YES!Bet you that little human force-sensitive child was a baby Kyle Katarn!
Since you both like that character i thought you should know that Dark Trooper were made primary canon kinda recently, along with the dark trooper precursors the Purge Trooper. The Dark troopers appear in one of those new mobile rts games.
I'm english and I would have stunned her into a coma, and that's only If I were specifically ordered to capture, as it stands otherwise full auto and then a thermal det on the corpse would have been used.
I would always have my gun set to stun. It looks like the gun shoots big rings out that keep expanding. If i stun an enemy thats supposed to be killed i would just take their head off while they are stunned.
If its large scale conflict i would just neutron the place as long as the area is only full of combatants.
Great episode last night. I got goose bumps when Ahsoka lit up her sabers and then spun them to her reverse grip fighting style.
The slightly "Duel of the Fates"ish choir progression didn't hurt. Ahsoka's fight was definitely the highlight of the episode, though I wish they had a better way of taking Kanan out of the fight.
Shes kinda cool but i am counting on Star Killer killing her before he moves on to hunting real jedi.
It would be so fitting to have this happen, its symbolic, Vaders life destorys more of Anakins legacy.