suspect it might give a boost as well to the Tyranids like the creep does for the Zerg in StarCraft.

It might give one or more of the following:

1- stat boost (like +1/+1)

2- speed boost (like mobile or a way to move around infested planets like a Nydus Network in StarCraft)

3- card/ressource generation (that would replace the Void Pirate/Rogue Trader if they can't play neutral units and/or neutral cards and would fit thematically with Kill -> Consume -> Move On)

4- all of those answers

Time will tell how right or wrong I am, but I feel I've nailed it with point #3!) :P

I like your idea of making Infestation into Zerg's Creep.

Mmmmmm. Purple.

Looking very forward to more contains of the pack.

Here are the DE spoilers that have been around a while: (Will update the first page soon)

11052541_815366995220039_911960704750105 11061268_815367001886705_225125534959214 11046302_815366998553372_537070296597456

I have to say, I'm not overly impressed by this expension in terms of the DE faction (or factions that can use these cards)

- The Halfborn seems not needed at all.

- The Attachment is a great Aggro/Warlord buddy stopper. Will replace Suffering in my DE deck. Still often be used as a 2 Shielder but also somtimes as an mid to lategame Attachment.

- The Event can be used by Urien by some extent but doesn't offer much more than additional information only relevant to the lategame. As such I doubt I will make room for this card in my Urien deck.