Music for Talisman

By Croonos, in Talisman

I thinh that music is an important part of every game. It makes Talisman world complete :) .
Personally I prefer progersive rock band - Jethro Tull which plays lots of folk music. Whole discography (with "Aqualung" and "Thick as a Brick" on top) is perfect but to the game I can recomend such albums like: "Minstrel In The Galery", " Songs From The Wood" and "Broadsword And The Beast". Also "Tarkus" from Emerson, Lake and Palmer is climatic.
What kind of music do you like to listen in the background?

Anything by Erdenstern for me -

Or even the soundtrack from Talisman Digital Edition.

Wow, what a neat new topic.

I had not considered progressive rock (and I'm a prog rock fan since the early '70s; YES, ELP, Tull, Genesis, etc.)

we mostly use one of the music channels on our cable, 'Soundscapes' which is more or less New AGE. Calming...(still kick ass in the game though)

A friend of mine wanted to do music, I find it distracting/irritating, but if low its ok. We played the Lord of the Rings soundtracks.

If we are gonna listen to music for Talisman its gonna be fantasy based.

I had not considered progressive rock (and I'm a prog rock fan since the early '70s; YES, ELP, Tull, Genesis, etc.)

When you look at Tull's "Broadsword and the Beast" cover (I think LP was released almost in the same year as 1st ed of Talisman) seems to me very fit to Enemy cards. Without a doubt strengt/craft at least 10 :lol:

You guys are all crazy....I dont know how you can listen to music! We usually have a lot of raucous noise amongst ourselves, a lot of cussing, a lot of belligerence and a shitload of gloating, nagging, complaining and ridiculing.

As I said, I prefer not having music, but if my friends are pushing it, its very low volume.

We listen to Skinny Puppy, NIN, stuff like that at a reasonable level, the aggressive nature of the music makes for a more battle fueld and blood sooked affair....

I hear you on the Nine Inch Nails, though I typically play the more ambient stuff like Ghosts when playing Talisman.

Other favourites as of late are compositions by Arvo Part or Mozart , the soundtrack to Journey and the Conan The Barbarian Soundtrack!

Conan sounds great! We listened to LoR again last Saturday while playing.

As some have mentioned, not too loud since the "discussion" should not be disturbed too much. However, LOTR is a must and we also listen to Pink Floyd a lot.

adjogi how can I agree more! quietly & LoR is best. And I used to be a huge fan of Pink Floyd and one of my friends who plays was also a fan.

I will have to check out that Conan soundtrack - it sounds intriguing...

Tubular Bells has always been a Talisman game fave of mine, as has plenty of Yes albums, Brian Eno, King Crimson, Tea Party, Hunters & Collectors, The Eternal, Led Zepplin's Physical Graffiti, Type O Negative & the Cure's Disintegration.

Two Steps from Hell - Archangel

Two Steps from Hell - Invincible

Audiomachine - Chronicles

Audiomachine - Epic

Great tunes for this game.

Manilla Road!

I usually listen to tracks from Skyrim.

Any music, though I do like to play it when I can hear Diabolis Interium album.

Talisman DE & Talisman Prologue for me!

OST's (Soundtracks)

Lord of The Rings

Game of Thrones

Hans Zimmer

On Youtube playlists:

Demon Stone (PS2 game)

Guild Wars

Elder Scrolls

Right now I have the world cup showing in the background when we play.

I been replaying Dragon Age and really love the music, I may try and get a copy and play that for Talisman.

I just put on the music channel on my cable; Soundscapes. Bonus when they play Loreena Mackinnon (SIC) or Enya. I prefer soft, new agey tunes for play.