Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

So option #1 or #2 for you, Killax? #1 does list "An individual...". Also, my yeah is a yeah, I hear you, but this is what I think - not an in toto agreement. I clearly stated in the complete sentence that I don't believe that it is one solitary person out there.

You can take the abstractions of the game to create your own personal story.


Both to be honest Trevor! I feel we have some Warlords who are a couple of guys and I feel we have some Warlords who are a single individuals.

To be a bit more clear:

Straken: Him + Squad to lead and inspire

Coteaz: Him by himself

Cato: Him + Squad

Ragnar: Him + Tank

Shadowsun: Her + Squad (that can also become a support squad)

Aun'shi: Him by himself

Eldorath: Him by himself

Baharroth: Him by himself

Kith: Her + Squad (that is able to attack apart from Kith)

Urien: Him by himself

Zarathur: Him by himself

Ku'gath: Him + some Nurglings (can't really call it a squad)

Nazdreg: Him by himself

Zogwort: Him + Squad (that is able to attack apart from Zogwort)

The above is mainly based on art, 40K rules and fluff (mainly fluff).

But I fully agree anyone can see them as they please. There is no right or wrong in this case just some personal opinions and knowledge about the miniature game aswell.

Edited by Killax

In 40k, a warlord can be any character model. That's a single model, not an entire unit. While independent characters can (and often do) join units, they're both tallied separately for victory point purposes.

I'm new to the 40k universe and I finished reading Horus Rising and just started False Gods. The way I see the Warlords are really strong and powerful individuals. In the novels for exemple, when Loken, Abaddon or any other captain are in the presence of his men or other soldiers, they are seen as living legends.

Soldiers are feeling inspired and proud to have them by their side in combat. Those captains made a name for themselves and some are feared in other Legions.

In 40k, a warlord can be any character model. That's a single model, not an entire unit. While independent characters can (and often do) join units, they're both tallied separately for victory point purposes.

Yep that's true, altough certain Warlords (in special the IG ones) are fielded with a retinue/unit. While being independent in the process they do need that unit to stick around, most of the time.

In all regards to the above personal opinion, often the powerfull Psykers are alone because their powers allow for it but the Warrior/Soldier characters usually come with a specific retinue. Even if they are powerhouses by themselves.

I'm new to the 40k universe and I finished reading Horus Rising and just started False Gods. The way I see the Warlords are really strong and powerful individuals. In the novels for exemple, when Loken, Abaddon or any other captain are in the presence of his men or other soldiers, they are seen as living legends.

Soldiers are feeling inspired and proud to have them by their side in combat. Those captains made a name for themselves and some are feared in other Legions.

For sure this is true. Altough I do think it's important to note that Primarchs in particular would fit such extreme unit stats more as the Warlords do in Conquest LCG (by themselves) If we look at HH Abaddon, Loken, Khârn and many others they would be the perfect sub-commanders like Vetran Brother Maxos or Fireblade Kais'vre.

Killax, I need my rumour fix. Go find me some rumours.

Killax, I need my rumour fix. Go find me some rumours.

Hahaha, well Baharroth is on the News page.

Here are the shots:

111-baharroth.jpg 112-baharroths-hawks.jpg 113-banner-of-the-ashen-sky.jpg 114-the-shining-blade.jpg 115-cry-of-the-wind.jpg

And now he can attack from an adjacent planet to? That's mental!

I realy like it's effect. Now barroth is no longer the soccer mom who drops of the kids at school, now he can actualy attack and (probably) stay out of harms way. Que MC Hammer song .

Man I love shining Blade!....Wait.

Blade? BLADE?

How do you attack something at another planet with a BLADE?


Ah screw it i give up! (Card is still good tough)

Man I love shining Blade!....Wait.

Blade? BLADE?

How do you attack something at another planet with a BLADE?


Ah screw it i give up! (Card is still good tough)

Lol Warhammer fantasy wants this blade! "Shall we send an army.." "Na just send in the blade."

The best thing about that Blade is that you can potentially attach it to a Crisis Battle Guard of your opponent and beat it's little Kre'vre'shi or whate'vre brothers teeth in.

Tau have teeth right?

The website and forums have changed. I don't like it. Killax, go speak to someone.

The website and forums have changed. I don't like it. Killax, go speak to someone.

But you can fix it yourself. Just go to, change theme. It's not new theme ;)


The website and forums have changed. I don't like it. Killax, go speak to someone.

But you can fix it yourself. Just go to, change theme. It's not new theme ;)


Thank you!!!

Thank you that was annoying. Was thinking wow what is this a virus!

Edited by Silverhelm

All better now. Thanks.

Something fun here, the Baharroth news Mobiled away from the FFG page.

IG and Orks have been established as allies of opportunity through multiple editions of the game, both in rules text and supporting fluff (obviously they also fight - a lot - but that doesn't preclude the occasional alliance).

By contrast, SM and Tau are depicted as adversaries in almost every fluff excerpt I've read where they interact. Tau/IG would make more sense (Gu'vesa defectors!) but that creates even MORE problems on the wheel, so this is probably the best solution.

This is a bit late but I wanted to point out that in the past 3 or so editions of 40k SM and Tau have been graded as very strong allies (Battle Brothers in game terms, which is as close as you can get) - the lore reason was something like the Tau home planet was discovered by the Imperium and actually lies within Ultramarines territory, and as they are effectively invisible to Chaos the Grandmaster of the Ultramarines had declared the Tau under their protection to prevent the Imperium from crushing the Tau while they try to better understand why.

IG and Orks have been established as allies of opportunity through multiple editions of the game, both in rules text and supporting fluff (obviously they also fight - a lot - but that doesn't preclude the occasional alliance).

By contrast, SM and Tau are depicted as adversaries in almost every fluff excerpt I've read where they interact. Tau/IG would make more sense (Gu'vesa defectors!) but that creates even MORE problems on the wheel, so this is probably the best solution.

This is a bit late but I wanted to point out that in the past 3 or so editions of 40k SM and Tau have been graded as very strong allies (Battle Brothers in game terms, which is as close as you can get) - the lore reason was something like the Tau home planet was discovered by the Imperium and actually lies within Ultramarines territory, and as they are effectively invisible to Chaos the Grandmaster of the Ultramarines had declared the Tau under their protection to prevent the Imperium from crushing the Tau while they try to better understand why.

Thanks, I've been out of the tabletop for a while and wasn't aware of the up-to-date lore changes.

I actually saw it posted on the site the other day with an expected release date of 03/05. Of course, now it's gone...

The site's been a bit wonky since the change.

There is a three week backlog at the west coast ports so I believe it is sitting off the coast waiting to be unloaded. Mt guess is it will see a 1-2 week delay just as many of the Star Wars product did.

Edited by Tekwych

Somalian pirates no doubt. Those inflatable boats been causing trouble again.

There is a three week backlog at the west coast ports so I believe it is sitting off the coast waiting to be unloaded. Mt guess is it will see a 1-2 week delay just as many of the Star Wars pedicure did.

Ah yes, the Star Wars pedicure.