STAR WARS: REBELS Discussion Thread!

By KCDodger, in X-Wing

3 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

A typical submarine experiences far greater pressure differential than a spacecraft. A quick gogle says 700 PSI at 500m. Space to sea level pressure is 14.7 PSI. And subs have been made out of steel since at least 1775.

The information about concrete was simply for context, you could use a similar material such as steel and I would be very surprised if the concrete doesn't have steel rebars. Reinforced concrete gets used in buildings because it's good in compression and tension and at a reasonable price. A concrete sub is, for a variety of reasons, a little less sensible.

But I'm not sure how this relates to purrgil at all. We can see that a large pressure chamber needs pretty thick walls of a strong material like concrete. While we don't know atmospheric pressure on Lothal it's pretty reasonable to assume it's around 1 atmosphere. So comparing it to this chamber on Earth seems relevant.

If we saw purrgil dive underwater, that would suggest they are even stronger. But we don't; I'm honestly not sure where submarines come into this at all?


#MandalorianThighGaps ?

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Rebel Weekend Question

Which actress would you pick to play Sabine Wren in a Live Action movie or tv show?

2 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Rebel Weekend Question

Which actress would you pick to play Sabine Wren in a Live Action movie or tv show?

Tiya Sircar. Just as with Ashley Eckstein, I think it would be unnecessary to use anyone else right now.

Also, I don't think certain characters need to be translated to live action. Animation is a medium to tell a story, not just a medium for children. True most childrens programming is animated, but it doesn't mean that it is only for kids.

On 3/17/2018 at 4:49 PM, Ktan said:

If we saw purrgil dive underwater, that would suggest they are even stronger. But we don't; I'm honestly not sure where submarines come into this at all?

I think it was the whole ‘steel construction’ for submarines that experience super pressure while spacecraft in SW are traditionally made of substances like transparisteel and titanium alloys and even other exotic stuff assumed to be at least as strong if not stronger than 18th century steel, despite the presumed need to only contain 1 atm of pressure.

I guess my overall point was that due to the square cube law and various pressure differentials purrgil muscles would necessarily have to be pretty tough, perhaps of a grade like structural steel or concrete, much like Kaiju like Godzilla should have. Especially because they deal with pressure and gravity differentials that are not insignificant.

The pressure chamber was simply to demonstrate that you need a pretty tough substance, be that steel or concrete around an aluminium shell (the Al was there because it's a cheap way to stop radiation from nuclear tests, which was the chamber's original purpose) to stop the 1 atm differential from crushing it like a coke can. Ergo, purrgil, while not being quite as big as the chamber, would still need pretty sturdy hides, muscles and bones to deal with the pressure differentials for objects of their relative size .


If an ISD is still about 1600 m long, that makes those purrgil pretty huge, possible bigger than the chamber I posted above without their tails. (Just googled the chamber's dimensions, about 31 m diameter by 38 m in height. don't quite have the time to compare how large the purrgil are from that shot but I might come back to it later if possible.)

Honestly, it's not actually that absurd to suggest that purrgil might have muscular strength similar to, for example, some of the (smaller) Kaiju we see in films like Pacific Rim.

I know they are hunted in the lore, but this is done with directed energy weapons and probably with an element of surprise. An ISD could shoot down purrgil, but they were simply on top of the ISDs too fast. (Which I'm sure some people think was "too fast", and that's fair. But I contest the notion the purrgil don't have the physical strength to rip into an ISD in the way we saw. I mean, they do, because we saw them, but what I mean is it's not actually a super absurd idea according to the physics.)

Speaking of Pacific Rim, I think Rinko Kikuchi has a pretty strong Adult/Resistance Era Sabine vibe. It's just a shame she doesn't sound anything like Tiya Sircar, but she has a strong presence. But I'm probably biased because I have a massive crush on her so want to see her in more films


Edited by Ktan
40 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Tiya Sircar. Just as with Ashley Eckstein, I think it would be unnecessary to use anyone else right now.

Also, I don't think certain characters need to be translated to live action. Animation is a medium to tell a story, not just a medium for children. True most childrens programming is animated, but it doesn't mean that it is only for kids.

Oh, mind you, this is not to take away from the Amazing voice talent of the show at all. I completely agree with you on all of this, I see no need for live action Rebels .

That being said, my question remains, in your mind’s eye, who can you visualize Sabine played by.

It’s just an adult thought exercise.

15 minutes ago, Ktan said:

I think Rinko Kikuchi has a pretty strong Adult/Resistance Era Sabine vibe. It's just a shame she doesn't sound anything like Tiya Sircar, but she has a strong presence. But I'm probably biased because I have a massive crush on her so want to see her in more films


Never saw Pacific Rim but ye gods that woman looks like my younger sister ?

You know who definitely should get a character in the next animated show they make?

John De Lancie

10 minutes ago, Ktan said:

You know who definitely should get a character in the next animated show they make?

John De Lancie

He is starting to LOOK A LOT like Talon Karrde

Honeslty I'm getting sick of live-action adaptions of animated stories, they just never do justice. Looking foreward to the Miraculous live-action film with dread. And yes I watch that show don't judge me. :P

4 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

4 hours ago, Ktan said:

You know who definitely should get a character in the next animated show they make?

John De Lancie

I could be down for him taking on the role of Karrde, though...he plays sarcastic and patronizing antagonist so well (see Q from Star Trek or Alarak from Starcraft) that casting him as a sadisticly playful dark sider (Sith, Inquisitor, or whatever) would be a delight.

