Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Ah yes, the Star Wars pedicure.

You must have misquoted me. :D :P

I just re-checked the upcoming page. It does indeed say shipping now. Status changed 2-25-15. Expected on shelves 3-5-15. If you're still seeing it on the boat on the upcoming page, you may try refreshing your browser on that page to make sure it is the current page you are looking at and not an archived copy of the page (F5 on most browsers). I've noticed a bit on inconsistency on this site ever since they did the big makeover and the refresh has cleared up most of it for me.

As a side note, and this is pure internet rumor mongering, so take it as seriously as that warrants. I read somewhere that the entire first run of the cycle has been printed, shipped to the US and has been sitting in a warehouse here for a while now. Hence, shipping strike woes shouldn't affect it.

With the first cycle pretty much fully spoiled at this point I would really like to get some firm information on the first deluxe expansion.

I just re-checked the upcoming page. It does indeed say shipping now. Status changed 2-25-15. Expected on shelves 3-5-15. If you're still seeing it on the boat on the upcoming page, you may try refreshing your browser on that page to make sure it is the current page you are looking at and not an archived copy of the page (F5 on most browsers). I've noticed a bit on inconsistency on this site ever since they did the big makeover and the refresh has cleared up most of it for me.

As a side note, and this is pure internet rumor mongering, so take it as seriously as that warrants. I read somewhere that the entire first run of the cycle has been printed, shipped to the US and has been sitting in a warehouse here for a while now. Hence, shipping strike woes shouldn't affect it.

Conquest products are made in China, ergo they would have come through the same port of entry as those being held up. I have no doubt they were delayed by the lockout, the undoubtedly sterling credibility of your sources notwithstanding.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I just re-checked the upcoming page. It does indeed say shipping now. Status changed 2-25-15. Expected on shelves 3-5-15. If you're still seeing it on the boat on the upcoming page, you may try refreshing your browser on that page to make sure it is the current page you are looking at and not an archived copy of the page (F5 on most browsers). I've noticed a bit on inconsistency on this site ever since they did the big makeover and the refresh has cleared up most of it for me.

As a side note, and this is pure internet rumor mongering, so take it as seriously as that warrants. I read somewhere that the entire first run of the cycle has been printed, shipped to the US and has been sitting in a warehouse here for a while now. Hence, shipping strike woes shouldn't affect it.

Conquest products are made in China, ergo they would have come through the same port of entry as those being held up. I have no doubt they were delayed by the lockout, the undoubtedly sterling credibility of your sources notwithstanding.

Well, their shipping delay update which also seems to have disappeared like the Phoenix Lord update, did not list Conquest as one of the games affected by that issue.

And yet its status read as "on the boat" right up until the lock-out was lifted, and then immediately switched to "now shipping." Ain't that a coincidence.

Also, this is the link you may be looking for: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/2/18/master-of-hawks/

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

And yet its status read as "on the boat" right up until the lock-out was lifted, and then immediately switched to "now shipping." Ain't that a coincidence.

Also, this is the link you may be looking for: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/2/18/master-of-hawks/

Yes, I can find the link. However, that wasn't the point of my post.

Hence, topic separation.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

As a side note, and this is pure internet rumor mongering, so take it as seriously as that warrants. I read somewhere that the entire first run of the cycle has been printed, shipped to the US and has been sitting in a warehouse here for a while now. Hence, shipping strike woes shouldn't affect it.

What if conquest isn't made in china. Conquest packs use the same boxes as the draft packs and print on demand packs unlike the other lcgs.

What if, using my eyes, I specifically read the words "made in China" on the Conquest packaging? Because that's what I did, while I was at my local game store responding.

Looking forward to more spoilers! Will go on the hunt again tonight, see what I can find.

Looking forward to more spoilers! Will go on the hunt again tonight, see what I can find.

Yes go..

Hence, topic separation.

Who is this in reply to?

Whose post immediately preceded mine?

Whose post immediately preceded mine?

Ok. Just doesn't make sense, then.

No rumour updates to be found. Making me a bit hesitant about Zogwort's deck. But we do know that it will contain Gleeful Plague Beast for Chaos which makes me happy.

Here is the rundown of what we do know:


- 1x Old Zogwort

- 4x Zogwort's Runtherders

- 1x Zogwort's Hovel

- 1x Wyrdboy Stikk

- 2x Launch Da Snots


- 3x Tallarn Raiders

- 3x Staging Ground

- 3x Steel Legion Chimera


- 3x Rally the Charge

- 3x ???

- 3x ???


- 3x Tense Negotiations

- 3x Heavy Marker Drone

- 3x Sa'cea XV88 Broadside


- 3x Vectored Vyper Squad

- 3x Guardian Mesh Armor

Dark Eldar:

- 3x Bloodied Reavers

- 3x Searing Brand

- 3x Crucible of Malediction


- 3x Gleeful Plague Beast

- 3x ???

- 3x ???

In that aspect Im looking very forward to this pack. The only cards that seem a bit out of place currently are the ones that come with Zogwort. Because again I can't say I see much synergy between him and his faction currently. In short there is a lack of real aggro cards to push him further. With that I mean aggro cards that also stick around / are usefull after an initial battle. Zogwort's forced reaction seems to be hurting him a lot. I feel it would have been 'better' if he only was forced to clean up the Tokens at HQ...

AM is getting a nice boost. Again some pieces that can fit Straken really well. So we might see IF dissapear again in favour of Staging Ground.

