Reflections on the game

By cparadis10, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Now that development of Invasion is officially over, I'd like to take an opportunity to look back at the game.

It was the first LCG I played, and I absolutely loved it. It was a great introduction to the warhammer world, and provided me hours and hours of fun.

So thank you FFG for such a great game, I know others feel the same way.

This makes me sad. But my friends and I will continue to play this great game for a long, long, time.

Same for me: First LCG. It got me back into card games in general, since after Magic I figured I'd rather have money than be good at a card game. I never suspected WH:I would be the first to bite the dust.

I have to give props to all the designers who worked on this game to make it my favourite one.

Sad, sad day. But despite the fact it is now a DCG (Dead Card Game), I will continue to play and love it.

Sad day indeed.No Tomb Kings cards set.I guess FFG will now concentrate their efforts on the upcoming Warhammer Diskwars game.

Same for me: First LCG. It got me back into card games in general, since after Magic I figured I'd rather have money than be good at a card game. I never suspected WH:I would be the first to bite the dust.

I have to give props to all the designers who worked on this game to make it my favourite one.

Does it mean the end of your podcast as well?

That's a bummer, I just got into playing the game too.

Yet another failed Games Workshop game..

This is what happens when there's absolutely no promotion, and no effort to foster new entrants to a game. Such an effort, and most gamers probably never even heard of it..

Edited by rzarectz

Shocked and saddened at the news that there is going to be no more content for W:I.


I adore this game and feel it will diminish with no new content to come.

I was only thinking today that I should write a mail to Winvasion members Daniel and Torsten thanking them for their time and effort they have put in to the podcasts.

I will continue to play the game as long as I have friends who wish to play it.

Thank you FFG for the LCG.

Wow I'm gutted!

the game lives as long as we gonne play guys. I have to say, i'm quite disappointed.. :( HK is probably the best deluxe exp. for this game, and i hoped for more awesome stuff. too bad it isn't gonna happen.

Absolutely love WI, but also glad it's the last expansion : game is costly enough as it is , and always disliked the prospect that new cards might force my old ones into oblivion ... now I know this won't happen

wow after such a good come back with the mechanics sigh

very dissappointed at this.Such a good game mechanic and design,probably should petition for a comeback :(

I recently just discovered the game with a core set purchase. Despite playing and keep up to date with AGoT, CoC and LOTR, WH:I was pulling me in enough with the gameplay and mechanics that I was ready to jump in with both feet and get caught up on this one as well. I must admit that this post is now giving me pause as I was hoping to start a tournament community in Saskatoon, going to be hard with no kits or development. Sad to see this go, glad it helped develop the LCG format.

"Warhammer Invasion LCG is Dead. Long Life to Invasion."




I see Warhammer 40.000 LCG in the Future...

I wonder how the polish are taking this. Maybe if they petition enough the game might still live. Any thoughts Virgo? :(

First LCG for me too and loved it. Bought it in french and played a lot. Finally sold it becuase I had too much games and not enough time (classic gamer problem) so I forced myself to purge my collection.

I recently got a great deal from a FLGS where I ordered the core set but changed my mind for another game. They replaced it in my order no problemen but offered me the core set for 26CAD! I said YEAAAAH i'll take it!

So now I have the core set again, but this time in English, and Ulthuan. I'll get in this a lot slower then I did last time, buying packs slowly and only when I feel the game gets repetitive.

Great game and now i'm hooked to the LCG format and own Netrunner and LOTR too.

Wow. Just wow. This is horrible news. I've been playing the game from day one of it's release. I love this game. I am very disappointed. Wow. This totally sucks.

Tell me about it Doc! Cant believe theyre dropping THIS for some diskgames...ahmygawd :huh: Cant compute

Apparently they've had decreasing turnout at their events and I have noticed less dedicated shelf space at my FLGS.

I bet Cthulhu is next on the chopping block.

Maybe they have a Runebound LCG in the works...

Good news - I picked up HK today!

HORRIBLE/SAD news - I found this out today!

It is a shame but perhaps the support just wasn't there. I live in Kansas City, MO and I can find no one to play this with. I've checked at all the gaming stores in the whole metro and there seems to be no one. I even travel for work and have posted and inquired about groups playing in Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas so that I might find a game night when I'm on the road... to no avail.

My brother and I will keep playing via skype, which is the only person I play with now anyways... :(

I agree with Rodzyn though - the game will stay alive if we keep playing it guys!

Also - I'm with Klaymen_sk - will this mean the end of Winvasion? I hope not!

Edited by sammann11

The question is: Will they still print expansions, even those of the earlier Cycles so newcomers can have a chance to grab them?

SolennelBern - they say they will keep printing the old stuff. This makes sense as they just reprinted the older Deluxe Expansions.

Rodzyn (and the Greyjoys) said it best over at the Winvasion site: What is dead may never die!!!

Sad news, as I'm just waiting to start playing this game since I was taken in by the Hidden Kingdoms previews and all.

Perhaps fans will keep this one alive via dream expansions and what-not, a la SWCCG?

On a sidenote, being a serious Blood Bowl Team Manager Card Game fan, I hope this means more regular expansions for that beloved game of mine. We have room for one more (regularly published) Warhammer fantasy game, apart from Diskwars right? *here's to hoping*

As a fan of Invasion (development ceased) and the Warhammer Fantasy RPG (development all but officially ceased),and Blood Bowl, I hope you are right, but I think the 40k setting just had so much more mass appeal (though I've never gotten into it) and that is where FFG will be focusing.

A real shame,

I bought warhammer: Invasion the day it was released and followed it till Legends came out. Although it was a great game with fast and fluid mechanics, great art and production value I didn't like certain gameplay elements and stopped playing it.

I never lost interest though and with the news of the Hidden Kingdoms expansion and the introduction of Ambush and Raider my biggest complaints about the game were resolved. The limit of 6 races was gone and somewhere some people already started dreaming about Brettonia, Ogre Kingdoms and Tomb Kings. The Ambush and Raider mechanic brought alot of tactical options to the battlefield phase and this was something alot of people wanted. I even bought some packs and Cataclysm in anticipation of what I thought would be a revival of the game. And now this.

I understand that for FFG 5 LCG's were maybe a bit too much and that Warhammer maybe wasn't selling well enough for a continuation but I really think the addition of Hidden Kingdoms and the increase in interactivity was the perfect way to reclaim some ground and develop new interest in the game. It worked for me.

Eternal War together with Hidden Kingdoms and MP rules were imho the best additions to the game since the core set and I hope, in vain I think, that FFG will reconsider their decision of a termination of WH:I. The fact that they have made up their mind even before gauging the succes of Hidden Kingdoms saddens me and reflects badly on the perception of LCG's in general.

I'm not asking for a return to the old release schedule but a deluxe expansion every 6-9 months that focuses on interactivity could truly make this great game legendary.

I still remain an advocate and supporter of the LCG concept but now it will be with modesty and caution instead of enthousiasm.

Edited by Mig el Pig