Hopefully they'll fix some issues with the EotE box set with rules and such.
So can't wait!
And now we know.
I'm saving my money this minute. Forget food and clothes. I want it!
As far as the line in general I'm very excited to see this, no doubts. But as a GM that already has the Edge BB, and is going to be investing in all 3 Cores and the whole suite of splats I'm not sure if there's any value here for me. I'd love the map and tokens but I don't "need" the rest of it. I may settle in for The Long Wait and pine for a standalone token/map set. This should be another fantastic entry point for new players though. Good job, FFG!
Awesome news. Best make room on the FFG shelf in the study.
Words cannot express the want.
As far as the line in general I'm very excited to see this, no doubts. But as a GM that already has the Edge BB, and is going to be investing in all 3 Cores and the whole suite of splats I'm not sure if there's any value here for me. I'd love the map and tokens but I don't "need" the rest of it. I may settle in for The Long Wait and pine for a standalone token/map set. This should be another fantastic entry point for new players though. Good job, FFG!
That said, bring on the core book. Pumped for that.
I was surprised by this news for some reason. I guess I thought the Beginner Game was just a one shot kind of thing. Never occurred to me that each Game would get one.
I was surprised by this news for some reason. I guess I thought the Beginner Game was just a one shot kind of thing. Never occurred to me that each Game would get one.
It makes sense. All 3 Core games share the same rules but are also meant to be stand-alone games. So for people who didn't want to play the hungry fringers on the edge, but would love to play the rebellion soldiers, this is a good jumping on point.
I was surprised by this news for some reason. I guess I thought the Beginner Game was just a one shot kind of thing. Never occurred to me that each Game would get one.
It makes sense. All 3 Core games share the same rules but are also meant to be stand-alone games. So for people who didn't want to play the hungry fringers on the edge, but would love to play the rebellion soldiers, this is a good jumping on point.
Absolutely. A lot of us zealots here are in for the long haul, buying the three cores and whatever splats FFG throw at us. Those of us who are knee deep into huge campaigns don't really need a tutorial every year. It's easy to forget that there are some other demographics out there including the collectors who'll throw money at stuff just to have it sit on the shelf... this is a great product for them. Not to repeat myself, but if a box of npc/vehicle tokens or map/campaign boxes come out I'm throwing money at this monitor so hard it will make the internet shake.
I would like to see a posted AOR pdf sheet soon.
I'm all over this. I don't really need any of the stuff in it, but the adventure will be nice for Play by Post games or quick pickup games, the character folios are just pre-made NPCs for me, the maps can be repurposed, and the dice will be handy in case I end up ever losing any of the ones I already have.
Also remember that they are releasing three settings, and that gives three times the chances for someone to walk into an FLGS or cruise the interwebs and say, ``Hey, I`ve never played one of these Arr Pee Gee thingy`s , I should give it a try. I like Star Wars, so...``
They are not only marketing towards veterans or people who are committed to buying all the things. We have to indoctrinate a new generation, or the congregation will simply die off...
Not interested. The art looks super cool though.
I was surprised by this news for some reason. I guess I thought the Beginner Game was just a one shot kind of thing. Never occurred to me that each Game would get one.
But then again, as one of the more common grievances that I've seen against EotE is that "it's just Firefly with stormtroopers," maybe FFG is hoping to snag those folks that passed on the prior Beginner Box with something that's more definitively set in the Star Wars universe.'
I don't know if I'll pick this up; may largely depend on what price I can get it at as I'm generally set for dice (both physical and via the dice roller app). I found the EotE pre-gens in that Beginner Box to be rather dull and thus of little use, to say nothing of said pre-gens not even being in line with the char-gen guidelines from the core rulebook.
The adventure was pretty good, and worked well for conveying how the system worked. If FFG could sell that separately from the box, I'd probably snag that in a heartbeat. The maps aren't really a factor, as I've got plenty of maps already from the WotC SW minis line as well as various Maps of Mastery Kickstarter projects that I've backed and other such resources.
Edited by Donovan MorningfireWell, this was (almost) unexpected. I'm pleasantly surprised by the news.
Will I buy the Beginners Box? Almost certainly. Will I actually use the box? Probably not. I'll like the extra dice, the maps are always a nice bonus and I don't mind having more canned games - and the EotE BB was a pretty solid tutorial.
However the EotE BB was pretty railroady and hand-holdy. Mind you, it was perfect for what I needed at the time, but now with a year of game playing under my belt, I don't need the hand holding tutorial. But I'll be able to strip mine the canned game if my group ever jumps over to the Rebellion in the future.
Agree with everyone here. It will be great for one-shot games for people who are unsure if they want to join the main game. And we can always use more SW dice.
As someone who is interested by FFG SW RPG (I have and like SW:saga), I looked at the EotE BB but understood it was based on beta rules - which kept me away from it, together with the theme (felt like traveller to me - and I already have that RPG).
So I'm wondering - are the AoR rules mature enough so that the BB will represnt the actual game rules (and not a beta version like EotE)?
Also can't wait.
The way I see it is it is a slightly more expensive pack of dice with an adventure and some other cool stuff. Will probably pick this up.
I wonder if the adventure involves stealing the death star plans?
It's about the prestige and of course, bragging rights (you know who you are! ).
As someone who is interested by FFG SW RPG (I have and like SW:saga), I looked at the EotE BB but understood it was based on beta rules - which kept me away from it, together with the theme (felt like traveller to me - and I already have that RPG).
So I'm wondering - are the AoR rules mature enough so that the BB will represnt the actual game rules (and not a beta version like EotE)?
The core mechanics of FFG's system certainly have 'matured' enough, but even then, the number of changes between the EotE Beginner Box and EotE core rulebook were due more to the Beginner Box using more simplified rules in some instances (such as streamlined critical injury system and combining career and specialization into a single class), and we'll probably see those same changes in the AoR version of the box as well.
Anything in terms of rules that needed updating are things that FFG is generally aware of and have documented in the errata released so far, both for the EotE core rulebook and for the EotE Beginner Box.
As someone who is interested by FFG SW RPG (I have and like SW:saga), I looked at the EotE BB but understood it was based on beta rules - which kept me away from it, together with the theme (felt like traveller to me - and I already have that RPG).
So I'm wondering - are the AoR rules mature enough so that the BB will represnt the actual game rules (and not a beta version like EotE)?
The core mechanics of FFG's system certainly have 'matured' enough, but even then, the number of changes between the EotE Beginner Box and EotE core rulebook were due more to the Beginner Box using more simplified rules in some instances (such as streamlined critical injury system and combining career and specialization into a single class), and we'll probably see those same changes in the AoR version of the box as well.
Anything in terms of rules that needed updating are things that FFG is generally aware of and have documented in the errata released so far, both for the EotE core rulebook and for the EotE Beginner Box.
The product description does indicate a slimmed down ruleset. Again, this is meant to be an introduction. Think of it like a light version of the Pathfinder box set, if you will. Plenty to get you up and running, and then you can move up to the Core if you enjoy the game.
I just hope they make it more CB rules rather than what almost seems like another game. The characters in EotE BB weren't even full characters.
awesome can't wait to get it and play it.