Steve (of the Red Fez's) Store Demo Ads

By Steve (of the Red Fez), in WFRP Gamemasters

In case anyone wants to run a demo, you'll need a couple of ads. I've got two that I used extensively. The first is meant to be placed in the store and allows you to write the day and time on it.


The second is meant to be placed on the table (preferably standing up) near the unused character sheets. It invites the potential player to simply sit down and grab a character sheet to join in.


A tip for you if you're looking to run a demo. Do not start your session by teaching the rules or giving any kind of oral history of the Warhammer world, the demo characters, the adventure, or anything else. Start out with an exciting scene (do not use the dice for this... just keep it simple) and teach the rules as you go. This also means you don't "pause" the game if a new player sits down in order to teach them anything. Just throw them in and teach them as you play.

If anyone wants a high-res, printable copy of these ads then let me know.


Steve (of the Red Fez)