LFG: Play by post

By dava100, in Dark Heresy

A little adjustment to the character creation rules:

It is allowed to have the same values on different characteristics twice, as long as the said value is not divide-able through 5 (25, 30, 35, 40). It still is not possible to have the same value more than 2 times.

So 2 times 31 would be ok, 3 times 31 would be not ok. 2 times 30 would also not be ok.

quite usefull if not at home :) thanks for finding this

Quick question but...

How are Fate Points going to work here? Assuming DH2 follows rules similar to Dark Heresy, you would normally "replenish" them at the end of a session. But there isn't really going to be a "session" persay, here....

They will refresh after important steps in the storyline have been acomplished.

As a quick interjection regarding characters, I find it very humorous that my sniveling coward of a Desperado with 24 Willpower got the divination, "The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done." I believe he's trying to atone for his past misdeeds in the eyes of the Emperor :D

Edited by Covered in Weasels

if only he had the will to focus on it ;)

To answer your question about published adventures, I've read the one at the back of the DH book, Edge of Darkness, the ones from Purge the Unclean, and some major plot-significant parts of the Apostasy Gambit. I haven't read most of the single adventures FFG includes at the back of their expansion books (Blood of Martyrs, Book of Judgement, etc), and I actually don't know much at all about Haarlock's Legacy.

wtf - I was gone for some hours and hell breaks out...

Good news though - more than glad to have you on board, SVS !

I will create 2 new threads.

This one here shall be used for offplay discussions.

One will be for posting your character sheets and will contain a template to use.

The other one will be for inplay.

Are you saying we post in game posts on this forum? While I don't mind other forums users being able to view our game I would be concerned about other users possibly posting in it and disrupting the flow (this is a public forum after all).

What about using our own forum? I have had a stab at creating one and will send you the URL so you can have a look and let me know what you think.

Edited by dava100

Could you tell me which campaigns/published missions you already do know ?

I have GM'd Apostasy Gambit, Haarlock (inc Dust and Ash), Purge the Unclean and the one from the back of the core rules.

Edited by dava100

wtf - I was gone for some hours and hell breaks out...

Good news though - more than glad to have you on board, SVS !

I will create 2 new threads.

This one here shall be used for offplay discussions.

One will be for posting your character sheets and will contain a template to use.

The other one will be for inplay.

Are you saying we post in game posts on this forum? While I don't mind other forums users being able to view our game I would be concerned about other users possibly posting in it and disrupting the flow (this is a public forum after all).

What about using our own forum? I have had a stab at creating one and will send you the URL so you can have a look and let me know what you think.

I rarely had the case that people posted without being part of the storyline.

Some other questions:

Do we roll for wounds and Fate Threshold?

Instead of rolling, please always take the average roll of 6 (5.5 rounded up).

So far we have the following thoughts about characters:

ColArana: Forgeworld Assassin with an IG Background

CiW: Hive Imperial Guard Desperado

Dava: Voidborn - AAT - Mystic

SVS: Hive Born Adeptus Arbites Seeker or Warrior

Please make sure, to have all important fields under control:

- combat

- investigation

- social encounters

- knowledge

- physical challenges (sneaky action, athletic potentials)

- extraordinary (tech, psy ...)

If someone else has interest, I would also be open to a fifth player if one soon decides to join.

Edited by GauntZero

I am happy to fill the gap so I am going to play a Voidborn - AAT - Mystic (sanctioned psyker).

I will get the character complete by the end of this Sunday.

Edited by dava100

Great !

Would be nice if characters could be finished until Sunday evening.

Then we could start the campaign next week.

This is looking like a pretty solid group already.

- Combat: Just about everyone has some basic combat abilities, and me and (especially) ColArana are quite good at it. If SVS plays a Warrior, we will be VERY good at combat.

- Investigation: If SVS plays a Seeker, he'll be an excellent investigator. Otherwise, I believe I can take some investigation skills relatively cheaply (I have Perception and Fellowship aptitudes).

