Hi everyone,
as the title says, I'm looking for a group to play Rogue Trader online (with Skype and maptool/other).
A little more background:
I really enjoy the P&P RPG games in the Warhammer 40k universe. I also started my own group (with me as GM), but the sessions are SO few. So I was wondering, maybe there are people out there who already play it online or want to do so too.
I'm from germany, so my timezone is UTC +01:00.
I AM more a nooby in the P&P RPG genre, but so far (since I GM my own group) I have been able to learn the things that come up pretty good.
I would like to play RT, but I also got the Core Rule Books from DW and DH (here also Inquisitors Handbook).
I gues that sums it up. It would also be helpful, if someone knows of a forum or website where people diskuss this topic and point me in the right direction to get there.
Big thanks in advance.
Have a nice day