It's hard to explain but currently F&D feels a little too pre-Rebellion Era to me and I think getting rid of the Force User Careers and instead just expanding on the Exile/Emergent style we see in EotE and AoR might be a better way to go. I'm not dumping on F&D, I like it and I think playing it as is will be plenty fun, though maybe in a different era, but having those Careers just doesn't feel old skool Star Wars-y to me.
I haven't decided yet and I'm too busy right now to play with it but I've been considering when the final CRB comes out to just not have any F&D Careers available (Unless one of the Players wants to play a Witch or some other obviously non-jedi type) then go through the Specializations and condense them down to 3 or 4. I'll then have all the PCs that want to be FU to choose a Career from EotE or AoR and Exile or Emergent. Once they do this they'll gain access to those 3-4 other Specialization trees.
Pretty sure that is not going to happen. Seeing as how we are 6 beta updates in. I thought they were going to go that route. they aren't though. This way ends up being better. Something to keep in mind. Your game is not and never will be canon. So you do not need to constrain yourself with Canon.
Edited by Daeglan