- Social: I have solid social abilities. IIRC Seekers also get some good social abilities as well.

- Knowledge: Dava looks to have this covered quite nicely.

- Physical challenges: ColArana and I are both sneaky. We don't have the greatest Strength-based physical abilities, though if SVS plays a Warrior he can cover that. ColArana and I both start with grapnel hooks as well :D

- Extraordinary: Dava has psy abilities, and both him and ColArana can dabble in tech-related skills as well.

We will see... ;D

Only thing left for my character is expanded backstory, and his last two Aptitudes. Just trying to get some info on the group as a whole, before I decide on that, so we're not left wanting, if we need a Close Combat guy.

I have posted my character, just my description to go...

This is looking like a pretty solid group already.

- Combat: Just about everyone has some basic combat abilities, and me and (especially) ColArana are quite good at it. If SVS plays a Warrior, we will be VERY good at combat.

- Investigation: If SVS plays a Seeker, he'll be an excellent investigator. Otherwise, I believe I can take some investigation skills relatively cheaply (I have Perception and Fellowship aptitudes).

- Social: I have solid social abilities. IIRC Seekers also get some good social abilities as well.

- Knowledge: Dava looks to have this covered quite nicely.

- Physical challenges: ColArana and I are both sneaky. We don't have the greatest Strength-based physical abilities, though if SVS plays a Warrior he can cover that. ColArana and I both start with grapnel hooks as well :D

- Extraordinary: Dava has psy abilities, and both him and ColArana can dabble in tech-related skills as well.

Hello again, gentlemen!

Sorry for being away so long, I'm usually more present during weekdays, when I'm at the office (don't judge me!).

So, I've been thinking about my character, his history and motivations, and I can lean either towards Warrior or Seeker.

Regardless of which path I follow, however, I intend to be a surgeon with a shotgun, with some investigation skills and a LOT invested on intimidation.

If I create a Warrior (which was the character I was thinking about, as Seekers are quite popular), I intend to be, history-wise,someone who had all the usual Arbites training but lost faith in humanity and gave up on trying to discern guilty (which fits perfectly with my divination "Innocence is an illusion") and became a member of a SWAT-like team of Arbites.

Otherwise, he will be still a little younger, an investigator in the lower parts of the Hive.

What would you guys prefer, in terms of group balance?

Just tell me and I'll finish his sheet.

Weasels and ColArana are pretty good in combat judging by Weasals last post, so go seeker?

A seeker would probably complement the party the best. Shotguns don't require a huge talent investment to be deadly (compared to something like dual-wielding pistols), so a Seeker character could still be quite strong in combat. Investigation skills are very welcome -- while ColArana and I could potentially pick up some investigation-related skills, a Seeker would be much better at the job.

It would be funny if your Arbites character was part of the raid that resulted in Dammek's arrest. They'll have a very awkward reunion when they find they'll be serving alongside each other as Acolytes :D

Taht would indeed be funny...and very interesting :D

A seeker would probably complement the party the best. Shotguns don't require a huge talent investment to be deadly (compared to something like dual-wielding pistols), so a Seeker character could still be quite strong in combat. Investigation skills are very welcome -- while ColArana and I could potentially pick up some investigation-related skills, a Seeker would be much better at the job.

It would be funny if your Arbites character was part of the raid that resulted in Dammek's arrest. They'll have a very awkward reunion when they find they'll be serving alongside each other as Acolytes :D

Ok, I'll redo the sheet and create a Seeker then!

It's funny, because I was thinking just that!

With one little detail: I don't remember him. After all, he was "just another piece of human scum". It'll be great for him to remember me and take note of just how little the Imperium in general cares.

What do you guys think?

Otherwise, if Gaunt wants to go a little deeper with the conflict, I can always get a (common quality, no fancy stuff) cyber eye, courtesy of our friend Dammek...

That would add some intesting spice. Would be ok for me.