LFG: Play by post

By dava100, in Dark Heresy

Oh wait, that was Asterius? Whoops. Blame my exam-fried brain on not picking up on that. Should probably have edited Cade's response of going to the door, with a proper reaction to that information. Will have to figure out some reason for him not to have immediately realized it was their companion.

So, it seems like the chase has come to an end, or is Cade going to check for traces?

I'm a bit worried about the rest of the heretekservitors. Only one in the compound, while Erwin was attacked by a score of these things.

Shall we check out the facility some more (the lab hasn't been checked out, perhaps we missed some hidden doors?) or do we try to follow whoever is running away?

So, it seems like the chase has come to an end, or is Cade going to check for traces?

I'm a bit worried about the rest of the heretekservitors. Only one in the compound, while Erwin was attacked by a score of these things.

Shall we check out the facility some more (the lab hasn't been checked out, perhaps we missed some hidden doors?) or do we try to follow whoever is running away?

So, it seems like the chase has come to an end, or is Cade going to check for traces?

I'm a bit worried about the rest of the heretekservitors. Only one in the compound, while Erwin was attacked by a score of these things.

Shall we check out the facility some more (the lab hasn't been checked out, perhaps we missed some hidden doors?) or do we try to follow whoever is running away?

Wasn't there another corridor to explore as we went through the hole in the wall our attacker made from the lab?

Ah, I've must have missed that one. If cade doesn't find any traces, I'm ok with checking out the facility.

Dammek looks up in surprise when Erwin calls his name. After the machine man was defeated, he had sat against the wall and continued tracing the contours of his stub auto. He was lost in thought and hadn't participated in any of the post-battle discussion, but Erwin's call brought him back to his senses.

After a moment's hesitation, Dammek exclaims, "Wha-- oh, yes. I'm coming!" He retrieves his combat blade from the ground and moves to catch up with the group.

I didn't call your name out loud. I'm using " " when Erwin is talking and ' ' when he's thinking. Also I add 'Erwin thinks' or 'Erwin says' :)

Anyhow it's nice to have you and Dammek back on board :)

That is really confusing. Might I suggest using italics when a character is thinking? This is a very clear delineation in literature that shows a character is not opening their mouths.

Will do

Will do

Ah, man. Now I feel like I scolded you in class. :(

That's right :D


Who are we waiting on right now? If it's me, my sincerest apologies, and I will get right on it.

The machine men are next. After that, Erwin acts and we go back to the top of the initiative order.

I thought so too, so I'm waiting with my action. However, Pearldrum jumped the cue, so I'm not entirely sure.

Luckily we know the initiative order.

So, is this one finished then?

I'm not sure. If Gaunt kicked the bucket, it's finished (but that would be a shame). So Gaunt: Come back to us, you almighty GM :)

I am away at a music festival until the 26th may so if we do resume before I am back and you need to progress, I will do the following and am happy for someone else to roll for me;

1 - shoot machine men with my laspistol. If they are in melee I will aim first.

2 - if it going bad I will try and dominate one of the machine men to attack their own side for a round.

While I hope Gaunt comes back, my friends and I have started a forum dedicated almost exclusively to 40k PbP.

Right now there is a call for players in Black Crusade, Only War, and Rogue Trader.

I am asking if people would specifically be interested in Rogue Trader. Here is the link: http://rpng.freeforums.org/rogue-trader-t10-20.html

This is a solid group, so you get first dibs. We update about once a day and request that everyone interested in playing does so as well. Hope to see you there!

I already accepted the invitation of Claw, so I'm having my share op PbP for the moment, but thanks for the invitation. I'll be sure to come and find you if the other PbP breaks down too. Cheers.

And if this is the unfortunate end of our time with Dral, Seito, Dammek and Cade, then I wish you guys the very best :)

Hey, you can NEVER have too many PbPs.

If you want to play on a regular basis, you've got to have the time :)

Just making sure. Seeing as how Cade was charged last round, is he considered to be in melee, or at point blank range?

Have the controlled Machine Man simply walk toward Seito and get within Point Blank Range and then turn around. She will do the rest. It shouldn't perceive a threat and won't even notice when she blows the back of its head off.

Just making sure. Seeing as how Cade was charged last round, is he considered to be in melee, or at point blank range?

He is considered being in melee.

Well.... that roll could have gone better.

Edited by ColArana