If the Avenger comes out I can see the JX-wing as it's counterpart as they are both evolutions of existing ships.
Also Star wings are small single seaters about the length of an x-wing.
Edited by All Shields ForwardIf the Avenger comes out I can see the JX-wing as it's counterpart as they are both evolutions of existing ships.
Also Star wings are small single seaters about the length of an x-wing.
Edited by All Shields Forward
Can't wait for this one. Probably will have 3 missile icons.
V-wing isn't rebellion era, k wing is new Jedi era and that no longer exists because of the new films, and the t wing is a very crappy a-wing with torpedoes.
I'd like to see them get the starchaser.
Corrected you mate. Starchaser should be scum and rebs though.
Edited by DariusAPBThey were shown to use them in TFU though alongside z-95's.
20 points seems a little low for something that has more health than a defender/bomber and more agility than a Y-wing/Bwing.
I would say at least start it a 22 (Blue Squadron Pilot) for the cost.
All Navy Gunboats are given the name due to large powerful guns, 2 attack is not powerful, this is just my opinion.
The ship seems good, just don't call a ship gunboat when so many ships have a higher attack value.
This should almost be a carbon copy of the B-Wing except for having lower firepower and (sorry only two) missiles rather than torpedoes. A neat Title card could be 'Missile Boat': "If an Ordinance card specifies it be discarded after an attack, do not do so." Would have to be like 10 points though.
Edited by TheJradeAll Navy Gunboats are given the name due to large powerful guns, 2 attack is not powerful, this is just my opinion.
The ship seems good, just don't call a ship gunboat when so many ships have a higher attack value.
The XG1 Starwing, known as the Assault Gunboat traditionally had 2 laser, 2 ions. It had high warhead firepower more than anything else. Compared to every single Imperial fighter of it's era it was a tank.
Edited by DariusAPB
As you all know I also have my own version:
No way the star wing is more manouvrable than a B-Wing!!
The B is on par with the X just a bigger target if you are gunninng at one from the side. One green die as it represents the difficulty of flying the B and that side shot angle.
As for the Star Wing it too should have just the one green die, it's quite a target from the side like a smaller lamda.
Id be tempted to give it the third red die as it does pack quite alot of fire power.
Dile should be something like the Y-Wing/Tie Bomber, maybe even along the lines of the HWK = no K turn.
It's more maneuverable than an X-Wing, nearly matches the A-Wing for acceleration, and is on par with the B-Wing for everything else aside from an extra cannon and armor (it's hull rating is midway between that of an X-Wing and a Y-Wing). A true Space Superiority Fighter.
Far be it from me to poo poo another Wingers favorite ship...but I had rather the cousin to this thing see our collections first, in the Imperial Lander, with boarding action rules.
What do you think?
It's a Lambda with every proportion grossly distorted. Would be a shark-jump if ever there was one.
I did these a while ago:
And the landing craft:
Sure the gun boat looks nice, but you just KNOW that the Missile Boat would be just around the corner.
Sure the gun boat looks nice, but you just KNOW that the Missile Boat would be just around the corner.
Missile Boat schmissile bowt. That thing shot down capital ships on it's lonesome, talk about jumping the proverbialshark.
Oh, it could be done, it'd just annoy everyone endlessly because it'd have to have an infinite missile card and if that was a title rather than a modification...
The real problem isn't the missile setup, though, it's the SLAM drive.
e: also the Missile Boat is prettier than the Gunboat so I'm obligated to like it.
Edited by Tipperarye: also the Missile Boat is prettier than the Gunboat so I'm obligated to like it.
One's a shuttle with ricer fins, the other has shoulder-pods and slight FSW.
Gunboat's so many /leagues/ behind in that department it's not even funny.
I dont think the SubLight Acceleration Motor would be such a hard Upgrade to make
K-Wing and Missile Boat Only
Action: Discard this card and you can do a Boost Action AND a Target Lock Action. In your combat phase you can only attack with a secondary weapon.
SLAM system: Immediately before you preform an attack with a secondary weapon you may perform a free boost action. Reduce the defender's agility value by one during this attack.
Concusion Missile Launcher modification: 4, spend a target lock to perform this attack, change one of your blank results to a hit result.
Give it a missile slot so it can flavorfullu equip two different war heads and a bomb slot.
I dont think the SubLight Acceleration Motor would be such a hard Upgrade to make
K-Wing and Missile Boat Only
Action: Discard this card and you can do a Boost Action AND a Target Lock Action. In your combat phase you can only attack with a secondary weapon.
Not CUHRAYZEE enough, you could basically triple speed with the drive.
How about performing straights twice, for a high stress cost?
Sure the gun boat looks nice, but you just KNOW that the Missile Boat would be just around the corner.
Missile Boat schmissile bowt. That thing shot down capital ships on it's lonesome, talk about jumping the proverbialshark.
Shields don't stop torpedoes so half a squadron of y-wings will decimate a stardestroyer easily if fighters don't intercept them.
Hell one a-wing took out a super stardestroyer.
I was honestly hoping the op missile boat would show up as the Imperial epic, but have it be justified by obscene stats and the amount of missiles it would fire every turn.
Hell one a-wing took out a super stardestroyer.
That SSD had its bridge deflector shields popped by a previous attack run, otherwise the A-wing would have impacted on the shields, probably resulting in some pants needing changed on the bridge, but no damage otherwise.
I don't think they'll release the missileboat until after they've addressed ordinance being crap.
I don't think they'll release the missileboat until after they've addressed ordinance being crap.
The missile boat would be the perfect ship to introduce upgrades preventing missiles from being crap, though?
(Disclaimer: still not as broken as the actual ship!)
I'd almost pull a Defender here and drop the banks to green. This would pair with a [5] SLAM Drive, modification - "When you perform a ↑ maneuver, you may perform it twice. Then receive 3 stress tokens."
Due to the timing with the Check Stress step only 2 of the tokens actually stick, but it's nasty.
Would also need an infinite-missile upgrade (honestly all ordnance needs this so I'd be hesitant to put it as a title), doesn't Armada have card art for an extended magazine? If it's not unique to the MB making it a simple do-not-discard overlaps with Failsafe, if it /is/ unique then we run into the problem of other ships still needing help (though it does have have the side-effect of making the MB broken (as it should be?)).
Edited by Tipperary