Gamemaster looking for online players (at GMT-3 timezone)

By Sebastian Yorke, in Rogue Trader

Hey guys,

I have extensive experienced in being a gamemaster for different games. This is my second time with Rogue Trader. My "physical" group only has gaming sessions every other week so I get pretty bored in the meanwhile. haha

I am looking to start a game with 3-5 players, online (by skype and whatever tools we can muster).

Although I have extensive practice, english is not my native language and so people should expect me asking things like "oh man, could you repeat that just one more time? or type it into the chat" (sry, no one is perfect! hehe)

Once we have the group, we can schedule gaming sessions and plan on the frequency. ; )

I like people role playing it seriously, though I am prone to setting up hilarious (though not so unrealistic) situations on critical fails and things like that.

Thanks for your time!

Edited by Sebastian Yorke

around* GMT-3

sounds good to me let me know what type of campaign you are looking into crafting so I can submit to you a character. I have been a Game master for a long time as well but do not get to play often as a player. I would be interested in playing the Rogue Trader of the group if you do not have one already.

sandbox, I just ask for people to roleplay not too insane characters since I will not hesitate on sending an Oficio Assassinorum agent or even a small battlefleet to hunt a guy trying to nuke footfall or port wander for example

I am really into space battles also, so a team with focus on that would really help me

No problem with Orks or Kroots(this one is preferable) or even Eldar Outcasts if you have a REAAAAALLY nice excuse for working for an RT.

ok next best question what books are you allowing and what house rules or homebrw stuff would you allow; I ask so I can get started in the design of my character and ship.

joham.strauss my Skype, add me and we can talk ;)

I am using mainly the core rulebook and Into The Storm

but I will accept ships from Battlefleet Koronus for example

I'd love to join. I'll add you on Skype.

I use Google+ and Roll20 or similar program when I have done online games i can add you on skype but I will need to install it later tonight. If you are interested in the mean time you can look me up in Google+ I can send you my email for you to look me up via PM if you wish.

Also I know this house rule archeotech ship hulls are a bit OP but was wondering if you would be willing to allow a trade of 2-3 archeotech slots for 1 roll in the hulls section in this thread.

Edited by Asajev

I would love to play.. i am in Eastern Time.. but its not that much of a difference in time.. so as long as its in english :) i should be able to.

Best way to get ahold of me is email. [email protected]

my skype is dave.cyborski

I will add you, thanks!

Is this still open? I'd like to give it a try (first not-in-person-game)

skype: philliprudy

email: [email protected]