STAR WARS: REBELS Discussion Thread!

By KCDodger, in X-Wing

funny, was about to make a "the empire wouldn't just leave Lothal alone" comment but some of the arguments here have me thinking about how different the Empire's level of control is in the newer Canon, and even though I'm in agreement that a competent Imperial task force could subjugate Lothal pretty simply, maybe they were just stretched thin enough at the time that no retaliation came.

Still seems unlikely, but certainly more plausible now.


2 hours ago, eMeM said:

I think in this particular case it's less Filoni and more Disney XD.

At least I hope so because Filoni is my only hope for decent Star Wars at this point.

That's kinda sad. He makes some poor writing decisions, and they make a lot of poor decisions in general.

1 hour ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Next interesting thing; Sabine and Ahsoka. While I like the idea of Luke meeting Ahsoka at some point, it not the focus here. What is interesting is the ship Ahsoka showed up on. It looks like a republic/jedi one from several Clone Wars episodes. Yes, assets are reused, but what if Ahsoka found a crashed relic on Malachor and fixed it up? It would explain her absence, as it could take time to repair on that world.

There are/were other ships on Malachor for Ahsoka to use to leave the planet. There are still 2 TAPs that the 3 Inquisitors used to get there. One was taken by Maul, leaving 2 for Ahsoka to use.

20 minutes ago, Bojanglez said:

funny, was about to make a "the empire wouldn't just leave Lothal alone" comment but some of the arguments here have me thinking about how different the Empire's level of control is in the newer Canon, and even though I'm in agreement that a competent Imperial task force could subjugate Lothal pretty simply, maybe they were just stretched thin enough at the time that no retaliation came.

Still seems unlikely, but certainly more plausible now.

Well given Lothal's relative lack of defenses, it would only take one Star Destroyer in orbit to level the capital city.

5 minutes ago, T70 Driver said:

There are/were other ships on Malachor for Ahsoka to use to leave the planet. There are still 2 TAPs that the 3 Inquisitors used to get there. One was taken by Maul, leaving 2 for Ahsoka to use.

It could have taken her awhile to get off world, or she probably realized she know knew the future and could not interfere. If she came back, she could alter history. Post Yavin, she would have known about Luke Skywalker and probably didn't want to touch that with a ten foot pole. For all we know, she was off looking for Ezra and now needs help or that scene is post Endor/Jakku, the Rebellion is over, and it is safe to get Sabine and start looking.

Overall, I really liked the episode. It felt very much like Star Wars, not the slap stick that was in season one. I also liked how they did bring closure to the story and gave us the fate of most of the characters. And I like that it was Sabine that did it, established her as the story teller. I do hope that this is not a lead into the Resistance cartoon and it is Sabine, Ashoka, and Ezra fighting the First Order.

3 minutes ago, Rouge Five said:

It could have taken her awhile to get off world, or she probably realized she know knew the future and could not interfere. If she came back, she could alter history. Post Yavin, she would have known about Luke Skywalker and probably didn't want to touch that with a ten foot pole. For all we know, she was off looking for Ezra and now needs help or that scene is post Endor/Jakku, the Rebellion is over, and it is safe to get Sabine and start looking.

Overall, I really liked the episode. It felt very much like Star Wars, not the slap stick that was in season one. I also liked how they did bring closure to the story and gave us the fate of most of the characters. And I like that it was Sabine that did it, established her as the story teller. I do hope that this is not a lead into the Resistance cartoon and it is Sabine, Ashoka, and Ezra fighting the First Order.

The one thing I'd like to see, most likely in a book series, would be Ahsoka and Sabine's search for Ezra. That would be a story worth reading....well, for me anyway.

5 minutes ago, Forresto said:

Well given Lothal's relative lack of defenses, it would only take one Star Destroyer in orbit to level the capital city.

Yup, so the most logical explanation as to why they didn't send that single ship is that they were either stretched so thin they couldn't afford the distraction, or that Lothal wasn't worth the cost of fuel to teach them a lesson. I'm leaning towards the first :)

I do not recognize the staff and garb that Ahsoka uses. Is it something integrated from legends? I am now curious as to what happened to her between the events of season 2 and the end of season 4.

Also, anyone elses noticed that while in the shuttle, Rex was wearing the helmet used by the Rebel soldiers on Endor? It's definitely a nod towards a comment that one of the staff (don't remember who) liked to think that Rex was the white bearded soldier in Return of the Jedi.

Just now, T70 Driver said:

The one thing I'd like to see, most likely in a book series, would be Ahsoka and Sabine's search for Ezra. That would be a story worth reading....well, for me anyway.

As improbably as it is, I would love to see a few Star Wars Rebels "movies" down the line where they do one-shots showing some of the follow-on - Thrawn/Ezra and Sabine/Ahsoka being the two that seem most obvious.

