STAR WARS: REBELS Discussion Thread!

By KCDodger, in X-Wing

3 hours ago, Alpha17 said:

If the Empire was so desperate that they started sending probe droids to dozens or hundreds of planets by ESB,

Thousands of probe droids, per Adm. Ozzel. The ISD Stalker dropped at least six in the Hoth system, with the rebels on the sixth planet. That’s assuming the ISDs were hopping to each of the remotest systems in the outer rim and dropping enough droids to cover all the major planets.

Or you could believe that each droid pod actually had a hyperdrive. Then why were ISDs launching them? Space stations or even the huge Executor should be doing that. Even with limited range the droid pods don’t need a ship of the line acting as a launching platform without good reason. Like the ability to drop handfuls of droids in multiple systems with the speed of an ISD.

(as you can see I’m usually suspicious of the old EU explanations for....everything.)

Edited by GrimmyV

Clone Wars Characters in Rebels


22 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Since we are talking a lot about Lothal


Is that actually 4 ABY, though? Sabine's epilogue certainly establishes this is after the Battle of Endor, sure, just not... when . At the point when she decides she's no longer needed to help Lothal, and has a minor reunion, yes, but...that's got to be at least after the Battle of Jakku, too, no? And maybe well into (a decade or more) the 30-year gap between the OT and ST? IE., I wouldn't be surprised to find that shot is 15 ABY or so.

3 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Clone Wars Characters in Rebels


It's missing Saw Guerrera.

2 minutes ago, Odanan said:

It's missing Saw Guerrera.

Top right my friend.

11 minutes ago, xanderf said:

Is that actually 4 ABY, though? Sabine's epilogue certainly establishes this is after the Battle of Endor, sure, just not... when .

Most speculation site that Hera and Kanan's child age in the epilogue, Jacen Syndulla, appears to corroborate this speculation. Admittedly this is not definitive by any means and will probably get determined at a later time.

In any case, the pic I posted is still great art and has the iconic cinematography that is noteworthy in a series which has many milestones in the medium. Love or hate the story elements aside, the Space Operatic scenes are a hallmark of Rebels .

The final episode alone is a testament to that.


28 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Clone Wars Characters in Rebels

Thank you for this. My favorite is Obi-wan and his fighting stance. Beautiful.

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Since we are talking a lot about Lothal


The bottom picture, zoomed and cropped is my wallpaper now. Just awesome,

Also i wish this dumb forum would allow me to post pics from my phone!

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Since we are talking a lot about Lothal


**** of a turnaround for nine years. The Empire must have genuinely not bugged them at all. I wonder, honestly, how many other planets' appearances The Empire ruined with its presence?

I swear, Lothal is like another Alderaan with buildings like that.
It's honestly worth noting that Lothal is very much the birthplace of the wider Rebellion. There were other cells, sure. I'm not saying Lothal is where the first cell was started, nor am I going to go so far as to imply outright that it was the only driving force for The Rebellion. But let's really consider the Lothal Cell's achievements- especially given how small they were.

They were very likely the first to actually cripple or destroy a Star Destroyer.
They were certainly one of the most successful cells.
They continued to push on, no matter how many losses were incurred.
They successfully dismantled various Imperial Operations throughout the sector- not just Lothal.
They were responsible for the elimination of at least four inquisitors.
They survived various attacks by Darth Vader himself, though always at significant loss.
They, for a time, had to relocate to Atollon, and made it a point to go back despite command's protests.
They gained the attention of Grand Admiral Thrawn himself.
They destroyed the extremely disconcerting TIE Defender project (largely alone but with accidental assistance from Governor Pryce.)
They managed to protect the Jedi Temple, destroy it, and eradicate any chance of Emperor Palpatine himself using the World Between Worlds to his advantage.
They defeated an Imperial Grand Admiral.
They Evicted an Imperial Grand Admiral..!
And then some..!


