STAR WARS: REBELS Discussion Thread!

By KCDodger, in X-Wing

13 hours ago, Ktan said:

I'm going to level folks

I just want Alarak but in Star Wars

If you love De Lancie as Q and Discord and you like strategy games I can highly recommend at least watching through an LP of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void because his character in that, Alarak, is quite honestly an inspiration.

If that is thy bidding,

@Captain Lackwit

He's also got one of the funniest announcers in SCII

"Awww, did you think you could warp in there?"

On 3/18/2018 at 6:20 PM, Ktan said:

You know who definitely should get a character in the next animated show they make?

John De Lancie

Also, James Urbaniak.

I think Steve Blum has made his money as Every Imperial Ever, though.

53 minutes ago, BenderIsGreat said:

Also, James Urbaniak.

I think Steve Blum has made his money as Every Imperial Ever, though.

Plus Tough Gruff Good Guy at the same time

1 hour ago, BenderIsGreat said:

Also, James Urbaniak.

I think Steve Blum has made his money as Every Imperial Ever, though.

Heh, Blum even made into Rogue One with that gig.

I am honestly super tired of hearing Blum's voice literally everywhere. At this point I just say, "Oh hey steve" every time I hear him do the same frakkin' voice for a new character.

He is something of a victim of his own success. Whenever I hear him as an extra it does pull me out of a scene now, which is a shame, because he's a very good voice actor.

DC Douglas is similar, not because he's ubiquitous but because his voice as Legion is so distinctive it just sticks in my head.

On 3/18/2018 at 12:01 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Rebel Weekend Question

Which actress would you pick to play Sabine Wren in a Live Action movie or tv show?

If going with a Live-action anything close to the Rebellion Era, Tiya Sircar. If we are going to Sequel Trilogy era, I honestly can't think of many actresses of color in their 60s.

I was about to suggest Takayo Fischer (who played Pirate Lord Mistress Ching in Pirates of the Caribbean III), but she's in her 80s not 60s.

Edited by Ironlord

Why is Mon Mothma standing on the table?

4 minutes ago, kris40k said:

Why is Mon Mothma standing on the table?


It was that day they found, for all his talk, Zeb was actually a massive lightweight

Is that Luke in front of Hera?

On March 21, 2018 at 4:33 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Well now we have an answer to how Hera got pregnant.

Zeb...come on man!

The hands, the smile on Hera's face and look of exertion on Zeb's face. I'm sorry but that is terrible positioning on the line work to the point that I think the artist knew what they were doing.

EDIT: Also Rex is in the top right corner of the crowd, bald dome and top edge of white bushy beard.

Edited by Forresto

Totally a link to Crimson Empire.

These did not fight as hard as those guards though.

7 minutes ago, Forresto said:

Totally a link to Crimson Empire.

These did not fight as hard as those guards though.

Look at what the guards are wearing on the cover in the Link and compare it to the video.

Heh, if those guards had been Kanos or Jax, Ezra would have been in a tougher spot.

1 hour ago, SabineKey said:

Heh, if those guards had been Kanos or Jax, Ezra would have been in a tougher spot s .

Plural. He'd be in pieces

26 minutes ago, GrimmyV said:

So where is Vader on Speeder bike?

He gets a pod-racer.

Cannon ranks:

1st HLC

2nd Mangler

3rd Ion

4th Tractor Beam

5th Flatchet

6th Autoblaster

7th Jammer Beam

8th Arc Caster


It isn’t fair to rank Linked Battery since it’s more of a system or mod and not a weapon, but it should be right behind HLC in how awesome. It’s a pity x/7 can’t take it but other Defenders can and I guess that’s not a bad way to spend two points, but most folks will go with /D and a ‘real’ cannon.

Cannon or Canon?