I've recently come to the horrifying realization that as a member of the Illustrious Imperial Guard, and fluff wise, a Stormtrooper, I'm apparently the least armoured person on this **** planet. Be gentle
This game needs a cash system, dammit. Starting with Enforcer Carapace is silly.
Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) OFFPLAY
At least up to now you didnt see any more sophisticated weapon than a poor quality Lasgun.
In this case, cash would also be useless though - what isnt there on the market can hardly be bought.
But in general I agree with you, that the lack of money seems odd sometimes...
Later as a houserule I think I will handle this with abstract local currency which can be requisitioned between missions ("some coins", "a handful of money", "a suitcase full of money" ...)
I mean more in general, not just this game. So that things that are rare, but still within a higher availability like Enforcer Carapace, and Chainswords aren't just easy out of the door acquisitions. I prefer a few gates to more powerful gear.
Oh man, update comes out soon, right? I need it, then I can sleep.
However, I'll never object to requisitioning some suitcases full of cash, ha ha
I am afraid that this update might again not adress a lot of things but just do smaller adjustment (the first update was rather disappointing).
Hope dies last though...lets see.
I've recently come to the horrifying realization that as a member of the Illustrious Imperial Guard, and fluff wise, a Stormtrooper, I'm apparently the least armoured person on this **** planet. Be gentle
This game needs a cash system, dammit. Starting with Enforcer Carapace is silly.
I'm amused that the stodgy book-keeper is the only melee-focused character in the game. I acquired that armor for a reason! Also, I wanted to take advantage of the Administratum ability to acquire more rare gear.
I think with the division into Homewrold/Background/Role and the new flexible tree-less buying system, characters are less cookie-cutted. Thats good in general.
To be honest, I'm finding characters are drastically less diverse then DH 1.0, but then it did have a pile of supplements. We'll see. But if character progression goes the same way as BC and OW, which I imagine it will, thats a little sad. I miss Alternate Careers, background packages and such
So, with the new Update #2, the starting EXP is increased to 900, finally.
Does this mean we can spend another 300 exp?
Yes, it means exactly that.
We stick on the +25 characteristics though, as this still is an official option.
Was just reviewing the armour, and had a total "Doh" moment. I could have started with a Poor Quality Hellgun instead of pretending that my Lasgun is a Hellgun. Do you mind if I change that Gaunt?
as the rules are new, I allow such adjustments in an early game state.
Omg...5 fatigue knock-out for the groups only warrior...thats really...unlucky...
Never put salt in your wine - NEVER.
Edited by GauntZeroIt's ok, it's not like I'm the only hope in combat, ha ha. Everyone else has at least one WS/BS at 40 and good weapons
It's hard to cover all the possible ranges with just one thing stat. Passing out for D10-TB minutes would be a pretty typical amount of time to faint or pass out from weariness. And it's certainly deadly in Combat, where even 1 minutes equals about 10-20 turns of your enemy doing whatever they want.
I would also like the Fatigue system of Beta 2.0 back, or at least reworked. I liked the dynamic fatigue.
Since we don't have AP anymore, it could work that every point equal or above your stat bonus was a further -10.
So if you have Fatigue 3, and Toughness 40, you are fine, but if you have 5 fatigue, you have -20 to toughness tests and actions.
Then again, this solution would call for far more fatigue causing things, which Beta 2.1 doesn't really have.
And the penalty for hitting WPB + TB fatigue being death is horrible. Accordingly, my character is already 5/8ths of the way to death from one unfortunate role. If they bring it back, it should definitely just be unconsciousness.
It was just unconscious. Death comes with the double threshould. So with WP+TB = 7 you'd need 15 fatigue to die. Quite a lot (if you dont have horrible blood loss).
I think with 5 fatigue and 4 TB, you'd have -10 only. I think it would also be ok to just give -5 per point for fatigued characteristics
Oh right, didn't read it properly. Yeah that works.
And I still think -10 is good. It's harsher, but you don't suffer any downside until you actually hit 3-4-5 fatigue. Whereas normally even 1 fatigue will mess your day up with a -10 forever.
Yes, the current fatigue is lame.
Once you have only 1 you are stuck with the -10 for the remainder of the mission.
The Beta1 concept stacks better and slower.
Hammered drunk and lying face down on the floor Felenis? A hold over from his stormtrooper days? haha
The Stormtroopers are exemplary troops of the Schola Progenium. Among the most faithful and zealous warriors the Emperor has ever had the pleasure of bestowing his grace upon.
When we party, we party hard.
Quickly! Everyone come fall asleep in a pile! That'll throw them off!
"These Imperials are crazy"
Where's Elior!!
Maybe we should have a default action for combat if a player is MIA for a set amount of time? Something like hiding behind cover than attempting to run away if everyone else gets killed?
thats a good idea. If someone does not respond within a given time (12h ?), the Default action will done.
> The default action in general is: "take cover and fight the enemy"
> everyone can change this default action to an own defined, but needs to tell the GM
> as an alternative, everyone may define a proxy who may decide about the actions
This rule will be in play from now on.
Now's the turn of Angevin. Could I let him my place blocking the door without opening it like a b***? I don't have those rules very clear.