
By player1310912, in General Discussion

Oh, one comment I'd make is that it's a pity that the entire continent of Africa is the only one (save Antarctica) that gets no dedicated encounter cards.

Would it have killed them to include Cairo instead of Rome, for example?

Actually they can do tokens like a gate tokens abd add them to the board. many things is possible....

There are still a few 'classic' monsters that I'd like to see, Hunting Horrors, Dholes, Star Vampires and Crawling Ones leap to mind from the other games. But I think the odds of getting a big box expansion shouldn't be that high, and I'd imagine they would arrive in that.

Still not sure if we'll get board expansions. Adding cardboard bits to the board to expand for Helsinki, Delhi, Cape Town etc, but that would only take us so far. I wonder if we'll see continental map expansions, akin to Ticket to Ride, that have the map and associated cards but that's it, so you still need the base game to play, but you can have a different experience each time.

Still, the potential for new cities to be added is a shame, since there are several that would make for reasonable excitement and pulp adventure.

For additional Investigators we don't need any, but some more would be nice. In particular I think

Ursula Downs

Marie Lambeau

Monterey Jack (and have him not suck so much this time)

Rex Murphy

would all be particularly appropriate.

I was thinking that I'd like to see at least Finn Edwards and Ursula Downs when we get to the time for expansions!

I guess you could add three tokens corresponding to specific cities and then have a deck covering those three cities.
I am thinking Cape Town, Moscow and Mumbai, they corrospond pretty well with space 15, 16 and 17 on the board. but I would like that to be saved for a later expansion, the first expansion really needs to beef up the encounter decks I mentioned above.

I would like to see a couple of completely new investigators this time around, especially now that it makes alot more sense to have non americans as investigators, we have what Lily Chen and Akachi Onyele right now? More of that please :-)

It has all but been confirmed that Nyarlathotep is gonna be in the first expansion, which I like, he is one of my favorite great old ones, but it would also be cool to see some new AOs too. Chaugnar Faugn has been mentioned in some of the Cthulhu mythos games, but never been featured himself. I would love to see him make an apearance in the expansion too. EDIT: I am fool, he was in Innsmouth Horror, my group doesnt have that expansion so I never knew :unsure:

Edited by Barl

Chaugner Faugn appears in the Innsmouth expansion for AH. AH has touched on most of the popular GOOs by this point.

Non-American characters certainly make far more sense; whatever else I can say Lily seems a lot less out of place in EH than in AH.

Just my two cents on the topic. Point is that while an AO in Arkham was simply a "piece of paper" with some info on, AOs in Eldritch come with a lot of stuff: a Research Deck and a Special Encounter Deck, so that actually adding 4 AOs in one single expansion could mean another box the size of EH.

Plus, don't forget the code on pag 11 of the Rulebook was cracked :

we have foreseen this

the messenger dwells in the distant past and waits for us in our future

it lives within our dreams and watches us from alien stars

it hides in our houses of law and defiles our temples

the crawling chaos approaches wearing many masks and soon we will all bow before Nyarlathotep

so, my guess is that we'll see a Nyarlathotep-themed expansion loaded with cards (and monsters! I do really hope to have all Masks as Epic monsters) sooner or later

Nyarlathotep would definately be a good idea to include in the first expansion for this game. I also believe Hastur should be included. With those two included, at least Eldritch Horror would then contain the core Mythos deities. Other AOs would be nice, but not necessary; just the core deities would be enough.

It is the only continent that has two expeditions encounters, one of them being the pyramids :) so it is fine I think.

BTW what ppl think will be the ETA on a possible expansion? Around six to eight months from now?

It is the only continent that has two expeditions encounters, one of them being the pyramids :) so it is fine I think.

BTW what ppl think will be the ETA on a possible expansion? Around six to eight months from now?

I want it now!!! Asap!!! Really we definitely need more variety!

Hope we get something soon. but I think earliest possibility is march.

I sadly don't expect an expansion to come out any time soon, we may get an announcement in march/april, but it probably wont come out till late 2014.

I have no doubt that they have some of the ideas and design down already, but the core game only just came out, so they may want to check the sales numbers first.

But hey they may surprise us and announce something sooner, they already put that Nyarlathotep teaser into the manual :-)

Edited by Barl

A few more spells would be nice, and there really should be a Tommy Gun asset considering that there is one on the cover.

I'd like there to be around 8 mysteries per ancient one. Really make it unknown which ones you're going to get. Any fewer mysteries and it's too easy to "game" once you know what each one does.

It's kind of odd they only made 4 mysteries, but 6 special encounter cards. Considering the SE cards come into play much less often (Yog only if he wakes up, Cthulhu only on one of the four mysteries).

Yea, I agree. It's better to expand the current AOs- Research Encounters, Special Encounters, mysteries than to add too much new, but with limited card count.

Reading through the posts on this topic has started me thinking - why don't more boardgames get the Runebound treatment, of small expansion packs of just cards? I personally loved this about Runebound - often for under a tenner, I could get a whole different feel for my game! I wonder if the thought of having card packs sold to expand a boardgame is seen as emasculating, or confusing for newcomers (is it a card game, now?) They've done POD card packs for the Game of Thrones board game, I know, and I suppose you could also call those for Mansions of Madness a similar thing, but when everyone is clamouring for AO cards, for location cards, etc, why not just churn out a couple of LCG-style 'boosters'? In a 40-card pack, they could give us ten cards per core AO, four new mysteries and six research encounters, that you can either shuffle into the existing decks or replace them for a new flavour. Maybe each one could have a specific theme, such as the Tokyo or London cultists, where at least one mystery involves having a research encounter in that city to solve.

Rather than waiting for a major boxed expansion, either small or big box, which would likely necessitate more development, and require more 'new' stuff, including mechanics, I would imagine a card expansion pack would be much easier to facilitate.

I agree with Tibs post for the most part - but I would never turn down more AO's and Monsters for the cup! :D

- Definitely need more cards for Encounters, maybe a couple more Mysteries for the current AO's.

- Assets, Artifcats, Spells and Conditions do feel fine as is - but I guess I would never turn more down, even new versions of Spells/Conditions.

I really believe expansions are gonna be small pick-up additions - ie. New AO's with needed cards, or Encounter expansions.

I doubt a new map would be first up - but who knows.

I feel a new map is probably the very last thing we'd see. You can't really expand all that much on, well, Earth.

I really believe expansions are gonna be small pick-up additions - ie. New AO's with needed cards, or Encounter expansions.

I doubt a new map would be first up - but who knows.

I think you could do small expansions with tokens, put two smaller sheet of Monster tokens in with the cards, that would make for about 12-14 new monsters in my guesstimate.

Not much but, as ive said earlier, new monster are more a "nice to have" thing. And if they can do it while still expanding the encounter card pool, I am all for it.

And as have been stated this game is ripe for smaller box expansions, like King in Yellow from AH, since it doesnt really need new big boards, and adding more city and expedtion locations can be done with tokens.

Edited by Barl

I really believe expansions are gonna be small pick-up additions - ie. New AO's with needed cards, or Encounter expansions.I doubt a new map would be first up - but who knows.

I think you could do small expansions with tokens, put two smaller sheet of Monster tokens in with the cards, that would make for about 12-14 new monsters in my guesstimate.

Not much but, as ive said earlier, new monster are more a "nice to have" thing. And if they can do it while still expanding the encounter card pool, I am all for it.

And as have been stated this game is ripe for smaller box expansions, like King in Yellow from AH, since it doesnt really need new big boards, and adding more city and expedtion locations can be done with tokens.

I believe FFG have a plan for expansions and Im pretty sure they will make a lot of small expansion like a king in yellow for AH. should be ok

A few more spells would be nice, and there really should be a Tommy Gun asset considering that there is one on the cover.

"Chicago typewriter" ~ Very nice, Vacceo!

It is the only continent that has two expeditions encounters, one of them being the pyramids :) so it is fine I think.

BTW what ppl think will be the ETA on a possible expansion? Around six to eight months from now?

What I mean is that the game is still American-centric. 2 encounter cities in the US, and zero in all of Africa, despite it having a higher population than N. Am then and now. Cairo's a decent theme city too. I have no idea why there is one in Sydney, with all due respect to the Aussies.

Add that to all the white American investigators and we're kind of more in line with Lovecraft that we might like to be.

Yes, here's me stirring up crap. Good game though.

Edited by Krysmopompas

It is the only continent that has two expeditions encounters, one of them being the pyramids :) so it is fine I think.

BTW what ppl think will be the ETA on a possible expansion? Around six to eight months from now?

What I mean is that the game is still American-centric. 2 encounter cities in the US, and zero in all of Africa, despite it having a higher population than N. Am then and now. Cairo's a decent theme city too. I have no idea why there is one in Sydney, with all due respect to the Aussies.

Add that to all the white American investigators and we're kind of more in line with Lovecraft that we might like to be.

Yes, here's me stirring up crap. Good game though.

Because the landmass would look wrong without a city there and you need a major city in the south of the board for balance, other than Buenos Aires. Also The shadow out of time is set in prehistoric Australia. There are other major cities that don't even get a look in (Paris, for instance)

I'm hoping that FFG will look to create some reasonably priced expansions in the near future, containing a new GOO or two, definitely some new concept encounters ( the General pack especially! ) and Mystery cards, with more of the same across the rest of the decks.

I've not had a lot of games ( about 15'ish now of various investigator sizes ), but like many here in the forums, I'm beginning to see repetition which is deflating game-play a little.

Still my fav game at the mo! I think my friends have stopped inviting me to their game tables as this is all I keep bringing!!! :P


The mighty-whitey investigator team is an unfortunate hold-over from Arkham, and I think much of the character choices on who to initially favored more foreign characters.

It is the only continent that has two expeditions encounters, one of them being the pyramids :) so it is fine I think.

BTW what ppl think will be the ETA on a possible expansion? Around six to eight months from now?

What I mean is that the game is still American-centric. 2 encounter cities in the US, and zero in all of Africa, despite it having a higher population than N. Am then and now. Cairo's a decent theme city too. I have no idea why there is one in Sydney, with all due respect to the Aussies.

Add that to all the white American investigators and we're kind of more in line with Lovecraft that we might like to be.

Yes, here's me stirring up crap. Good game though.

Because the landmass would look wrong without a city there and you need a major city in the south of the board for balance, other than Buenos Aires. Also The shadow out of time is set in prehistoric Australia. There are other major cities that don't even get a look in (Paris, for instance)

Good point on Sydney and Shadow out of Time.

If there has to be 3 in North Am I'd ditch San Fran and put one in Central America - Mexico City or somewhere in the Yucatan. Swap Rome for Cairo.

The "darkest Africa" thing may be a Western 20s thing but it's a bit rude to say the least. I'm not saying anyone did it out of spite, I'd just like to see a touch more progressive action from the company. Probably includes some new characters too!

BTW Jake loved Lovecraft County.

Edited by Krysmopompas