New expansion announced: Forsaken Lore

By guillaumetexas, in General Discussion

Well, there it is, that didn't take long. This must be a record for FFG. Eh was released in November 2013 (i think), and three months later, PING! expansion.... Nice:

Yay! My favorite game of fantasy flight so far has just earned an expansion! I can't wait to have it! 14 new mystery cards... If Yig is the only AO of this expansion, so we have 6 mystery cards for him and 2 new mystery cards for each of the 4 AOs of the core (giving them now 6 mystery cards too). 6 from Yig + 2 (x4) = 14. ^^

It looks like it's a small box. No new investigators and just one AO. One Epic monster (Hydra) and 88 new research cards (that IS cool). Twenty new condition (including a new one - poison) cards and a new spell too: poison mist ritual spell. Over one hundred encounter cards. Hmmm, this box doesn't seem to be so small after all.

Edited by Nainphy

Can't wait. This can't come soon enough

Second quarter of 2014 according to the site.

Yay! Announced! Good :D

Very excited about this!

Yig's mythos deck is ridiculously short. :blink:

True, but Yig's very fast to awaken in all HPL-related FFG games. I'm confident it's beatable :)

Yig's mythos deck is ridiculously short. :blink:

And you need to solve 3 mysteries to win (i was expecting only 2 because of the reduced doom (only 10)). His mysteries must be VERY easy to solve, or at least quick. Unless it's like AH. I saw a statistic once that 62% of the time you face Yig on AH, you win DEFEATING him and not by sealing the 6 portals. We can't see the back of his sheet, but i hope he'll be the easiest one to win in a direct confront against him (solve his final mystery).

About his mythos deck, 16 mythos cards, it's the average. I don't think it's short.

Edited by Nainphy

If Yig is the only new AO, then 88 new research cards means there will be 24 research cards per AO (24 (Yig) + 16 x 4 (existing AOs = 24 + 64 = 88).

This should do a lot to resolve the "we're seeing repeated research encounters in the same game" complaint.

Yay! Announced! Good :D

I agree :D

The website mentions new Spells (plural), Assets, and Artifacts.

There are 20 new condition cards. Most cards are in sets of 3, so that would mean 3 Poisoned and 17 other Conditions. They could bring all the other Conditions up to 4 cards with that.

Edited by Wolfgar

Cool! cannot wait for that. sounds like Yig is create for battle. He is suppose to be awake and fight with investigators. I like it.

Really excited about this new expansion, shame no new investigators, would love to see some more of the old AH Investrigator make reappearences. But more research and mystery cards is a good a place as any to start

I think they will create the new investigators (old?! it's a matter of perspective, lol) given time. I think this box (forsaken lore) will have the size of the elder sign's box, not the size of the small nor the size of the big boxes of AH. I THINK we will only see a big box expansion IF they expand the board, but i don't know how that will be possible if the board already represents the entire world. But yes, it would be cool to see new faces in this game.

I did the conversion of Dexter Drake from AH to EH (but it's impossible to play with him because there's no way to create his asset cards ,at least to me xD), If you want to see just for curiosity:

With the speed this expansion is coming out, I think its more of a "hotfix" expansion than a true expansion. From what I've read about it, it seems to address all of the concerns that people had about the game when it first came out(short research decks, more mysteries needed, more location and expedition cards, etc.). I'm sure there will be expansions that will add investigators though in the future.

I don't know if it's a "hotfix". I remember my friends laughing about AH (when i had just the core arkham) while saying: I'm going to the woods, i'll see the sheldon gang there. Or about the historic society giving you a ride to the woods. Having just a few cards is a problem with any game that is made/created to receive expansions. Fantasy flight (or any other) will release just the basic in a core game to keep you buying their products (marketing strategy) and it works very well because i want A LOT this forsaken lore expansion. xD (hahahahaha)

Yig's mythos deck is ridiculously short. :blink:

And you need to solve 3 mysteries to win (i was expecting only 2 because of the reduced doom (only 10)). His mysteries must be VERY easy to solve, or at least quick. Unless it's like AH. I saw a statistic once that 62% of the time you face Yig on AH, you win DEFEATING him and not by sealing the 6 portals. We can't see the back of his sheet, but i hope he'll be the easiest one to win in a direct confront against him (solve his final mystery).

About his mythos deck, 16 mythos cards, it's the average. I don't think it's short.

I guess Gorehammer intended more the starting Doom being really low rather than the deck being thinner than usual.

Anyhoo... just remember that Yig has 2 incarnations in Arkham Horror: the one coming with vanilla Arkham, which is rather easy to hack down, and a new release done for Arkham Nights, which is much more devastating. I won't bet my house on EH Yig being easy to beat in final battle (guess we'll wait for some preview to know for sure, though)

Edited by Julia

With the speed this expansion is coming out, I think its more of a "hotfix" expansion than a true expansion. From what I've read about it, it seems to address all of the concerns that people had about the game when it first came out(short research decks, more mysteries needed, more location and expedition cards, etc.). I'm sure there will be expansions that will add investigators though in the future.

The way I see it I think it was already planned before EH even came out. The lack of cards in the base, which do not make the game unplayable though, was the clue that this was planned.

Greedy bastards! :P

I'll buy it, great expansion from what I read, exactly what the game short after release.

I have just one thing to say about this:


:D :D :D :D :D

Great news

Good to see they're keeping it as a small expansion with just more cards. I honestly don't think the game needs any big new features. It would be a shame to see it fall victim to Arkham Horror feature creep.

Would just like to add that there needs to be a LOT more new research and mystery cards, not just just a couple. Minimum 6 mysteries for each ancient one so you can't guess and prep for predictable ones coming up.

I guess the only minor new feature I'd recommend is something like a "final mystery" that gets drawn for the third one. Something appropriately climatic to separate it from the pack of standard mysteries, even if it's just thematically with the flavor text.

I guess the only minor new feature I'd recommend is something like a "final mystery" that gets drawn for the third one. Something appropriately climatic to separate it from the pack of standard mysteries, even if it's just thematically with the flavor text.

Maybe for Azathoth. For the other 3, you can just have them awaken if you want a strong, thematic, and climactic last mystery. ;)

Would just like to add that there needs to be a LOT more new research and mystery cards, not just just a couple. Minimum 6 mysteries for each ancient one so you can't guess and prep for predictable ones coming up.

That's exactly what new expansions does. It boosts mystery card count of each AO to 6 and research ecnounter card count to 24.

I'm going to need more shelf space :wacko: