Looking for online group

By Grimmlock, in Rogue Trader

Hi everyone,

as the title says, I'm looking for a group to play Rogue Trader online (with Skype and maptool/other).

A little more background:

I really enjoy the P&P RPG games in the Warhammer 40k universe. I also started my own group (with me as GM), but the sessions are SO few. So I was wondering, maybe there are people out there who already play it online or want to do so too.

I'm from germany, so my timezone is UTC +01:00.

I AM more a nooby in the P&P RPG genre, but so far (since I GM my own group) I have been able to learn the things that come up pretty good.

I would like to play RT, but I also got the Core Rule Books from DW and DH (here also Inquisitors Handbook).

I gues that sums it up. It would also be helpful, if someone knows of a forum or website where people diskuss this topic and point me in the right direction to get there. :)

Big thanks in advance.

Have a nice day :D

It might be helpful if you put up a bit of a profile so that people know what kind of game you are looking for. Are you more casual / Mathhammery / heavy into roleplay / all of the above / none of the above / ect...

Oh okay. Sure.

I'm not a fan of maxing things out. Like "I take this and that origin path so that i can start with the maximum ammount of strength".

I gues I'm more interested in the plot and story. I may not be the best roleplayer, but I really enjoy it. (Somehow this point puts DW very low on my favorite list)

I also enjoy creating a nice backstory for my character.

So I gues I would say I'm 65% plot and 35% fight interested. Sounds to me like a real casual-player who is new to this. :)

Hope this helps!

Wow thank you VERY much!

I will look into it once I'm back from work. I really wish to play some RT (or any other W40k P&P) on a regular basis. RT would be best thou. So much crazy stuff you can do. :)

Yea a shame they couldn't finish W40k DMO. Would have been interesting. But I gues these Wwarhammer online games (like Warhammer Age of Reckoning) just wont be accepted. :/

I'm starting up a new Black Crusade group with the preliminary gametime Tuesdays ~5 PM-8 PM EDT/23:00-02:00 CEST. (Eastern Daylight Time/Central European Summer Time). Open to anyone that isn't named Martin.

We were supposed to start this Tuesday, I had four players but two flaked out, and I'd like at least three to start. Might push it off to start next week, depending on circumstances.

Running it over Roll20/Skype, one guy and the GM are veteran players of RT (mostly), one player is a noob and the GM is a noob at GMing.

It's not RT, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Edited by Fgdsfg

Sounds great!

RT would have been nice, but I would be glad if I can play any of these games. :)

You got one new PM!

That's 8am Aus. Otherwise I would join.