Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) OFFPLAY

By GauntZero, in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy

To be honest - thats one of the issues that is of rather low concern to me. There are many other battlefields where I see much bigger issues.

I am no fan of ready/stow, but also not an enemy.

That means - as long as its an official rule, it will be played RAW.

Dropping a sword is for me rarely a reason for damage to the weapon...dropping a plasma gun or bolter...might be a different issue, if it happens too often (which I don't track but do rather randomly).

I've never seen it as a problem, usually my players just have a single weapon they use all the time. My character right now is dropping left right and centre because I have 4 weapons that I'm trying to use equally.

And it's not meant as a drag on you, because that's perfectly legitimate. I just see it happen frequently in games (especially with melee vs ranged) and feel like maybe the rule is being too restricting.

Otherwise if you make it a free action, shifting from ranged to melee is too easy...

I can understand both sides - so I'd rather go RAW in this.

Again, I don't want you to change the rule in this adventure you're running, because we're trying to test the RAW. I'm just mentioning an observation I have on it as a suggestion for the beta.

Ok ;)

Anyway - you need to know that I am a really open-minded person to discuss with. I just tend to state my oppinions clearly.

I like people who are critical towards rules and give it a thought :)

First aid once every 24 hours is dumb.

"Sorry, those new wounds you just suffered on the leg can't be stiched up because I already put a bandaid on your finger an hour ago"

Hard to find the right balance though. Maybe 1 first aid per encounter

Mh...I see your point...

But I also can understand, why RAW is defined that way.

It is hard to keep "new untreated wounds" from "already treated wounds".

I think its rather to be seen as "Your organism in total has gotten a certain damage within a certain time that cannot further be healed" than "the new injuries cannot be healed"

It is not about the injuries themselves, but the level to which the human body can be supported to heal on a short term.

You can stitch the wounds, but the level of infection in total cannot be improved at this point.

And of course, there is the balance point of view: 1 first aid after every encounter would heal up alomst everything all the time.

Edited by GauntZero

Depends on the level you're playing. I had to house rule it when I was running OW, since my players took like 7-8 wounds every fight, and guardsmen get in a looooot of fights every 24 hours. And the medic felt like his role was useless. Once he'd healed everyone once he just became a vanilla guardsmen for the next 24 hours

Edited by Felenis

I dont think that a chirurgeons only role is to first aid.

It is one function, where he should make sure, that his one time per character within 24h is done well.

Other roles he has are for example:

> regular (longterm) treatment

> medical analysis

> chemistry

> finding weaknesses in enemies bodies

> being good at crafting in general


I would limit him on a sub-skill.

And balancing first aid is very important. It can be exploited as hell.

The long term treatment was important, but none of those things really apply to combat, which is where the bulk of OW and a lot of DH games take place.

I find it's not unbalanced to allow it once an encounter. I only allow it to be healed back up to however many wounds you had before the combat. And at low - mid levels you don't even heal that much. Usually 4-6 wounds. Sometimes this is enough, sometimes it's not. And then there's heavily/ critically wounded which means only 1 wound back!

I also make it very difficult during combat. Minimum 1-2 rounds with negative modifiers. So it's not like the PCs can become invulnerable. I think if someone can spend their exp on a talent or skill and use it every turn, then people should be able to buy medicae and have it feel useful. Having healed PCs in not unbalanced. And getting grievously hurt can really make a later part of a session a drag. Time to assault the enemy fortress? ****, I'm at 1 wound, now I'll have to play realllly conservatively.

I think I'm obligated to start going on about magical healing and invulnerable PCs able to get shot to pieces and instantly be ready to get shot to pieces again, over and over. What's that? Gameplay considerations?! Perish the thought! ;)

As game that involves fighting like this requires some kind of reliable healing. Otherwise it can get very frustrating fast. I actually asked FFG for a new drug that acts like a healing potion. That would be excellent, especially for groups with no healer

I mean, I personally agree with you. I feel like First Aid should be a guaranteed IB (Maybe even IB*2) +1 for each DoS and -1 for each DoF. I also think that it would be fine to make it a per encounter power.

