Finding a game of Rogue Trader

By ZeroMark, in Rogue Trader


I've been trying to find a game of rogue trader for quite a while. I was wondering if any of you had thought about running a game on something like roll20 or online? If so I'd really like to get involved and hopefully get a little more exp in playing the game before trying to GM myself.

Where are you located? Have you tried posting ads at you local hobbie shops?

My online group will be starting a game of rogue trader here and we are looking for more people. If you want to join us you can give it a shot and see how it plays out.

what times, and through what system are you looking to get players. Also what theme is your game going for and what niches you need depending on this I might also be intersted in joining.

"What times"- Will still be discussed once we get everyone's schedual

"what system are you looking to get players" - Pardon? Not too sure what you mean? We will be using maptools as the main platform for the game if that is what you are asking.

"Also what theme is your game going for" - The game is a continueation off of a game that was started earler but only lasted for about 3 sessions until we made our GM rage quit for killing his epic pirate space "chuck norris like" npc. So right now I guess you can say pirates, but we are still discussing what direction we will be taking and what we will be doing. It sounds like we want to go on an empire building spree, but all options are still open.

"what niches you need depending on this I might also be intersted in joining" We have a rogue trader an arch militant an astropath and missionary. Anything other then thoughs would be great. Trying to go for 1 of each spec for the game.

I see, then I might sign up depending on time as an Explorator or Seneschal. What rank are you guys at and by system I mean Skype, Ventrillo, TeamSpeak, Google+, also Map Tools does that work with Mac OSX?

Mac won't work. Raidcall which is our voice chat program dosen't work with mac Also we use tunngle for connection issues which also can't be used on a mac = any chance you can get off mac os?

To answer the other questions the characters are new guys and the system like i mentioned is raidcall. If you have steam you can just add me to that if you want to use that to communicate instead of the forums my current name on steam is Hosen picture is the deathwatch symbol

Hey sorry I've not been checking this after the 100th view I didn't think anyone was going to respond :)

I'd be really interested to join your group. You can add me on skype Zero.Mark or Steam - ZeroMark.

I'm back again. Still looking for a game of Rogue Trader, preferably GMT time. Either in Glasgow, Scotland where I live or based online. Regular basis would be good, long term sandbox campaign would be awesome but honestly I'd just really like to play an RPG as a space pirate.

One thing you might consider is Play by Post.

There are two websites I know reasonably well, RPGCrossing and Myth-weavers, that occasionally run Rogue Trader or other 40k games. It's a little different than live play, but some people like it.

I am a game master generaly available by night my time (GMT-3)