Shield of Humanity

By Arbitrator, in Only War

I'd like to see a source on those tank-killing teams, if you're saying it takes 15 hits to destroy the tank.

If you're saying they do it by having 15 guys with RPG-7s and hoping that one of them gets the lucky hit, then I'd also like to see the source, because either way it would be interesting ;)

Seriously though: I'm pretty sure it doesn't take 15 hits from RPG-7s to destroy a tank. From what I know, it takes one direct, full hit in the right spot and that's it.

However, with good armor, many hits don't deal much damage at all. Slat armor, for example can deflect RPGs (and bigger stuff!) ~50% of the time.

It doesn't take 15 hits to destroy a tank, but it may take 15 guys to get a hit. Some of your guys may not end up with LOS on the tank. Some of your guys may not end up in the side or rear arc of the tank, where there's a chance to kill it. Tanks don't operate alone, so having more guys to shoot at (other) tanks is also very helpful.

All these difficulties is why the west has spent so much money on making their anti-tank missiles smarter. If you are firing a Javelin at the tank, you don't really have to care whether you are facing the front of the tank. Since you have so much more range, you have many more opportunities to get LOS on the tank. You have a thermal sight, so you see right through smoke that the tank may throw out. The Javelin is self guided, so you don't have to worry about leading the target, keeping it in sight, or compensating for it's evasive maneuvers. Just shoot the Javelin and leave.

Now compare the cost:

An RPG-7 costs something like 2,000 USD and rounds for it are something like 500 USD a piece.

The 'sight' (Command Launch Unit) for a Javelin costs somethings like 150,000 USD and each Javelin missile costs something like 80,000 USD.

Pearldrum knows the score. He's an Original Gentleman like that,

As for tank hunting, my Stormtrooper - Jonah Antioch - has a Lascannon for his "Signature Item", due to felling a Helicarrier with it. I can tell you now that it sure as hell doesn't take him 15 shots to take out a tank. =P

Edit - Probably worth noting I have no idea what the conversation is. I just like to stick my oar in. I'm a sod like that.

Edited by SgtLazarus

I feel like Sgt.Laz and I walked in drunk to this one, just said "to hell with it" and started throwing in our two cents.

That is the best way to make friends: speak on matters you have little to no understanding of. Speak with authority. Be rude if possible. Always, always be loaded.

Cheers and kisses.

Question: Does Flesh is weak also provide a character with the immunity to mind psychic effects, breathing, extreme cold, and ap vs. armor like the Machine (x) in the core book? or is it just an armor bonus effect? also if a character that once was breathing stopped breathing what would that mean for what remains of his organic body? I could imagin that if the character had the autosanguine nanites then maybe the little buggers are replacing organic components with more Machine components necessary for continued Function. Any one got some thoughts on this or know the answer?

OH and as a side note Might this be one untold way that the Machines ended up with spirits, thus that need to be placated for better functioning? Example maybe this character ends up a weapon, suite, or mode of transportation? Thoughts?

The Flesh is weak Tier: 3 (HoM pg 104)

hammer of the empire book

Prerequisite : 2 or more cybernetics, tech use +10

Aptitudes : tech, toughness

This character gains the machine (x) trait, where x is = to half of the number of cybernetics he possesses (rounded up) max of amount = to his toughness bonus, if he gains a new cybernetic , the value of the trait increases to reflect the new cybernetic.

MACHINE (X) Core Rule book 156
A creature with the Machine Trait is fashioned from inorganic
materials and is generally more rigorous then fleshy folks.
Machines do not breathe, are immune to the effects of a
vacuum, extremes of cold, any mind-influencing psychic
effect, and their Armour Points apply toward fire Damage.
Machines have a certain number of Armour Points (indicated
by the number in parentheses). This armour stacks with worn
armour, but not with the Natural Armour Trait.

Edited by Bleakheart26

It's the Machine Trait, with all associated bells & whistles.

And no, that's not what Machine Spirits are. They're psychic imprints on actual machinery.

Sgt.Lazarus, or anyone else, have you recomindations on books describing the Machines of the 40k imperium or Omnissiah and their relations to the people. Also I'm curious as to what theoreticly happens to organic creatures that gain the Machine Trait. I.e. would the heart, lungs, mussle eventually rot or be kept going with electrical energy or nanites. I would asume if it no longer breaths when what about liquid or nutrients. Anything would help. Even sourse material that you could recomend would be helpful.