1 minute ago, Bojanglez said:

Yup, so the most logical explanation as to why they didn't send that single ship is that they were either stretched so thin they couldn't afford the distraction, or that Lothal wasn't worth the cost of fuel to teach them a lesson. I'm leaning towards the first :)

There is also the possibility that they were monitoring Lothal. If conquering it has no strategic value and its ressources are depleted (and therefore how much it can aid the Rebellion) then monitoring it could help to spot and track down other Rebel cells.

Just now, dotswarlock said:

Also, anyone elses noticed that while in the shuttle, Rex was wearing the helmet used by the Rebel soldiers on Endor? It's definitely a nod towards a comment that one of the staff (don't remember who) liked to think that Rex was the white bearded soldier in Return of the Jedi.

Yup, noticed that immediately. I thought that had been confirmed previously but a Google-search says otherwise. However, some sources are taking the hat to be confirmation.

1 minute ago, dotswarlock said:

There is also the possibility that they were monitoring Lothal. If conquering it has no strategic value and its ressources are depleted (and therefore how much it can aid the Rebellion) then monitoring it could help to spot and track down other Rebel cells.

solid logic.

39 minutes ago, T70 Driver said:

There are/were other ships on Malachor for Ahsoka to use to leave the planet. There are still 2 TAPs that the 3 Inquisitors used to get there. One was taken by Maul, leaving 2 for Ahsoka to use.

Well, 1 left - remember that Chopper hijacked one. Still, at least one TAP left, wreckage from the second, and whatever is left of the ship that Maul originally arrived in. Likely not spaceworthy, itself, but Ahsoka was a tinkerer, so...

(And, yeah, whatever else is left on the planet from the original Jedi-Sith conflicts)

1 hour ago, dotswarlock said:

Am I the only one who was surprised by how thorough the ending was? I had not expected the tale to stretch for several years up to after the battle of Endor. Still, I am strangely ok with how it ended. There is the mystery of Thrawn and Ezra's fate, which is a good way to end the series, I think.

I agree. I wasn’t very pleased with the finale, it’s was was a lot of weak story line and convenient plot points. Last weeks epsodoes(Kanan’s death) was amazing. But hey, I will give Filoni a brake: at least this time he got to finish the series. Lol

The last 2 min, Sabine’s monologue, was the seller for me. Put a nice big red bow on it.

2 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

The idea of this type of series, much like the above idea with Ahsoka and Sabine, is appealing as it is a new area for Star Wars to explore. Plus, a Battlestar Galactica imperial themed fleet flying through the unknown is cool.

The Chimaera name leads into this idea, if the fleet was wisked away, as it was damaged and repairing it by combining multiple ships is fitting.

So, if this was a series, things I would love are; some heroic imperial characters. This can be done by virtue of them not being in direct command of the Emperor, because they are lost.

You have the visual aesthetic of the Empire. TIEs are cool. However, Thrawn may well have copies of the Defender plans. If you are going to survive in unknown space, the simple TIE may not fare well, but if you could claw together a craft that resembles a TIE, but not made by the Empire, well, that would be spiffy.

Thrawn commanding an outbound flight, with Ezra and Pelleaon at his side, with a ragtag Former imperial fleet/ship and them making the Clawcraft? I'd be down for that.


Yes. So much yes. I hated the finale, and think that overall it was a rushed, and idiotic excuse for a finale, but I'd think it was almost worthwhile if this is how they continued the story.

But I've yet to see a valid reason for Lothal not being curb stomped. If the Empire was so desperate that they started sending probe droids to dozens or hundreds of planets by ESB, why wouldn't they send an ISD or two over to glass Lothal? Or conquer it again, and start "processing" the population until they started to pony up their Rebel contacts? That simply doesn't make sense.

Edited by Alpha17
25 minutes ago, Alpha17 said:

Yes. So much yes. I hated the finale, and think that overall it was a rushed, and idiotic excuse for a finale, but I'd think it was almost worthwhile if this is how they continued the story.

But I've yet to see a valid reason for Lothal not being curb stomped. If the Empire was so desperate that they started sending probe droids to dozens or hundreds of planets by ESB, why wouldn't they send an ISD or two over to glass Lothal? Or conquer it again, and start "processing" the population until they started to pony up their Rebel contacts? That simply doesn't make sense.

Oh that's easy.

The Lothal cell didn't destroy the Death Star and actually hurt The Empire in a meaningful way.

5 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Oh that's easy.

The Lothal cell didn't destroy the Death Star and actually hurt The Empire in a meaningful way.

