Online Games Looking for Players

By gathrawny, in Rogue Trader

Hey Everyone!!

Empires of the Expanse is looking for players!

Do you dream of building an empire that spans the stars. all the while battling players and NPCs alike in the arenas of Void Combat, Ground Combat, and Political Intrigue?

If so, Empires of the Expanse is the Rogue Trader game for you!

We are looking for more players who are interested in a free form, sandbox campaign where you are free to set your own motivations in a living breathing Koronus Expanse and explore, and exploit to your heart's content.

Qualifications: Players must

  • Be able to commit to posting at least an average of 1-2 times per day (Of course we all have real lives, no one is going to be sitting there with a calculator checking that you keep this up but it's the approximate level of engagement required to get anywhere in your story)
  • Be able to self-motivate to some degree: Your story will be largely up to you! The campaign is set in a sandbox where you are given license to go out and do what you want with very few restrictions.
  • Be interested in the theme of Empire Building. We're working out a new economy system that focuses on strategy and play at the macro level. If that doesn't interest you then this game probably isnt a good fit (Though I'm working on getting the GM to loosen this restriction a bit)

Check out the link or post in the thread!

You sir, have peeked my Interest. I think I shall mossy over there for a look see.

Full. I have pmed the GameMaster, in the hopes of joining you.