STAR WARS: REBELS Discussion Thread!

By KCDodger, in X-Wing

1 minute ago, Yakostovian said:

Despite the finale's flaws, I am mostly satisfied with the ending. My biggest gripe is the Rebel use of Animal Cavalry (twice!)

Do they count as “animals” if they are sapient (sentient) life forms?

2 hours ago, Ktan said:

How long is a Twi'lek pregnancy and how much time during which would she be out of action? It's possible she was early (or not even aware she was) pregnant during Scarif and then basically wasn't back in the Rebellion until RotJ because she was basically on maternity leave. (I mean, some women pretty much work until the last moment but I imagine being a pilot in a war is a pretty stressful thing that you'd not want to do too much while pregnant)

There's surely a reason she wasn't at the Battle of Yavin as well, but I think that explains her absence during some parts of the Galactic Civil War.

Wonder if Kallus and Zeb were babysitting while Rex and Hera were at Endor? xD

Well, post Yavin, she is at a pilot training base, built out of an old Trade Federation lucrehulk. I imagine she is there because it is out of the fighting as much as possible, and a good place to have Jacen. Granted, she did get kidnapped... Worse case, it is like Poe or Snap, she gave him to someone else to look after.

2 hours ago, Forresto said:

Can we talk about how Kallus gets to go to paradise after the war crimes he committed?

Sure he didn't order the use of disrupters but he used them or commanded men to fight whilst using them.

Not to mention being ISB he's essentially gestapo. He would have done horrible things, especially to resistors.

Seems a little too rewarding of an awful human being.

He may have seen the light, it doesnt change what he did. I care less from a story point of view within the lore but more so just the message it sends.

I mean, do you want to arrest Zeb's husband for war crimes...

But seriously, the Alliance is full of ex-Imperials, you can't exactly charge them all with crimes after they helped you out.

Edited by Sithborg
7 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Do they count as “animals” if they are sapient (sentient) life forms?

If the sapience of a creature is only revealed as a "surprise" moment, then it still qualifies as an animal. :P

28 minutes ago, xanderf said:

Morality in the Star Wars universe is different from ours.

I mean, it's a setting where someone can slaughter an entire religion, including cutting down children in their temple, hunt down and exterminate the rest of them across the galaxy, help with the construction and defense of a superweapon, participate in the destruction of an entire planet just to prove a point...then throw one guy down a reactor shaft one time and suddenly he's redeemed and gets to go to 'the good (Jedi) place'.

It's not a completely alien concept, it's how Christianity works, more or less.

But even tho he was spiritually redeemed, I imagine Vader would have a very hard time not getting sentenced to death by the Rebels, had he survived.

Edited by eMeM

I find it funny how much of this conversation is just about the Purgill. :P

I think the Purgill salvation is ok from a story point, because the Rebels could not beat thrawn. and having a completely un-expected (to the point where it might be ridiculous) thing that Thrawn can't possibly predict is the only way to beat him.

Though admittadely having those droids come back would have been 10X more epic. Missed opportunity.

The weirdest thing for me wasn't even the purgill, it was Hera's kid. Not only is it weird that Jacen doen't have head-tails, it kinda bothers me that Kanan and Hera apparently had sex without confessing their love for one another. Which honestly makes me feel weird because I thought it was a powerful moment when they finally did, but if they had some kind of casual intercourse before it just seems off.

2 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

I find it funny how much of this conversation is just about the Purgill. :P

Spacewhales should not be able to defeat a star destroyer. Otherwise what is the point in equipment of any kind?

2 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

I think the Purgill salvation is ok from a story point, because the Rebels could not beat thrawn. and having a completely un-expected (to the point where it might be ridiculous) thing that Thrawn can't possibly predict is the only way to beat him.

Though admittadely having those droids come back would have been 10X more epic. Missed opportunity.

I wholeheartedly agree.

2 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

The weirdest thing for me wasn't even the purgill, it was Hera's kid. Not only is it weird that Jacen doen't have head-tails, it kinda bothers me that Kanan and Hera apparently had sex without confessing their love for one another. Which honestly makes me feel weird because I thought it was a powerful moment when they finally did, but if they had some kind of casual intercourse before it just seems off.