Trying to follow the 40k lore and effects what are some probable interactions with said Machine ( favorable, heretic, + or - ? )

  1. Techpriest (machine) - Imperium
  2. Techpriest (machine) - chaos
  3. Same - Techpriest
  4. same - Necrons or tyranids

I honestly don't know where to start. The Lathe Worlds for Dark Heresy, Shield of Humanity for Only War and...

Ooh...Rumour mill suggests the release of Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus imminently.

I honestly don't know where to start. The Lathe Worlds for Dark Heresy, Shield of Humanity for Only War and...

Ooh...Rumour mill suggests the release of Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus imminently.

I spent a while reading Shield of humanity, but it never said much direct information about an organic person Turning into a machine and how others might view it. Obvious psychology would assume suspicion, distrust, or conceivably great honor for becoming more like the Machine god. Or even anything in between. I got REALLY rough ideas about how somethings work and what I would call common sense that I think of OFTEN does not apply to the Imperium. To me it seems like everything about the world seems to be breeding conflict. Conflict of inner factions, cross races, wold to world, but that's only what I seemed to pull out of the material (only war core, shield of humanity, hammer of the empire, & various web pages describing factions).Al-tho if they did release codex: adeptus Mechanicus then it sure would explain a lot more needed info about that group. And Lathe worlds will help too.

Thanks L

Well, the Skitarii are getting some love on the GW 40k page, so maybe you will get your wish, there. It would seem that the Tech-Guard frequently wear industrial/power armor, and have cybernetic parts just for being Skitarii; they also get weird, nifty guns, and ride weird, mechanical chicken things, sort of like mech Chocobos ;) , or even smaller Scout Sentinels. Not sure what HQ like options they have, yet, but it looks like most of a Codex: AdMech is coming.

As an aside, I was not aware that the Tech-Guard were all warriors from Fallout, riddled with radiation, and on death's doorstep, as a result of failing bodies. I know Mars' environment isn't Human-friendly, and as a Forge World, it might be radioactive, but I never imagined them as worse than Armageddon Steel legion. It'll be interesting to see what else their codex covers.

I have an interesting idea on weapons. How about doing something like Twin-Linked Mechadendrites or Twin-Linked integrated weapons. Of course they would have to be the same type of weapon, should they be twin-linked, but how could someone write it.

say like a

aptitude: Tech, Ballistic skill

Prereq: ability to stabilize, or brace heavy weapons, 2 same type of weapon (integrated or mechadendrite, same quality), or other?!?!.

as a full attack action: may engage Twin-linked firing. or half action to enable twin linked system, then able to fire in the next action.

Limited to forward firing arch. and maybe say the only way to fire them separately is to Disengage the twin-linked system. Or something like that.

OR is there maybe another forum to post this and get some good ideas. How much xp would it cost? or what Teir? ideas, comments?

There was another fantastic thing I'd seen was something like Mechadendrite Array (Max number of Mechadendrite are equal to 2x toughness bonus). has anyone seen this anywhere, if so. WHERE? how much xp did it cost? or was it equipment? or something else entirely? or just someones idea. I think both of these ideas together would be really interesting. But I would almost rather see larger weapons than pistol or rifle be optional. Even if someone had to specialize in it. for example To use a heavy Las-cannon with internal reservoir, however reloading ammo might deplete 1/2 the internal reservoir charge.

I believe you mean the Machinator Array from back in the days of Dark Heresy & Rogue Trader. Not quite the same shtick but could be easily adapted.

I hope there are fliers.

you COULD try make your own i guess............. i admittedly let a player who was playing an Operator turn a scout sentinal into his own little helicopter using ork helicopter blades, he took off the legs and attatched some nice weaponry with the help of the teams techpriest hahaha. probably not truely allowed in game but homebrew rules are always fun to go with ;)

Yeah, I love that they added more vehicle customization with it, and I know my group with a Chimera will be most pleased with that. Also have a couple players wanting to play a Priest when their characters finally fall. I think they'll appreciate the scourge and purge in this book.