Have: Regionals templates and Evade Tokens
Want: You tell me.
Have: Regionals templates and Evade Tokens
Want: You tell me.
Just putting this out there, never know:
FFG 2014 Regionals acrylic evade tokens (1 set)
Star Trek Attack Wing OP ships (Gorn ship is highest priority, but send me a list. eBay could be your friend)
You'd be shipping to Australia. I'll ship to anywhere.
Edit: translucent dice are gone, but evade tokens are still available
currently doing a trade for the dice. Will post later upon the arrival of goods
acrylic shield tokens
Acrylic target locks
Wave 2 Battlefoam (ships layer and accessories layer)
Custom wood carrying case
Located in Montana, but I will be attending the regional in Spokane.
The wooden case is gone, updated trade desires:
Acrylic Evades
Acrylic Templates
Acrylic Target Locks (any but #3&4)
Ion Tokens
Seismic Charges
Oversized Boba Fett/Han Solo
Promo Y-wing
Promo Black Squad
Promo Z-95
Promo B-wing
I don't want to trade all of the Ions or bombs, but will trade a bomb and two ions for several evades.
Updated Post:
Original #1-5 TL Tokens (I painted in the numbers so you can read them)
1 Alt Art Bandit card
1 Alt Art Dagger card
1 Ten Numb Card
Various LCG Promo cards
Other alt art Cards besides Dagger, Gold, Ten Numb, Luke, Bandit.
Acrylic Evade tokens (5)
I Want:
Acrylic Focus Tokens
Acrylic Dice
You can Get:
Acrylic Evades
Acrylic Shields
Acrylic Proximity Mines
Acrylic Proton Bombs
Acrylic Ion Tokens
Acrylic Seismic Charges
Acrylic Stress Tokens
X-wing pilots and astromechs from Transport
Happy Hunting
Edited by TheycamefromBEHINDWant: a c3po
Have: what do you want?
Have for trade:
FFG's Acryllic Evades (2014 Regional ones)
Alternate Chewbacca Pilot card
Alternate Luke Skywalker Pilot card
FFG's Transparent dice
FFG's Acryllic Focus Tokens (the 2013 Regional ones)
Also interested in:
FFG's Acryllic Target Locks
FFG's Acryllic Ion Tokens
FFG's Acryllic Stress Tokens
Location: Sweden (but the postal service works world-wide)
PM if you have/want something.
EDITED to reflect updated trades.
Hi, I'm from the Philippines. I'm looking for the following:
FFG acrylic Shield tokens
FFG acrylic Focus tokens
FFG acrylic Target Lock tokens
Can pay with PayPal. Please PM me for offers. thanks!
Hi, I'm from the Philippines. I'm looking for the following:
FFG acrylic Shield tokens
FFG acrylic Focus tokens
FFG acrylic Target Lock tokens
Can pay with PayPal. Please PM me for offers. thanks!
Have: Regionals templates and Evade Tokens
Want: You tell me.
i have multiple alternate art. Dagger Squadron Pilot cards, an imperial medal and some acrylic seismic charge tokens. intersted in ur evade tokens
Have for trade:
FFG's Acryllic Evades (2014 Regional ones)
Alternate Luke Skywalker Pilot card
Alternate Chewbacca Pilot card
FFG's Transparent dice
FFG's Acryllic Target Locks
FFG's Acryllic Ion Tokens
FFG's Acryllic Stress Tokens
FFG's Acryllic Focus Tokens (the 2013 Regional ones)
Location: Sweden (but the postal service works world-wide)
PM if you have/want something.
i have acrylic stress tokens - want acrylic evades
I Want:
Acrylic Focus Tokens
Acrylic Ion Tokens
Acrylic Seismic Charges
Acrylic Dice
Luke Regionals Card (Not worth more than a few nonshield tokens to me)
You can Get:
Acrylic Target Locks (1-5)
Acrylic Evades
Acrylic Shields
Acrylic Proximity Mines
Acrylic Proton Bombs
Acrylic Stress Tokens
X-wing pilots and astromechs from Transport
Han, Leia, R2D2 & C3PO from Tantive
Happy Hunting
i have acrylic seismic charge tokens and acrylic ion tokens- interested in your...
acrylic evades and shields
I Have:
2014 Store Championship Range Ruler x1
Acrylic Seismic Bomb Tokens x2
Acrylic Stress Tokens x6
AA Ten Numb x2
AA Gold Squadron x2
AA Biggs Darklighter
AA Darth Vader
I Want:
AA Boba Fett
Acrylic Shield Token Set (15) x2
Acrylic Target Locks (1-5 and/or 6-10)
Android: Netrunner Acrylic Virus Token Set (10) x2
Android: Netrunner Acrylic Agenda Token Set (6) x1
Edited by Raptor Nest*Updated 9/8/14
Want: C-3P0
Have: Let me know what you want.
I Want:
Acrylic Focus Tokens
Acrylic Ion Tokens
Acrylic Seismic Charges
Acrylic Dice
Luke Regionals Card (Not worth more than a few nonshield tokens to me)
You can Get:
Acrylic Target Locks (1-5)
Acrylic Evades
Acrylic Shields
Acrylic Proximity Mines
Acrylic Proton Bombs
Acrylic Stress Tokens
X-wing pilots and astromechs from Transport
Han, Leia, R2D2 & C3PO from Tantive
Happy Hunting
I Want:
Acrylic Focus Tokens
Acrylic Dice
You can Get:
Acrylic Target Locks (1-5)
Acrylic Evades
Acrylic Shields
X-wing pilots and astromechs from Transport
Happy Hunting
Jendon promo card
Biggs Promo Card
I have:
-Colonel Jendon
-Black Squadron Pilot
-Dagger Squadron Pilot
-Some acrilic tokens
I want :
-Mostly of Promo cards
I'm in México, but I really want to trade for all the promo stuffand over the world, so be confidence, greettings.
Wedge promo
Focus acrylic
Range ruler acrylic
Seismic acrylic
I Want:
Acrylic Focus Tokens
Acrylic Ion Tokens
Acrylic Seismic Charges
Acrylic Dice
Luke Regionals Card (Not worth more than a few nonshield tokens to me)
You can Get:
Acrylic Target Locks (1-5)
Acrylic Evades
Acrylic Shields
Acrylic Proximity Mines
Acrylic Proton Bombs
Acrylic Stress Tokens
X-wing pilots and astromechs from Transport
Han, Leia, R2D2 & C3PO from Tantive
Happy Hunting
unsure how to send private messages in this forum, but i am looking for shield tokens, i have plenty of ion tokens and seismic charges
unsure how to send private messages in this forum, but i am looking for shield tokens, i have plenty of ion tokens and seismic charges
You need to turn on the messenger first. Ask around for the link, I know someone has it.
Have for trade:
FFG's Acryllic Evades (2014 Regionals)
Alternate Chewbacca Pilot card
FFG's Acryllic Focus Tokens (the 2013 Regional ones)
Location: Sweden (but the postal service works world-wide)
PM if you have/want something.
unsure how to send private messages in this forum, but i am looking for shield tokens, i have plenty of ion tokens and seismic charges
You need to turn on the messenger first. Ask around for the link, I know someone has it.
ok i think i turned it on, but i still can't seem to send msgs
don't know why this couldn't be made a simple process that's automatic like any other forum i've ever been on.. but hey
Had a great trade with 'TheycamefromBEHIND'. I now own some ugly target lock promos...
But they're mine! ALL MINE!
After some trades, updated.
Edited by Danath