
By Elliphino, in BattleLore

FFG used to announce expansions and new games well ahead of time. It bit them in the ass a few times when games were delayed for whatever reason. I remember them making an announcement in 2007 that they were going to reprint Dune: the Board Game, having just acquired the rights to the old board game.

Starcraft was another one, if I recall, though for different reasons. It was over a year late, partly because somewhere along the line I think they said they scrapped the combat mechanics and had to start over (there was originally talk of some kind of mechanic using clear cards that you lay on top of each other).

As another poster had stated I also would like to see a second base game released with the Undying and Elf factions, a second board with included Epic rules to combine with the current box, and all the corresponding cards. Then maybe more faction specific sets for adding the remaining units we have seen in Runewars and Runeage with some additional rules for magic users and elites. I think that would strike a nice middle ground of having a good core amount of miniatures and faction options from the core boxes, and also some customization options with faction packs if you really get into a particular one more heavily. That would give a lot of material to play with, without turning it into a massive money sink like many other miniature based games.

Overall though I am really impressed with the polish and quality of the 2nd edition and if it takes a little more time to maintain that I am definitely ok with it.

I am really hoping for an expansion as well. Can not happen soon enough but I want it done right.

Battlelore 2E has been our most played and requested game in ages - I couldn't be hoping any harder for some news at Gencon.

Come on FFG....when BattleLore Second Edition will having it's next expansion set.....????

Edited by master1984

As an offering to the dark gods of Battlelore, I went ahead and made the sacrifice of buying those pricey dice, so here's hoping they will shine their beam of expansion revelation upon us.

They announced XCOM board game, no battlelore expansion :angry:

Really hope they will announce/show something battlelore related on gen con.

Edited by poet1001

Hot news straight from the inflight report....

Two expansions for battlelore!

And an iOS version! Awesome.

Looks like 2 new $40 boxes, I'm guessing one for each existing army, with 4 new units totalling 50 points, with new terrain, lore, and scenario cards. Out by the end of the year!

Edited by LongDarkBlues


Be nice to know if these are units that extend the 2 core army or different ones. Seems most of the people on bgg think extend. Maybe more inf when FFG posts the info here on the website.

But having the iOS version is definitely a plus since I do live way out in the boonies.

I was posting on BGG, too, but I think they are extensions of the existing armies because A) they are 50 point total army boxes, which is much lower than the base set armies, B) the phrasing of the post 'four new units types' implies that that they are new types relative to something that already exists, C) that the image shown so far bears the Daqan colors and shield symbol, D) that new units in the trailer for Battlelore Command were shown on the Daqan and Uthuk sides, and, E) it makes more sense, in terms of game mechanics and maximizing consumer buy-in, at this point, to expand the armies we have than to introduce 2 completely new and incompatible forces.

That might not be the case, but its very unlikely. I assume we'll get a news article, perhaps with a few new images, about it tomorrow once all the Star Wars stuff has been absorbed.

Indeed. I'm also more inclined in thinking that these will be extensions and not new factions. The wording and the imagery used is pretty clear, I'd say (if they were to announce a new army, then different faction symbols would have appeared somewhere during the report).

I think it's also a logical marketing move: you first expand what you already have (people buying and playing) and then you eventually (if the line is still selling) a new army. If you go the other way round, you'll end up with people saying "ah, they expanded Daqan / Uthuk. Then I'm sure an exp pack will come for this other army".

For the same reason I don't think we'll ever see another set hosting two factions and working as an alternate to the first one: if they will ever be releasing new armies, we'll see one new faction / expansion.

Just my feelings; but in any case, I do want those **** new boxes, whatever they are! :D

I think the expansion plans will match battles of westeros, core box with 2 factions, small boxes to expand those factions then big core size box to add an additional faction.

A guy on BGG posted some great photos from crittohit.com of the new units, so I cropped them out and arranged them for easy viewing .