The Lothal Cell is everything The Rebellion aspires to be. Tenacious, creative, rebellious even in the face of their own self doubt, tentatively confident, and most of all, jam packed with optimism and hope for a brighter future.

In many ways, The Rebellion began on Lothal.

17 minutes ago, GrimmyV said:

Thank you for this. My favorite is Obi-wan and his fighting stance. Beautiful.

There is no OT character who I grew to love more because of the Prequels more than Obi - Wan, and rightly so as that part of The Saga put the spotlight on him. But there could have been quite a number of ways his character could have been mishandled. We dodged a blaster bolt there.

I welcomed seeing him in Rebels .

[Full disclosure, I still like Grand Moff Tarkin more.]

39 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Most speculation site that Hera and Kanan's child age in the epilogue, Jacen Syndulla, appears to corroborate this speculation. Admittedly this is not definitive by any means and will probably get determined at a later time.

In any case, the pic I posted is still great art and has the iconic cinematography that is noteworthy in a series which has many milestones in the medium. Love or hate the story elements aside, the Space Operatic scenes are a hallmark of Rebels .

The final episode alone is a testament to that.


Both Clone Wars and Rebels were such gorgeous shows. I like how the art styles are similar but also distinct. The Rebels ones are a bit softer, more comfortable. The Clone Wars ones feel more jagged, and aggressive.

Fits the tones of both shows. Even at its darkest, Rebels was always about family. Especially the family we make, not just the family we start with.

What a great show!

Well I just finished the finale... I laughed I cried... ok no I didn't cry, but there's something in my eye.

So bitter sweet from when this journey started. When this show started I gaffed it off as being nothing more than a filler kids show. I'm glad to say I was proven wrong, so many times over. It captured the star wars feel, there's something here for everyone.

I'm sad we're leaving Star Wars Rebels behind, but whatever comes next, I know we'll be in good hands.


Thrawn's last known words: For many years, I've studied the Rebels' art. In particular, I've studied their hentai. Because of this, I know exactly where this is going.

Okay, I need help guys. I really want to like this show. Really. I want to like everything that's Star Wars. But after watching it, the following conclusions came to me:

In the end, the Rebels won their struggle, because:

- magical teleporting wolves

- Bendu

- magical hyperspace travelling tentacle monsters

- time travel

- Everyone in the Empire who's not Palpatine, Vader, Thrawn or Tarkin, are ******.

There's something in this show a lot of people gets, but I don't. Someone please describe me why it's good.

So that finale was pretty great...right up until the magical teleporting Space Whales reappeared.

I mean, I liked the parts after that too and I do like that it removed Ezra and Thrawn from the playing board so the OT is more or less unaffected but...really? This is the best we can do?

Was really hoping we could have had something else with the same effect. Like, for example, Palpatine losing his crap after Ezra denies him the entrance to the World between Worlds again and the ensuing force blast causing serious problems with the Chimeras hyperdrive or something similar. Thrawn is planning to aim the ship at the city (since hyperspace ramming is a thing now) so Ezra has to confront him on the bridge, re-aim the ship to a random location in Wild Space and can't escape in time.

Other then the space whales, a great end to a great series.

34 minutes ago, Captain Pellaeon said:

n the end, the Rebels won their struggle, because:

- magical teleporting wolves

- Bendu

- magical hyperspace travelling tentacle monsters

- time travel

- Everyone in the Empire who's not Palpatine, Vader, Thrawn or Tarkin, are ******.

There's something in this show a lot of people gets, but I don't. Someone please describe me why it's good.

What, you don’t like dues ex machina? How else can the good guys be totally outmatched by the bad guys and yet still win?

Just finished watching the finale.

SUPER relieved Thrawn survived, though who knows where the **** he ended up. Assuming there's no time travel shenanigans involved, I would guess Thrawn and Ezra end up stranded on some remote planet for years.

Was surprised that they killed off Ruhk. I was really worried about Thrawn once that happened.

Annoyed they name dropped Pellaeon just to presumably kill him also, since he was commanding one of the blockade ships, and the blockade was supposedly wiped out.

