So I'm looking forward to starting a new SWRPG campaign, and I want to use the Battle of Endor as my starting point and my point of divergence from canon. My intent is to clear the board of the canon heroes - they have made a very strong contribution to the success of the Alliance, but now other heroes are needed.
Here's what I have so far, the Battle of Endor goes much as seen in Return of the Jedi except:
1) Luke Skywalker does not evacuate the Death Star before it is destroyed. He dies moments after Anakin looks upon him with his own eyes.
2) Following the destruction of the Death Star, the Imperial Navy forces the Alliance Fleet to make a fighting retreat from Endor. Alliance starfighters focus their attacks upon the Imperial Navy's Interdictor cruisers to create openings. They succeed, but less than half of the Alliance Fleet escapes from Endor. The Imperial Navy does not attempt immediate pursuit.
3) During the fighting retreat, General Calrissian moves to evacuate General Solo's team from the Sanctuary Moon, but the Millennium Falcon is shot down while making the attempt. A badly injured Lando joins up with Han's team on the surface.
The Millenium Falcon was lost when the explosion of the Death Star's reactor spread faster than predicted.
4) General Solo's team on the Sanctuary Moon is unable to escape as the Imperial Navy lands a massive force of stormtroopers. The Imperials do not take prisoners, and General Solo's team (and a whole bunch of Ewoks) are slaughtered.
5) In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Imperial Navy controls the system, but many of their vessels are heavily damaged. They draw back the most heavily damaged vessels for repairs and make futile attempts to hunt down the fleeing Rebels with what remains of their forces.
This is the beginning. I'm looking for a post-Endor setting that is still much like the time of the Rebellion and less like the New Republic era. I will have the Empire frayed at the edges, but I do not plan on having it implode with every Imperial in power being an impulsive idiot trying to grab power for themselves like the EU did.
Edited by HappyDaze