Yup. It's pretty obvious from the first few minutes of ESB that following the Death Star's destruction, Vader is obsessed with finding those responsible. And the Rebel pilot known as Skywalker is his priority...

7 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Oh that's easy.

The Lothal cell didn't destroy the Death Star and actually hurt The Empire in a meaningful way.

Right. The Empire wasn't hunting the Rebels , per se - they were hunting Luke Skywalker , because the Emperor and Vader both knew he was the only one that could actually threaten Palpatine.

Also: you just lost an entire fleet and a Grand Admiral over some backwater Outer Rim planet from who-knows-what-cause, but something Palpatine can at least see isn't a threat to himself . So it doesn't seem like the first thing you'd do, when now stretched thin hunting someone that IS a threat to you, that you'd risk any more ships over.

4 hours ago, Forresto said:

Absolutely Filoni.

Ashoka, Rex, Wolfe, Hondo, and Gregor are the only characters from Clone Wars that Filoni created and surprise, they're still alive through another series and beyond.

Filoni has the potential to be the greatest Star Wars story teller other then Lucas, his ideas are fantastic and the execution has created some of the coolest moments in Star Wars but his sentimentality is his undoing.

I agree 100%. I really enjoyed Rebels and Filoni's outlook on the series. he's a great story teller with some interesting ideals. Do I like all of them? No, not really. But it was cool how everything wrapped up. Pretty excited for the must have Ashoka/Sabine story, be it a side arc in a future animated production, a live action movie, a animated move, or even a book! I'd cough up the cash pretty hard.

Sabines boy haircut tho... no thanks. Her pink/white cut was probably my favorite. Even tho she became this crazy powerful warrior that can do anything... I'm glad they resisted (in the series at least) to give her force powers. Kanan explained it in trials of the dark saber that she is closed off from the Force, but there was so many little things that are showing that she could very well unlock that one day. The Convor on her shoulder pad was something that I noticed that makes my mind work overtime.

25 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Oh that's easy.

The Lothal cell didn't destroy the Death Star and actually hurt The Empire in a meaningful way.

The thing is that the Empire knew that the Rebels on Lothal were connected with the AtRtR - Alliance send a squadron of fighters to attack Lothal a few days before the liberation, and the Ghost was present over Scarif.

I'd assume that instead (or in addition to) blindly sending probe droids it'd be more effective to check that trail. In A New Hope Vader is wrong saying that Leia is his only link to the hidden Rebel base, he has a link the size of a planet.

20 minutes ago, eMeM said:

The thing is that the Empire knew that the Rebels on Lothal were connected with the AtRtR - Alliance send a squadron of fighters to attack Lothal a few days before the liberation, and the Ghost was present over Scarif.

I'd assume that instead (or in addition to) blindly sending probe droids it'd be more effective to check that trail. In A New Hope Vader is wrong saying that Leia is his only link to the hidden Rebel base, he has a link the size of a planet.


And remember, Vader's line in Empire is "That's it, the Rebels are there!..... That is the system. And I'm sure Skywalker is with them." He went after Hoth because the Rebels were there.... and because of that, Skywalker would be with them. Why would that be the case if there were numerous populated planets that the Rebellion had in their camp Luke could hide out on? And you're saying that in the three years between ANH and Empire nobody decided to go check out the place for Rebels?

And it's not like taking down Lothal would be much of a challenge or resource drain on Death Squadron or the Empire. There was little to no real opposition for an advancing army, especially if the Empire wasn't trying to occupy but rather destroy. In the real canon, a single ISD was listed as being capable of subduing a world, or glassing it if necessary.

Edited by Alpha17

After seeing the interaction between Thrawn and Tarkin, and their talk of Krennic, the fact that the Empire didn't retaliate seems plausible to me. A high ranking officer and excellent power-player just lost one of his most important planets, and with it his most prestigious projects (the TIE Defender program). Why would anyone else commit resources to retaking it? Tarkin would soon be occupied with the Death Star project, and the military had to deal with the more coherent threat.

I am curious to learn the details about the Ghost crew during the main events of the civil war. We know that Hera and Chopper was present at Yavin before Scarif, and that the Ghost was part of the battle there. But the VCX is (probably) not there during the Battle of Yavin IV. Also, Rex is down on the planet during Battle of Endor. Who flew the Ghost at Scarif? Did it survive? What role did Hera and Chopper have at Endor? So many interesting stories to tell!

One also has to consider a simple question, "What does Lothal actually have for us? The Jedi Temple The Emperor wanted is gone, the Mining Guild has been driven out, there is a local insurrection, and we have absolutely zero foothold. We have been keeping Lothal at a significant loss over the last few years. Let's just leave that crap alone so we can divert some more resources elsewhere. Like this Stardust project."

Since we are talking a lot about Lothal
