Look, I think it's quite clear that the time has long since come where we just start shooting every single person with a modicum of importance in the head. It's the only way to be sure
Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) OFFPLAY
I'm heavily considering just dropping the fact that the group is inquisition, forging documents saying that the governor is alive and holed up in his mansion getting ready to broadcast the whole plan, thus necessitating the tithe guard to send a large force to seize him and allowing the acolytes a shot at breaking I and capturing the sodality leader. Too bad that our one guardsman is gone, though...
This is actually better! If the whole force attacks the palace, she will have no one guarding her when I sneak in
Well, my guy is the leader, but in the interest of the groups enjoyment I don't want to do something all out crazy like that unless everyone is down for it. I could even arrange for it to be broadcast that the governor has imprisoned and plans to execute our group as well, giving the tithe guard a political excuse to take him down/send a force over also to help our cover.
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I was pondering a similar strategy. Gotta get the Viceroy under protection and maybe even question what he knows. Could even drop the Inquisition badge on him to get him talking real quick although he may be innocent.
Edited by EliorLet's drop the Inquisition Cyclonic torpedoes on him to get him talking even better.
Also, I'm completely just go with the flow character. You can do whatever nutty stuff you want. I've had bosses who've done it all.
Edit: except Heresy. I'll shoot you for that.
Edited by FelenisI find the dynamic of me vehemently disagreeing with the players and GM on how the actual game should be structured while playing in a game with you AND being appointed the team leader to be pretty humorous. I figured I probably shouldn't overstep my bounds and mess up anyone else's fun though. I'd hope that it's at least an exercise in the fact that even if we have drastically different opinions on how games should work, we can all have fun actually playing games together when it comes down to it.
It shows, that even if disagreeing on some rule issues, we still are brothers in the dark 41st millenium who stand side by side and have fun together.
It shows that we can seperate the personal level with our rule opinions, and thats a very good thing.
If we decided to wortk on a common houserule catalogue that might be more difficult, but as long as we play RAW, that should be kind of neutral rule ground for everyone.
I'd just love to calculate DoS/DoF the old ways if no one of you would disagree. I really cant stand this new version.
I would actually be interested in creating a houserule catalogue.
I have one with my group; not sure though if it is up to your taste:
1.) DoS/DoF calculation as in OW (per 10 difference)
2.) Called Shots is only a half action instead of a full action; Eye of Vengeance is compatible with called shots
3.) Felling also has an effect on enemies who do not have Unnatural Toughness (counts as -X/2 (rounded up) TB against the hit)
4.) To drop an overheating weapon in time you need an successful Agility (+0) test
5.) Carrying limits (incl. Lifting & Pushing limits) go 1 step down (characters can carry, lift etc. less)
6.) the number of possible cybernetics (incl. limbs) is limited to Toughness Bonus; every additional cybernetic creates 1d10 Insanity points; if you have Mechanicus Implants, they do not count towards this limit and allows a willpower test to avoid insanity points; cybernetic limbs etc. also count as cybernetics; best craftmanship cybernetics do not count towards the limit, good craftmanship count half, poor craftmanship counts double
7.) Bulging Biceps remains on a -10 penalty; basic accurate weapons need to be braced to benefit from bonus damage (bulging biceps does not work here)
8.) Feint steals the reaction if used and is WS versus Intelligence instead of WS versus WS
9.) the Peer talent increases Influence by 1 each time it is bought; the bonus on Influence with the Peer talents may not be greater than 10 in total
10.) The Leadership aptitude counts as an alternative to psyker for willpower increases
--> Willpower aptitudes: Willpower & Psyker OR Leadership
Edited by GauntZeroThat is a good start for Beta 2.0. I was gonna add:
- Faith aptitude with Faith Talents
- Sororitas (maybe a new Scholam background)
- Puritan / Radical and maybe a few between Factions bonuses
- Add some Talents that may have been left out from DH 1.0 or OW
- Utility Powers for Psykers
- Armour Traits
As this is a very early stage of DH2, we so far stick to slight adjustments instead of any "big" ones.
It is quite likely that a later supplement will bring faith talents and sororitas.
More than likely. I just like having an idea for what they would be like in case I have a player that wants to go that route.
Gaunt those are all pretty good. I'm planning on sending them one more huge change list, and I'll be stealing that Leadership for WP idea.
Recommend you also email them that list, they responded really positively when I sent my earlier ones in