STAR WARS: REBELS Discussion Thread!

By KCDodger, in X-Wing

Oh, good, so when new members come to the forums to discus the cool new show that brought them to X-Wing, they can slog through 400+ pages of totally-unrelated content before they get to something interesting to them.

That's a great idea . Do proceed.

2 minutes ago, xanderf said:

Oh, good, so when new members come to the forums to discus the cool new show that brought them to X-Wing, they can slog through 400+ pages of totally-unrelated content before they get to something interesting to them.

That's a great idea . Do proceed.

Or they can hit Newest page like literally everyone else.

Edited by FlyingAnchors
3 minutes ago, FlyingAnchors said:

Or they can hit Newest page like literally everyone else.

If they've never been here before, their options are either the first page or the last. Once the show has been on a few weeks and has 100+ pages of its do you know which page is the start of that discussion, after the end of the other? And what if people want to keep talking about 'Rebels', here - follow-up novels and comics - and overlap the discussion?

I mean, seriously, how does it possibly help either series to have a single thread with overlapping discussion of both of them?

And gods help us when a new live-action series starts simultaneously with 'Resistance' - we going to shovel that in here, too?

Yeah file me firmly in the camp wanting a separate Resistance and Rebels thread. Rebels is over and done. Let the past this thread die. Kill it, if you have to.



Tell you what.
Send me PMs about the thread you desire.
Majority wins.

@Captain Lackwit PMs are disabled on my account for some reason. I’ve never been able to send or receive them. So consider this your PM.

I want two separate threads for Rebels and Resistance.

I want peace, love and understanding.

After we finally Crush this thrice cursed Rebellion.

So if the sentiment is move along to another thread, please move along.

Meanwhile, happy Friday, play this with the volume high.

4 hours ago, Herowannabe said:

@Captain Lackwit PMs are disabled on my account for some reason. I’ve never been able to send or receive them. So consider this your PM.

I want two separate threads for Rebels and Resistance.

Duly noted. That's an even tally so far. Comes down to it, I just want what's best for the forum. I am a bit biased towards a merged thread, but if everybody wants a separate one, I promise I can make it open up REAL nice.

Maybe you can re-title it "Star Wars TV Show Discussion Thread"? and that can cover any current/past and future shows.

If anyone wants to make their own Resistance thread, they are free to do so.

I can't wait for Ahsoka to show up in Resistance . This is the Filoni-verse we are talking about, how many people thought The Clone Wars was over and done with when Rebels came out?

Edited by kris40k
2 hours ago, Force Majeure said:

Maybe you can re-title it "Star Wars TV Show Discussion Thread"? and that can cover any current/past and future shows.

If anyone wants to make their own Resistance thread, they are free to do so.

Ah geez, that'd invite discussion about Ewoks and Droids. We can't have that.

Don't worry, taking the votes as they come.

12 minutes ago, kris40k said:

I can't wait for Ahsoka to show up in Resistance . This is the Filoni-verse we are talking about, how many people thought The Clone Wars was over and done with when Rebels came out?

She'll end up somewhere, I'm sure. As for those naysayers, o' they of little faith, am I right?

It was a landslide, dudes.

I totally called who the Tenth Brother was .

That end though! NICE!

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
On 4/27/2018 at 3:52 AM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

I'm fine with all of these actors, but they need to replace BB-8 with Chopper.

On 4/27/2018 at 12:55 PM, Captain Lackwit said:

Tell you what.
Send me PMs about the thread you desire.
Majority wins.

Just to clarify: this was the situation where you were "asked" to create a thread for the new show?

Seems like you asked people to ask you to do that.

45 minutes ago, Commander Kaine said:

Just to clarify: this was the situation where you were "asked" to create a thread for the new show?

Seems like you asked people to ask you to do that.

I asked what people wanted me to do.

I collected answers.

Now we have a proper Resistance thread.

2 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

I asked what people wanted me to do.

I collected answers.

Now we have a proper Resistance thread.

We have three. Was there anything improper about those?

Edit: Moving it to resistance thread.

Edited by DarthEnderX
3 hours ago, Commander Kaine said:

Just to clarify: this was the situation where you were "asked" to create a thread for the new show?

Seems like you asked people to ask you to do that.

2 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

I asked what people wanted me to do.

I collected answers.

Now we have a proper Resistance thread.

2 hours ago, Commander Kaine said:

We have three. Was there anything improper about those?

Guys. They were all merged, so just let bygones be bygones.

On 3/6/2018 at 5:03 AM, Forresto said:

Nah i'm not good with that, not one bit. That's not only deus ex machina, but its a lame avatar solution to the problem.

No, it's the classic "we gather all friends we made in the last 4 years for the glorious final battle and catch the machine empire with the forces of nature by surprise and save the day ending. Classic star wars. Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka style.

Edited by SEApocalypse
2 hours ago, SEApocalypse said:

No, it's the classic "we gather all friends we made in the last 4 years for the glorious final battle and catch the machine empire with the forces of nature by surprise and save the day ending. Classic star wars. Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka style.

Its sortve like the ewoks.

I don't hate the ewoks, the new Battlefront 2 Ewok Hunt mode showed me how incredible they can be.

What I hate is the execution.

