Game Board Quality

By Rookei, in General Discussion

I was just curious if anyone else had he same issue with their board as I have.

I just got it in the mail last night and as I opened it and unfolded the game board I noticed that the center crease was torn from one end to the other. The board looked as if I had already played and used the game 50 times.

The board was still intact but the top layer with all the graphics has been worn through. I looked closely as I thought the graphics were made to look that way as if it was an old worn map but upon closer inspection it was indeed torn and worn.

anyone else getting this?

Yes it seems that many Eldritch boards have the crease, mine too. Let's just hope that the board is sturdy enough not to break.

Edited by huba81

We just got our copy a couple days ago, and there were no issues. No creases or visible signs of wearing. Game looks to be in pristine NIB condition. Sorry to hear that yours looks used. :(

well the game is brand new so I'll be curious to see if there are others like us and if so what FFG may or may not do about it.

Yep, just got mine today (I'm in Canada) and there's a big-ass crease right through the middle of the board. You can really see it in Shanghai, where the white line cuts right through. Don't know if it's worth sending back...

Yeah, mines has got a crease throught it as well which I was annoyed about, but once we started playing the game, it magicallly merged into the whole theme of the game and we had a shed load of fun, including killing off an investigator, going mad & forgetting things, mental dice rolls and finally being destroyed by the GOO!

Like my matey said ... " games are for playing, not collecting! "

I luv thisssss gameeeeeee!!! :D
