NooB Question about AH

By Shrimply Pibbles, in Reference Materials

Hi All,

I just played the game for the first time and really enjoyed it. However, I thought some of the components were either unuseful or I wasn't using them properly. The Investigator Item cards seemed really under used. In fact, I only ever used what I started with and never earned more. So I guess my question is, When do you get the item cards? Is it only when the encounter cards or the like state so? Because that didn't happen too often. My girlfriend thought that we should draw them on every location, but I didn't see that anywhere.

Any Help would be great.

Curiositie Shoppe, General Store and Ye Olde Magic Shoppe (placed in order which I prefer them; though really, I only shop at the first). Encounters can give you Items, but shopping is the best way to get them.

Great, thanks for the clarification.

And you can get extra cash to purchase items via an Arkham Bank loan, through encounters, by trading in monster trophies at the River Docks -- or even better (and what I like to do), take an encounter at the Newspaper to (hopefully) get a retainer.

All of the responses are helpful but, if you're looking for relatively safe money, or less horrifically dangerous money, then the Newspaper is the way to go.

One thing you may find is that redistribution of money, or redistribution of items, between group members will help you immensely. Don't necessarily try to get lots of money or items yourself if your team can accumulate some resources as a whole and pass them from member to member when they're in the same location.

It would be nice we did free items in every location but, sadly, it's not the case.