Knowing him as both Q and Discord, yeah, I can really easily see De Lancie as Talon Karrde.

Like super freakin' easily.

Honestly, most of the Rebels voice cast could play their characters fairly well. Ashley Eckstein, Tiya Sircar and Taylor Gray (Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra) are all roughly the right age, and the characters were pretty clearly modelled on them (particularly Ezra). Freddie Prinze Jr is a little old for Kanan, but not vastly - a bit of hair dye and Hollywood makeup and he could pull it off (and given his fate he's unlikely to be an issue for future live action). Vanessa Marshall is probably a bit further past where Hera should be age wise, and Steven Blum is the wrong side of 6 feet for Zeb (but if he was a prosthetic or CG character that wouldn't matter).

There are a few definite recasts required (Kallus' voice actor is black, for one), but the core cast could mostly manage it.

It would obviously depend on the era, but if the rumours are true and the next TV series is set in the resistance era, and it happens to be the rumoured live action series, any or all of them might be on the table for a live action cameo (much easier to age the younger actors up than the older actors down).

7 hours ago, SabineKey said:

I could be down for him taking on the role of Karrde, though...he plays sarcastic and patronizing antagonist so well (see Q from Star Trek or Alarak from Starcraft) that casting him as a sadisticly playful dark sider (Sith, Inquisitor, or whatever) would be a delight.

I'm going to level folks

I just want Alarak but in Star Wars

5 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Knowing him as both Q and Discord, yeah, I can really easily see De Lancie as Talon Karrde.

Like super freakin' easily.

If you love De Lancie as Q and Discord and you like strategy games I can highly recommend at least watching through an LP of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void because his character in that, Alarak, is quite honestly an inspiration.


I enjoyed it, as a kid's show. I think it peaked at S3 personally, with the best episodes in S2 and 3 featuring OT characters. S4 felt a bit weak as they looked for 'depth'; pushing the force into time and space travel etc...

As an earlier poster said: if this is Sabine's recounting of events, then we can take it with a pinch of salt. It would make the first season better for sure (those watermelon things for example).

So Disney's first full canon project closed.... I enjoyed it, but between this and TLJ I'm unsatisfied wth Disney. I loved TFA and RO but the former two have opened a void for me. The consistency and atmosphere of the the universe is gone. It's all power creep now, it seems. Snoke, Rey, Ezra and the Emp demonstrating abilities beyond anything from the OT or prequels. Just like in this game, power creep kills the desire to participate, for me. I'll stick to the 'classics' it seems.

Planet crushing force users. I'm calling it. Within the next five years. Canon. Who needs death stars when the death star itself could be the villain!?!

36 minutes ago, Larky Bobble said:


I enjoyed it, as a kid's show. I think it peaked at S3 personally, with the best episodes in S2 and 3 featuring OT characters. S4 felt a bit weak as they looked for 'depth'; pushing the force into time and space travel etc...

As an earlier poster said: if this is Sabine's recounting of events, then we can take it with a pinch of salt. It would make the first season better for sure (those watermelon things for example).

So Disney's first full canon project closed.... I enjoyed it, but between this and TLJ I'm unsatisfied wth Disney. I loved TFA and RO but the former two have opened a void for me. The consistency and atmosphere of the the universe is gone. It's all power creep now, it seems. Snoke, Rey, Ezra and the Emp demonstrating abilities beyond anything from the OT or prequels. Just like in this game, power creep kills the desire to participate, for me. I'll stick to the 'classics' it seems.

Planet crushing force users. I'm calling it. Within the next five years. Canon. Who needs death stars when the death star itself could be the villain!?!

That's nothing new. Honest to god, that is genuinely nothing new. Ever heard of Darth Nihilus? Didn't crush planets, no. Just literally ate the entire life force of planets.

14 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

That's nothing new. Honest to god, that is genuinely nothing new. Ever heard of Darth Nihilus? Didn't crush planets, no. Just literally ate the entire life force of planets.

Pointing out the EU was ******* bonkers doesn't absolve Disney of stupidity. They had a chance to set things right and keep it consistent, they have a department to specifically do this, and they still manage to **** out garbage.

Yeah... But that ain´ t so cinematic... Sucking life with a glowy ghosty force... Nah!

The next Baddie will CRUSH those planets like a flimsy tin can, or like a kid with someone else´ s head "trapped" between their thumb and forefinger in perspective! Something that we can all associate with...

3 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

That's nothing new. Honest to god, that is genuinely nothing new. Ever heard of Darth Nihilus? Didn't crush planets, no. Just literally ate the entire life force of planets.



Edited by kris40k
42 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

That's nothing new. Honest to god, that is genuinely nothing new. Ever heard of Darth Nihilus? Didn't crush planets, no. Just literally ate the entire life force of planets.

But he still had a trim svelte figure.

The Force = NO Carbs

2 hours ago, kris40k said:



I'm seeing a 404 yo.

2 hours ago, McFoy said:

Pointing out the EU was ******* bonkers doesn't absolve Disney of stupidity. They had a chance to set things right and keep it consistent, they have a department to specifically do this, and they still manage to **** out garbage.

Of course. Just saying, if you liked / were used to it then, no point in crying now.

Just finished the show, so throwing my 2 cents in - I absolutely loved it and can't wait to see a show with Ashoka the White and Sabine off into the nowhere.

I still think season 2 was the strongest overall, but there were some truly beautiful moments in the last couple of Rebels episodes.