As the wife put it:
"****. That must have been some kiss."

4 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

The weirdest thing for me wasn't even the purgill, it was Hera's kid. Not only is it weird that Jacen doen't have head-tails, it kinda bothers me that Kanan and Hera apparently had sex without confessing their love for one another. Which honestly makes me feel weird because I thought it was a powerful moment when they finally did, but if they had some kind of casual intercourse before it just seems off.

Think that was called earlier in the thread. Obviously they were 'friends with benefits' prior to that, which isn't even a little bit uncommon even in regular Earth-human societies. It gets a lot more common in close-working teams in high-stress situations, too.

So, the spacewhales sent both Ezra and Thrawn to somewhere very far (so far that they are not seen until the after the Battle of Yavin). I wonder if they did this because they needed both the Alliance and the Empire to unite against a common and terrible enemy from out of the Galaxy ? ;)

Disney loves some bad aliens for antagonists, just saying... (see Marvel Cinematic Universe) That's an old practice - if you don't want to people to question the heroes for killing hundreds of enemies, just make them robots, faceless soldiers or very ugly/savage aliens.

8 minutes ago, xanderf said:

Think that was called earlier in the thread. Obviously they were 'friends with benefits' prior to that, which isn't even a little bit uncommon even in regular Earth-human societies. It gets a lot more common in close-working teams in high-stress situations, too.

I'm not questioning it's probability, it just kinda takes something away from their relationship if that makes sense. I also feel like Kanan and Hera wouldn't do that simply for the sake of the rest of the crew. But really it's not that big a deal.

I also wanted to mention Hondo. Even though he was mostly comedic, (the ugnaught was a little cringy), I really liked Hondo's development through this series. I also think it's powerful that Honda, after all these years, finally cares about someone besides himself , Ezra. Hondo may have been friendly with Obi-Wan and Anakin, but he certainly has never been shown to care about someone like this before. I liked it.

31 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Do they count as “animals” if they are sapient (sentient) life forms?

It's not because we humans are sapient that we are not animals , you know... (we share 98.8% of the DNA of the Chimpanzees, for instance)

19 minutes ago, Yakostovian said:

Spacewhales should not be able to defeat a star destroyer. Otherwise what is the point in equipment of any kind?

I wholeheartedly agree.

As the wife put it:
"****. That must have been some kiss."

Twi’leks get pregnant from kissing confirmed.

1 hour ago, Forresto said:

I love the Last Jedi to death (favorite Star Wars movie since Revenge) and I've dealt with three months of the Last Jedi haters cornering me on every website i've mentioned as much. It still happens. Viciously.

The negative response to Rebels, is not an iota close to the vitriol the film or that series has received.

I'm not a Last Jedi lover. I came out of that movie with a "I really got to think about this" feeling, I wasn't happy, I wasn't angry, I wasn't sad... I was very... wtf just happened. I went through a lot of emotions, but the more I reflect on it I find I really actually liked what they did with the story. But yes, if you are, or were part of the "Star wars anything and everything" Facebook group... well, Mos Eisley looks like a private multi-million dollar yacht compared to that place now.... what a disgusting display of human conduct...over a movie!

Me, I really like Rebels. I like Forces of Destiny. Sabine is one of my favorite characters (Obi Wan, Wedge, Vader, Rey, Sabine are my top 5). Filoni and Pablo are two of my favorite people at Lucasfilm. I love Star Wars, and I'm here to stay.

1 hour ago, Odanan said:

It's not because we humans are sapient that we are not animals , you know... (we share 98.8% of the DNA of the Chimpanzees, for instance)

My point was that both Lothwolves and Purrgil are sapient, and are not simple animals coming to save the day, but intelligent beings that chose to help.

3 hours ago, Sithborg said:

Well, post Yavin, she is at a pilot training base, built out of an old Trade Federation lucrehulk. I imagine she is there because it is out of the fighting as much as possible, and a good place to have Jacen. Granted, she did get kidnapped... Worse case, it is like Poe or Snap, she gave him to someone else to look after.