It's also really weird though that the counterattack on Lothal never came. They even call out that that's exactly what should happen, but then they're just like, "That super logical and predictable thing that should happen? It just didn't for no reason."

Overall though, satisfied with the conclusion. Liked the Emperor's scenes.

Other completely stupid nitpick, those Imperial Gunships clearly fire both lasers AND missiles out of those barrels on the front of the ship. Which are they guys!

2 minutes ago, GrimmyV said:

What, you don’t like dues ex machina? How else can the good guys be totally outmatched by the bad guys and yet still win?

They aren't even that outmatched. The Rebels shot down like half a dozen ISDs and a dozen cruisers without too many problems.

But okay, that's a justification for deus ex machina. But in that dose?

2 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

It’s also really weird though that the counterattack on Lothal never came. They even call out that that's exactly what should happen, but then they're just like, "That super logical and predictable thing that should happen? It just didn't for no reason."

Well, if you just lost a Grand Admiral and an entire fleet to random space monsters and then also lose your special planet killing battle station then Lothal doesn’t look like a priority anymore. It seemed the only imperials tasked with chasing down the rebels after ANH was Death Squadron with all other assets used to hold down systems that the empire already held. A troublesome spot like Lothal probably would have been on the Death Star’s exploding list’ like maybe even top 10 or so, but with the chaos after Yavin and a bit of time I doubt any commanders/admirals/generals (appearantly all the same thing by the time of RotJ according to the rank insignia debacle) cared to try again to subjugate an outer rim world with little to no resources and a historically defiant populace with no imperial presence.

7 minutes ago, Captain Pellaeon said:

They aren't even that outmatched. The Rebels shot down like half a dozen ISDs and a dozen cruisers without too many problems.

But okay, that's a justification for deus ex machina. But in that dose?

Oh I never said it was justified...or excusable.

9 minutes ago, GrimmyV said:

Well, if you just lost a Grand Admiral and an entire fleet to random space monsters and then also lose your special planet killing battle station then Lothal doesn’t look like a priority anymore.

You say that like those two things happen right after one another. Aren't they, like, a year apart?

Why would the Empire not counterattack Lothal during that year when they had nothing else critical going on to prevent them from doing so?

22 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

You say that like those two things happen right after one another. Aren't they, like, a year apart?

Why would the Empire not counterattack Lothal during that year when they had nothing else critical going on to prevent them from doing so?

I could be wrong, but aren't we butting up against Rogue One/ANH at this point? I mean, if the blockade is destroyed that's got to be most of a Sector Fleet so marshalling the resources to retake it would take some time and effort. Building/Moving ships into the region etc. If we're even within a year of Rogue One then the Empire has much bigger problems at hand very quickly and, as people have said, Lothal is essentially value-less to the Empire without the Jedi Temple.

I think we're also at the point where other planetary rebellions are kicking off (Rebels have been established at Yavin for a while, Rogue Ones special forces guys are supposed to have been 'Doing terrible things for the Rebellion' for a long time before RO). So they may be more interested in stabilising planets still in contention rather then retaking one they've lost.

1 hour ago, KellenC said:

So that finale was pretty great...right up until the magical teleporting Space Whales reappeared.

I mean, I liked the parts after that too and I do like that it removed Ezra and Thrawn from the playing board so the OT is more or less unaffected but...really? This is the best we can do?

Was really hoping we could have had something else with the same effect. Like, for example, Palpatine losing his crap after Ezra denies him the entrance to the World between Worlds again and the ensuing force blast causing serious problems with the Chimeras hyperdrive or something similar. Thrawn is planning to aim the ship at the city (since hyperspace ramming is a thing now) so Ezra has to confront him on the bridge, re-aim the ship to a random location in Wild Space and can't escape in time.

Other then the space whales, a great end to a great series.

I agree completely with this. Everything is well finished but the space whales totally took me out of the momentum.. they are fine for an episode but to insert them in such a key event of the story touches the wrong buttons