It looks like we've got:

Daqan Lords - Guardians of Hernfar

  • Legend - some sort of Rock Golem with a mounted ballista - I'm assuming it's a powerful ranged unit
  • Cavalry - more heavily armored - maybe slower but more damaging?
  • Elite - a spearman with a huge shield, maybe ignores the first point of damage?
  • Infantry - some sort of spell caster - looks more like damaging than healing?

Uthuk Y'llan - Warband of Scorn

  • Legend - a giant Chaos Beetle?
  • Elite - some sort of Chaos mutant
  • Infantry - an assassin-ish looking guy - maybe a melee poison unit?
  • Infantry - looks to be a Blood Sister (from RuneWars) - sacrificial spell casting?

Also, since everything on Earth seems to have a subreddit, I went ahead and made one here , if anybody wanted one.

Edited by LongDarkBlues

Glad BL2 got an expansion it does open up the Game having greater

choices in Units & of course new Scenarios.

Having been off put by DoW BL1 parade of more of the same

(although one cannot really have too many Dwarves-unless their riding

cows)I hope we will in the future get different factions.

I also wish FFG had let me know they were doing all this before I

decided to retire & reduced my Game budget

Oh wow I did not see this update on the expansion. That is AWESOME!

Those sculpts look awesome. Can't wait!!!!

My biggest worries, looking through FFG's expansion release for this game, is that they aren't delivering new content fast enough. An entire year before they announce two new army packs?

I don't know, maybe the game isn't selling well enough to justify more frequent releases? But waiting a year between each new "set" is to far fetched. A release period should not go more then 3-4 months between at most.

Then again, maybe it's just me being overly worried about this.

I'd not be worried too much; designing a good game requires time; espanding it properly requires even more time because you need to think twice about balance and interactions of many more components. Plus there can be many troubles along the way we don't know. I'm just happy we'll be receiving the first two packs in not too a long time.

I agree with you that the waiting this time has been pretty long; but I don't see how 3-4 months between releases is possible if we want to have a quality release.

Anyhoo, just my two cents :)

I think we only could get the answer at Gen Con 2015 on July... but personally I still hope that we could get some good news about BattleLore new expansion set before Gen Con 2015....

My worry is investing into this game, only to have FFG abandon it. If they only release new updates to it every year, then I can't help but feel it's not a priority from their end and that it is likely to be abandoned.

Game is great and all, but if it's not selling then they won't keep producing more content for it I'm afraid and as it is, the core pack (though money worth) is not enough for a complete game experience in my opinion. Need more armies, need more pieces and more content (scenarios, lore cards, 3+ player rules, etc.).

Greatest C&C game I've ever laid my eyes on, but it seems like FFG isn't very invested into it themselves. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

I see what you mean :) Still, I don't think it's likely for FFG to abandon the line: they just released the digital version of the game (which is, btw, terrific), plus, invested on the Scenario editor and they are now to release two army packs for Daqan and Uthuk. With these two army packs, we should have 10 scenarios to be played / side with 9 different units that can be fielded for both factions (which means the combinations with core set + the two packs are enough to grant you 100 different games, that becomes 200 if you want to play all combinations for each side; these combo becomes countless if you want to repeat playing them with different army compositions; so that, you can play one different game / day and be covered for much more than one year with what is available).

As for the rest of your post, I guess other games sell more (no idea, tho, I'm just speculating): Star Wars, Descent, the various Living Card Games, are probably more appealing / have a larger fan-base than Battlelore, but this doesn't imply the game will be abandoned.

This said, I think we can only sit and wait to see what happens next :)

As much as I'd love endless expansions, I really think that this will, for the most part, be quite satisfying for a long time, especially if we see any sort of smaller 'lore, scenario and terrain tiles' sort of expansion. As long as it's a 2-player game, I don't really see the need for more armies as much as more ways to vary the army compositions - these expansions alone are going to add tons of varity to the game.

An expansion could make it a 3 or even 4 player game though =)

Also, it should be noted that some people will only play certain races. My girlfriend will only play Elves and a buddy of mine will only play Dwarves. They have weird obsessions =p

Edited by LionCub