Purgils in the lore were hunted to near extinction a millenia ago with primitive ships using primitive technology in comparison to the ISD which is the top ship in the galaxy.

Not only did the purgils roflstomp some of the most elite ISDS in the Empire, but they did so with next to no casualties of their own. There wasn't a battle, there wasn't anything resembling a response by the Imperials. Yet again Filoni makes the bad guys total mooks like he did with grievous. For a villain like Pryce I'm okay with it but not Thrawn.

Secondly they weren't brought there via the force, which would have made the whole thing far more powerful a moment with Ezra.

Thirdly it's the exact same solution that's been used three to four different times in this series and also how they resolved the last episode with Pryce. It's like watching the same plot play out over and over again not to mention it was used almost identically in Avatar and ripped off the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

I've never understood why Filoni is universally praised as the hero of Star Wars. He has introduced some incredible material that I will always be grateful for and there has been truly beautiful moments on this show and the Clone Wars but he is a flawed, writer.

He is overly sentimental and he can't write a good villain, everything is ridiculously black and white. Take Mandolorians, he changed them from being morally grey to being pacifists and militants that by all standards are fanatics either way.

And I hate, hate the excuse that well it's a kids show so what do you expect. Except that Filoni worked on arguably one of the greatest animated shows Avatar the Last Airbender. Studio Ghibli, any Ghibli movie appeals to everyone. The problem with Rebels is it takes the very American approach to kids story telling and dumbs and talks down to kids.

I felt the same way about Clone Wars when I was like 14/15 when that was on. I enjoyed parts of it and was endless frustrated and dissapointed by others.

Pixar never talks down to kids.

I teach 12 and up and none of them watched Rebels, even though almost all of them love Star Wars and I would always bring it up, and it's because they were all watching stuff for older kids like Airbender or Naruto or even Attack on Titan.

I think the problem is Rebels is a kids show written for 8 year olds.

Star Wars, especially animation, should be accessible to kids however it should never be written for kids specifically, but with them in mind, and that's an important difference. Young kids can watch a New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back and understand and enjoy them to death and feel included but those movies are written with a teenage audience in mind. There is a different level of maturity to the writing that makes them timeless.

Edited by Forresto
9 minutes ago, Forresto said:

Its sortve like the ewoks.

I don't hate the ewoks, the new Battlefront 2 Ewok Hunt mode showed me how incredible they can be.

What I hate is the execution.

Purgils in the lore were hunted to near extinction a millenia ago with primitive ships using primitive technology in comparison to the ISD which is the top ship in the galaxy.

Not only did the purgils roflstomp some of the most elite ISDS in the Empire, but they did so with next to no casualties of their own. There wasn't a battle, there wasn't anything resembling a response by the Imperials. Yet again Filoni makes the bad guys mooks like he did with grievous. For a villain like Pryce I'm okay with it but not Thrawn.

Secondly they weren't brought there via the force, which would have made the whole thing far more powerful a moment with Ezra.

Thirdly it's the exact same solution that's been used three to four different times in this series and also how they resolved the last episode with Pryce. It's like watching the same plot play out over and over again not to mention it was used almost identically in Avatar and ripped off the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

I've never understood why Filoni is universally praised as the hero of Star Wars. He has introduced some incredible material that I will always be grateful for and there has been truly beautiful moments on this show and the Clone Wars but he is a flawed, writer.

He is overly sentimental and he can't write a good villain, everything is ridiculously black and white. Take Mandolorians, he changed them from being morally grey to being pacifists and militants that by all standards are fanatics either way.

And I hate, hate the excuse that well it's a kids show so what do you expect. Except that Filoni worked on arguably one of the greatest animated shows, aimed at kids, Avatar the Last Airbender. Or take Studio Ghibli, any Ghibli movie. The problem with Rebels is it takes the very American approach to kids story telling and dumbs and talks down.

I teach a lot of kids 12 and up and none of them watched Rebels, even though almost all of them love Star Wars and I would always bring it up, and it's because they were all watching stuff like Airbender or Naruto or even Attack on Titan.

I think the problem is Rebels is a kids show written for 8 year olds.


While @Forresto has my love and vote if he runs for Moff of say, the Sector with Pluto in it and I agree with many things that he has said, I am also the first to say, while it is far from perfect, given what Rebels set out to accomplish, they did it quite well and am I thankful for many things they brought back into Canon.

And yes Rebels is indeed a ‘children’s show’ but there is poignant wisdom, and deep beauty in the series, as well as strikingly powerful scenes like this one.

This scene can stand up on equal footing with others from the Saga Movies, and doubly so when you see Obi Wan only shows emotion when his charge (Luke) is threatened.

And for your literal deep cut, the move that Maul uses does not trick Obi-Wan because he saw the former Sith use it to kill Qui-Gon.

Filoni is not the ‘savior’ of Star Wars , what he is though is rather simple, he is one of us, a fan.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

The Maul/Obi-Wan fight is a great example of Rebels at its finest, with great build up, wonderful execution, amazing characters, and tons of emotion. Sadly, for every scene like that there's one of space whales, wolves, and mind-numbingly dumb Imperials. In The Clone Wars , the show was still hit or miss, but the hits outnumber the misses in my mind, while in Rebels , it's at best 50/50.