Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) INPLAY

By GauntZero, in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy

Camyll hits the beast in the samje moment as the beast hits Angevin.

There's a cloud of blood as the Beast fails to evade and Angevin gets 1d10+5 = 13 damage with AP 2.

[Las Pistol does 7+2 = 9 damage]

Its noxious claws rake across my visor leaving deep rents, and one claw rips through and leaves a long gash down my cheek.
I take 7 wounds

Angevin staggers, but doesn't really react, as his mind churns and fights the influence of the beast

This means the Beast has cost Angevin 7 Wounds (13 -6) and takes 2 damage (9 - TB5 - natural Armour 2).


> Teagan 9 (no panic)
> Sergeant Crouze 6 (in panic, totally going crazy, attacking a random NPC or PC)
> Angevin 5 (2 DoF - Shock 68, but same effect as before)

> 4 Heretics 5

Round 2:

> Abomination and Camyll (no panic) 12

> Reginald 10 (no panic)

Edited by GauntZero

Teagan takes aim (+10) and blasts the beast with a single shot (+10?) from his shotgun. (BS 60 [rolled 28])

Damage = 4 + 4 = 8 total damage

Did my turn get taken up by yelling at it? I'd intended that as roleplay stuff, otherwise I'd have asked for a command or intimidate roll.

Hell, I'm going to make a quick command role to try snapping people out of their panic. Assume that's what the laud hailed was used for.


Fellowship of 42 -20 for untrained for target of 22

Rolled: 38, so that's 2 DoF unless there's any kind of bonus for Reginald being unafraid of the mutant and being on his laud hailer.

Edit: Having checked the rules, this test would be opposed by the mutants willpower with +10 per level of fear it has.

Edited by Nimsim

The bonus is my ear drums are now shattered

Did my turn get taken up by yelling at it? I'd intended that as roleplay stuff, otherwise I'd have asked for a command or intimidate roll.

Sorry - after the command you have another half action left

The Beast failed its WP-Test by 2 DoF.

Edited by GauntZero

Teagan takes aim (+10) and blasts the beast with a single shot (+10?) from his shotgun. (BS 60 [rolled 28])

Damage = 4 + 4 = 8 total damage

On the Beast or on one of the heretics ?

Sergeant Crouze seems to be in total panic, seeing traitors and betrayal everywhere.

"You are working with them, dont you ??? This cant be a coincidence !! You want to kill us all ! Us all !!"

He takes his Lasgun and tries to shoot Angevin (determined randomly between the 4PCs, the 4 heretics and the beast) on Semi-Automatic. He rolls 64 and misses Angevins head by some centimeters.

Snap out Roll: 33

I shake my head, and realize what's going on.
"Emperor Preserve us"

Ok, Fatepoint to heal D5 wounds
Roll: 4
Putting me at 9
[Fatepoint return roll: 5] :(

Then I draw my Grenade Launcher as a free action, and make a half move 3 meters away from the beast

[it gets an attack of opportunity here] (It is the only one in melee with me, right? Otherwise I don't do this)

Once I get 3 meters away, and have weathered whatever attack he throws at me, I shoot him point blank with a Krak grenade.
Point Blank:+30
Untrained: -10

Shock: -10
Total: 50

Roll: 21
Damage: 10, 2
I'll swap the 2 for my DoS: 3
RF Roll: 1 on the arm (1 fatigue)

17 Damage total, Concussive (0), and 1 Fatigue

Edited by Felenis

Snap out Roll: 33

I shake my head, and realize what's going on.

"Emperor Preserve us"

Ok, Fatepoint to heal D5 wounds

Roll: 4

Putting me at 9

[Fatepoint return roll: 5] :(

Then I draw my Grenade Launcher as a free action, and make a half move 3 meters away from the beast

[it gets an attack of opportunity here] (It is the only one in melee with me, right? Otherwise I don't do this)

Once I get 3 meters away, and have weathered whatever attack he throws at me, I shoot him point blank with a Krak grenade.


Point Blank:+30

Untrained: -10

Shock: -10

Total: 50

Roll: 21

Damage: 10, 2

I'll swap the 2 for my DoS: 3

RF Roll: 1 on the arm (1 fatigue)

17 Damage total, Concussive (0), and 1 Fatigue

The beast hits your shoulder (1 DoS) as you turn away from the melee and creates 11 damage with AP 2.

The beast, unable to dodge, is hit heavily and a heavy blooding wound shows up where once its arm has been. It also goes to the ground by the heavy impact.

(untrained is -20 though...? You can draw a grenade launcher with a free action ?)

Edited by GauntZero

The 4 heretics approach you in melee and attack you with their rusty swords:

> 1 attacks Camyll with 2DoS

> 1 attacks Reginald with 2 DoS

> 1 attacks Teagan with 1 DoS

> 1 misses Sergeant Crouze

Edited by GauntZero

Oh right, is is -20. Whoops. I still hit though. And yeah, drawing basic weapons as a free action is the Imperial Guard Specialty

I stagger as the claws rake nearly to the bone in my shoulder, but still manage to send the grenade true.
"It's nearly down! Kill it!"