However, I will play Devil's Advocate and say that if you're looking for a grim and gritty setting, why are you making healing so easy? Player's should be playing conservatively at all times, right? It breaks the reality of the setting to have people easily being healed up or being able to keep treating the same wound over and over for each encounter, right?

Or are you saying that there are some things that gameplay/fun considerations over-ride in order to make things more enjoyable and playable? Almost like constantly playing cautiously or, dare I say it, constantly managing actions to just get a weapon out, aren't really contributing much to the game?

After all - this is not WoW ;D

The word "healing potion" alone is heresy

Or are you saying that there are some things that gameplay/fun considerations over-ride in order to make things more enjoyable and playable? Almost like constantly playing cautiously or, dare I say it, constantly managing actions to just get a weapon out, aren't really contributing much to the game?


Now, seriously, I think healer should be a little bit more effective. But just a little bit. Players playing cautously should be the reality of this game for me, and because of that in my games there are not so many "pulpy" scenes of cinematic action. When bullets start to fly it's usually short and lethal, and those with better cover, situation and surprise usually win (That's because the wound system I implemented, which is different to this one, less lethal).

Anyway, I feel a little bump to first aid would't be too "videogamy". Once per encounter would be worth of trying.

Nah...once per encounter destroys the dark feeling.

If you have a skilled medic with you, thats 6 wounds every encounter.

Thats also far from being realistic.

I even think the current possibility of first-aid-healing half of your wounds seems a little much. ;)

And by the way - where does it say that you get only 1 wound back if you are heavily/critically wounded ?

The medicae test gets harder (therefore less DoS), but that doesnt mean you just get 1 wound.

Edited by GauntZero

Yeah, I've got an older version stuck in my head, ha ha. Too many corebooks.

Ok, you are sorta right about every encounter, so how about once per hit location per day? And only up to an amount that the location has suffered

I feel like being on an arabian bazaar...

How about I just give you the eternal potion of neverending life ? You can drink of it, gain 1d100 wounds back and it never gets empty !

The great thing about 40k is the potion of neverending life exists, just buried under a pile pseudoscience. It obviously wouldn't be called "Healing Potion". It would be the

Huitzoxin Formula

A syringe loaded with a potent mix of plant matter from the jungle world of Xhol'kai, it causes a short but massive increase in the bodies healing. Cell regeneration increases to such rapid levels that wounds seem to disappear before the users eyes.

However the reaction is fuelled by the hosts own stores of energy, and causes intense and even dangerous levels of exhaustion.

Restores D10 wounds and causes the same in fatigue. Cures blood loss. ( or regeneration (4) for 4 rounds followed by pass out level of fatigue at the end)

If more then one dose is taken every 2 days, the fatigue gained is an addition D5


Would be Very Rare maybe

Discovered by Biologis Explorator Screer when he observed the natives of Xhol'ka using the plants in obscene blood rituals to their terrible version of the Emperor, the Heart Eater. Priests would force the crude mixture into the bodies of slaves, and feed the Emperor the endless tide of blood. After their views had been corrected to a more tolerable level of worship, the Biologis took the formula and modified it to be more amicable to the human form.

There, "Health Potion" :D

Edited by Felenis

Be honest...this "Biologis Explorator Screer" YOU !

Nah, he's a background character I base my tech priest characters off. Mandibles of Screer ftw. At this point he's pretty much just an immobile lump of brain plugged into thousands of cogitators with hundreds of mechedendrites.

Got rid of this filthy flesh, truly a blessed man ;)

Did this just turn into a 40k porn?

"I'm here to serve and protect you, ma'am"

"What strong muscles you have"

New theme song

Were Angevin still with the acolytes, Reginald would have no choice but to execute him for daring to imply such impertinence among his betters. Just because the grim darkness of the 41st century is filled with skulls doesn't mean it's also filled with boning.