SM is the big unknown currently. I think they will get at least a single cool card or two however.

Tau is getting at least 2 cards who are excellent additions to many decks and 'support' Warlords.

Eldar is getting the short end of the stick with a crap Attachment and a crap 4 drop (that doesn't work with Death From Above) but shouldn't complain as Warlock Destructor still is a king.

Dark Eldar is getting prep-cards for Urien and a fantastic solid 2 drop. Something they didn't lack perse but I do think this card is better as Incubus Warrior and Hellion Gang as it hits harder as Incubus but can also survive better (altough it has a worse Command but still an Icon is better as none) and simply hits harder as the Hellion Gang.

Chaos hopefully will get it's 2 Shielded Event now and I honestly am hoping for something removal-isque, another Daemon that rocks (Gleeful Plague Beast) and Im hoping for a Gift of Isha/Drop Pod Assault-like Chaos card that brings Daemons out of the deck/discard pile (hopefully with 2 Shields).

Whose post immediately preceded mine?

Ok. Just doesn't make sense, then.

There's a reason why my comments were spaced into two entirely different paragraphs.


I have a feeling Chaos isn't going to get anything they need I have a feeling will see chaos Dreds,and Defilers or something. AM is looking good, SM has a really good collection of cards that are begging to be used I think these guys will be in it to win it for awhile. And I can't wait to see their new stuff....grr! no pics yet lol.

Tau, defiantly can't wait to try their new cards out, I got a few ideas with them already. I'm going to try to work something out with that broadside it has the potential to be a end game warlord killer (sooner with Intense Negotiations). "Behind on planets"? or "ahead on planets" either way changing strategy on the fly for an easy kill will be interesting to try. Ragnar won't like that broadside (any warlord really) but I'm looking at you Ragnar and your units that follow you.

When Death from Above came out I bet everybody was looking at all those mobile units really carefully lol I know I did. I bet they'll get some action eventually.

I agree with what you with orcs. Not to excited for orcs but maybe the hard core Orc players will figure something out with them. (If possible).

Agree with DE

Edited by Silverhelm

Do we know what Rally the Charge actually does? Or is the name from that announcement image all we got? I do wonder what else the SM are getting...

But yeah, can't friggin' wait for those Braodsides. That and the Voi'la Warrior Cadre in the last pack are my most anticipated cards right now (along with the upcoming AM cards)

Well Chaos is getting there slowly. Last pack was great for Zarathur as he now has more removal and Ammo Depot to keep this strategy running. AM with Staging Ground will be a thing.

As for Tau the new Stingwing will be awesome for Aun'Shi. Other cards I wish where here allready are Coteaz and Evil Sunz Bikers.

Pay 2 for Ambushing with Evil Sunz Bikers to hit for 5 (7 with Outpost) out of NOWHERE is awesome.



That card is indeed awesome! I find myself playing Orks more than i ever did play Orcs in warhammer invasion.

Maybe will get some pictures soon.

From KennedyHawk at cardgamedb.

Zogwart is a 1/6 when bloodied, he keeps his forced reaction to destroy all snotlings on his bloodied side sad.png .

Space Marines

Blood Claw Pack Unit

3 Cost

1 Command

2 Attack

2 Health

Traits: Soldier Space Wolves.

Reaction: After an enemy warlord commits to this planet exhaust this unit to put a Space Wolves unit into play from your hand at this planet.

Rally the Charge - Event

2 Cost

1 Shield

Traits: Tactic

Action: Until the end of the phase, a target space marines unit you control at a planet with your warlord gets +2 attack for each command icon it has.

Secluded Apothecarion - Support

Cost 1


Reaction: After a space marines unit you control is destroyed exhaust this support to gain 1 resource.


Gleeful Plague Beast - Unit

5 Cost

1 Command

3 Attack

5 Health

Traits: Daemon. Nurgle. Elite.

No wargear attachments.

Force Reaction: After the combat phase begins deal 1 damage to each unit at this planet.

Doombolt - Event

1 Cost

1 Shield

Trati: Power

Deploy Action: Deal X damage to target enemy army unit. X is the amount of damage on that unit.

Blight Grenades - Attachment

1 Cost

1 Shield

Traits: Nurgle. Wargear.

Attach to a Nurgle army unit.

Combat Action: Sacrifice this attachment to give attached unit Area Efffect (2) until the end of the combat round.


Vectored Vyper Squad - Unit

4 cost

1 Command

3 Attack

3 Health

Traits. Vehicle Alaitoc

No wargear attachments.

This unit gains Mobile while it is undamaged.

Guardian Mesh Armor - Attachment

1 Cost

1 Shield

Traits: Wargear. Armor

Attach to a Eldar army unit.

Interrupt: When you use a shield card to prevent damage to attached unit, exhaust this attachment to double the number of shields on that card.

Hmm, Interesting.

I'll let me more learned colleagues cardsplain just how useful/not useful these new cards are going to be though.

Yeah bit dissapointed by SM and Chaos at first sight... The cards can be included for sure but don't seem to be incredible.

However they can be included in some decks.

The most powerfull one of the above list seem to be the Blight Grenades however. Something to hold for Ku'gath fans and absolutely better as say a Dire Mutation in the same deck.

Gleeful Plague Beast is as expected a new Flesh Hound but with how the current Ammo Depot works in Chaos right now I don't know if it's really worth/needed to include.

Thanks for sharing!

Edited by Killax