Hey guys,
I have extensive experienced in being a gamemaster for different games. This is my second time with Rogue Trader. My "physical" group only has gaming sessions every other week so I get pretty bored in the meanwhile. haha
I am looking to start a game with 3-5 players, online (by skype and whatever tools we can muster).
Although I have extensive practice, english is not my native language and so people should expect me asking things like "oh man, could you repeat that just one more time? or type it into the chat" (sry, no one is perfect! hehe)
Once we have the group, we can schedule gaming sessions and plan on the frequency. ; )
I like people role playing it seriously, though I am prone to setting up hilarious (though not so unrealistic) situations on critical fails and things like that.
Thanks for your time!
Edited by Sebastian Yorke