Bah, I'm no grognard, but KotB was significantly better than anything I saw in 4E.
It's meant to be a starter adventure and a tutorial for the GM - you are meant to personalise it, give the tribes and NPCs little quirks, design a story around the bare bones. B1 In Search of the Unknown, was similar. KotB at least offered tactics and the possibility of having a 'living dungeon' where the creatures didn't just sit around patiently waiting for adventurers to kill them. They moved around, set up watch, had reinforcements, cut deals with other tribes, or just fled in fear.
I must have GMed this two dozen times over the years. I've played it straight, played it as a parody for the Magic Wishing Kitten group, done a modern version of it with the players filming the humanoids for a documentary, and even an adult version (about which I'll say no more, other than we used 'Isle of Dread' as a sequel and everything was consenting...)
My Basic box was full colour though, and I think it was Erol Otus art? Man, that guy had a very unsettling, evocative style...
Edited by Maelora