I kneel and grab my wounds in agony

Camyll tries to dodge the sword ineffectively [Rolls 60, and He is untrained, so shiaat. And I didn't have time to put on the Armour. Bye guises! xD].

Camyll tries to dodge the sword ineffectively [Rolls 60, and He is untrained, so shiaat. And I didn't have time to put on the Armour. Bye guises! xD].

he only hits you lightly with 6 damage (if this creates wounds and you dont pass Toughness (-10) you get an additional 3 toxic damage)

Camyll feels the sword cutting the robes unto his flesh, burning with the touch of the poison [Failed thougness test, so I'm heavily wounded, I suppose].

Steps back with a grim expression in his eyes and shoots the enemy.

[Aim + Semi-Auto = HP 40 + 10 Aim - 10 Heavily wounded , Roll 29, that is... three degrees of success in this system?. If that's righ, would be two shots, damage of each 3 + 2 = 5 and 10 + 2 = 12 (RF?)]

Edited by Eisenhorn_Puritus

Camyll feels the sword cutting the robes unto his flesh, burning with the touch of the poison [Failed thougness test, so I'm heavily wounded, I suppose].

Steps back with a grim expression in his eyes and shoots the enemy.

[Aim + Semi-Auto = HP 40 + 10 Aim - 10 Heavily wounded, Roll 29, that is... three degrees of success in this system?. If that's righ, would be two shots, damage of each 3 + 2 = 5 and 10 + 2 = 12 (RF?)]

> as far as I know you dont get -10 for being heavily you ?

> therefore you would even have 4 DoS (which means 2 hits)

The first hit does not hurt the heretic at all, but the secnd one kills the heretic outright.

Hey Gaunt, that last shot was at the mutant.

Teagan tries to dodge the attack but it was too fast for him, rolled 65

Reginald attempts to parry the heretic's blow, but is unable to stop it.

Parry attempt: WS 40 -20 (Untrained) +10 Balanced +5 Good Quality =35

Roll: 51, 3 DoF

In a rage, Reginald faces the heretic and attempts to cut him down. Although the heretic is able to land a blow on Reginald, Reginald uses the opportunity to strike with his chainsword, cutting directly into the heretic's attacking arm.

Standard Attack: WS 40 +10 Standard Attack +10 Aim +5 Good Quality = 65

Roll: 18, 6 DoS (Target's Right Arm)

Potential Damage Roll: 1d10 + 5 Pen 2, Tearing

Roll: 8, 1

13 Damage, Pen 2

Hey Gaunt, that last shot was at the mutant.

Teagan tries to dodge the attack but it was too fast for him, rolled 65

The beast, hit again, seems to remain on the ground without further movement.

The heretic though hit you hard, with 10 damage (and a further 10 if you do not pass Toughness -10)

Reginald attempts to parry the heretic's blow, but is unable to stop it.

Parry attempt: WS 40 -20 (Untrained) +10 Balanced +5 Good Quality =35

Roll: 51, 3 DoF

In a rage, Reginald faces the heretic and attempts to cut him down. Although the heretic is able to land a blow on Reginald, Reginald uses the opportunity to strike with his chainsword, cutting directly into the heretic's attacking arm.

Standard Attack: WS 40 +10 Standard Attack +10 Aim +5 Good Quality = 65

Roll: 18, 6 DoS (Target's Right Arm)

Potential Damage Roll: 1d10 + 5 Pen 2, Tearing

Roll: 8, 1

13 Damage, Pen 2

The heretic does 7 damage (if that creates a wound, it is further 7 toxic damage if you dont pass Toughness -10).

The heretic fails at his dodge and gets the damage, which tears his arm off and lets him bleed to death in agony.


> Angevin

> 2 surviving heretics

Edited by GauntZero

Reginald attempts to parry the heretic's blow, but is unable to stop it.

Parry attempt: WS 40 -20 (Untrained) +10 Balanced +5 Good Quality =35

Roll: 51, 3 DoF

In a rage, Reginald faces the heretic and attempts to cut him down. Although the heretic is able to land a blow on Reginald, Reginald uses the opportunity to strike with his chainsword, cutting directly into the heretic's attacking arm.

Standard Attack: WS 40 +10 Standard Attack +10 Aim +5 Good Quality = 65

Roll: 18, 6 DoS (Target's Right Arm)

Potential Damage Roll: 1d10 + 5 Pen 2, Tearing

Roll: 8, 1

13 Damage, Pen 2

The heretic does 7 damage (if that creates a wound, it is further 7 toxic damage if you dont pass Toughness -10).

The heretic fails at his dodge and gets the damage, which tears his arm off and lets him bleed to death in agony.


> Angevin

> 2 surviving heretics

Assuming no Pen, the sword clangs uselessly off Reginald's armor, and the heretic's arm then falls uselessly off the heretic. Blood sprays all over Reginald's armor as he roars out for the heretics and mutant to fall before their better.

Toughness Test passed with a roll of 18 (T 25 after -10)

10 Damage - 5 AP - 3 TB = 2 total damage sustained. I'm down to 2 Wounds.

Teagan shouts in the face of the Heretic, "Is that the best you got!"

Would Intimidate require a partial turn?