I mean, do you want to arrest Zeb's husband for war crimes...

But seriously, the Alliance is full of ex-Imperials, you can't exactly charge them all with crimes after they helped you out.

Honestly the part that made me chuckle the most was that outright implication.

Thrawn is undone by space whales? I liked it up until that part. So the deaths of thousands of Imps doesn't count as the rebellions first victory? Or is it because that wasnt the full alliance behind them.

when are we getting our Heroes Of Lothal Expac?

Oh also Jacen Solo is now Jacen Syndula

It's at least possible that Jacen was not conceived the old fashioned way. Fertility issues haven't come up in any of the SW fiction that I'm familiar with but seems pretty reasonable that Jacen could be the result of a pregnancy that Hera chose after Kanan died. Just a thought.

Or maybe it was the midic... [force choked]

Edited by gamblertuba
4 hours ago, FlyingAnchors said:

Twi’leks get pregnant from kissing confirmed.

I think it is more Jedi get others pregnant by kissing. Its why they had the no attachment rule.

48 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Honestly the part that made me chuckle the most was that outright implication.

I mean, did you hear them at Celebration? Everyone gets something cool, Zeb gets Kallus.

3 minutes ago, Sithborg said:

I think it is more Jedi get others pregnant by kissing. Its why they had the no attachment rule.

I mean, did you hear them at Celebration? Everyone gets something cool, Zeb gets Kallus.

1: Anakin has a lot of kids. Oops.
2: Hahahahaha. That's seriously great.

1 hour ago, Tailsgod said:

Oh also Jacen Solo is now Jacen Syndula

Did he go to Luke’s Jedi Academy?

Does he join Kylo?

On 3/6/2018 at 9:51 AM, Jo Jo said:

Disney has a couple more chances before I just stop completely watching anything new from them.

"When I am gone, the last of the Jedi will you be" - Yoda

Not according to Dave Filoni with this Ashoka Lives crap and Ezra trapped in "Space Whale Hyperspace ****".

22 minutes ago, Cannon3 said:

"When I am gone, the last of the Jedi will you be" - Yoda

Not according to Dave Filoni with this Ashoka Lives crap and Ezra trapped in "Space Whale Hyperspace ****".

Ahsoka isn't a Jedi.
Ezra is completely and utterly unable to render assistance.

Luke was the only one trained by a Jedi Master, instead of a Padawan who never truly became a Knight, or a Knight knighted by an entity in the force.

Do try to keep such things in mind. A lightsaber and force powers doesn't make one a Jedi or Sith. Though I suspect, no offense, that you'd refer to Snoke and Ben as Sith. Despite them genuinely not being such.

52 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Did he go to Luke’s Jedi Academy?

Does he join Kylo?

Is he force sensitive?

20 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Is he force sensitive?

Either that or a wizard. Or Mutant. Depends on which fantasy boarding school he goes to.

14 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Ahsoka isn't a Jedi.
Ezra is completely and utterly unable to render assistance.

Luke was the only one trained by a Jedi Master, instead of a Padawan who never truly became a Knight, or a Knight knighted by an entity in the force.

Do try to keep such things in mind. A lightsaber and force powers doesn't make one a Jedi or Sith. Though I suspect, no offense, that you'd refer to Snoke and Ben as Sith. Despite them genuinely not being such.

"From a certain point of view..." Jedi masters tend to be kinda trolly. Between Obi-Wan's 'perspectives' and lack of absolutes, Yoda's torching the tree knowing Rey had snitched the books, and Qui-Gon's taking Anakin as a pupil despite the council rejecting him, the handling of Jedi dogma gets pretty slippery. Kylo's comment about letting the past, the Jedi, and the Sith die shows its all just means to an end for him with little real value. With the introduction of the Bendu and the re-surfacing of the "Mortis gods" (a concept as clumsy as the midi-chlorians) the heirs or the narrative are moving towards a make-your-own-destiny philosophy for force wielders, maybe even implying the best knew this already. If they're not careful, those angsty Skywalkers will end up looking like dolts who never quite got it.