Hey guys,
This thread is for the discussion of everything that is not directly ingame.
As soon as the game starts, there will also be an ingame thread.
Here can be discussed:
> character creation
> clearifications during the game
> discussions about in-game-situations
> rules related stuff
In the first post I will write important key information for the game (this will be an ongoing process) - this is to keep them easily accessable.
Key data:
How will be rolled ?
> we will start doing this based on trust; if this works out well, we'll keep it that way. That means if tests are to be done, you may roll them locally and just post the dice results
How will be played ?
> players will post what their characters do, the GM posts what the NPCs do
> it is therefore important that everyone posts very regularly (this is essential for this to run)
> regularly means at least 3 times a day (more often is welcome) at different times of the day [as I am European, there will be less SL-traffic during European night time]
Which rules will be used ?
> Dark Heresy 2 Beta 2; always the newest official update is valid; no houserules so far
> as long as not said otherwise, all optional rules of the official Core rulebook are used
> if not decided otherwise, the point allocation character generation method will be used, with 600 starting XP
What about information that is not for all to hear ?
> this kind of information will be directly pm'ed to the GM (me) or from the GM to you
to be continued...
Edited by GauntZero