Just finished our first TEW session

By Gallows, in WFRP Gamemasters

10 hours of gameplay and about 3 hours of breaks, eating and small talk. Good session saturday.

We had some amazing moments. Let me present the party first:

Davin, a young apothecary, Ahmad an Araby navigator, Albert a halfling chef and hustler, Siggimund Von Swartznadder III the fop and Grudgerak the slayer and drunk.

We had some fun moments, first the Fop insists on flashing his money, leading to some fun interaction between him and Albert as he's trying to recover the ring he sold to Mathilda.

The burning barge and chase was a real killer - the Albert and Siggimund almost died on the burning boat. As siggimund finally managed to knock down the door to the cargo hold, to save the wife and twins, he gets enough fatigue to pass out and tumbles down the stairs. Albert passed out from wounds and was one crit away from dying.

Meanwhile grudgerak chased the arsonists and finally catches up to the two. This ends in the slayer giving one of the guys a severe injury, killing him, while the other gets away. He tries to save him with first aid, so they can question him, but he fails. Oh well - stuff happends. Later the siggimund sends grudgerak to fetch fritz flink from the pig (he stole the fops money). Grudgerak tries to intimidate flink into comming along, but gets a chaos star and starts a brawl. Quite annoyed grudgerak just wants to get out and bring fritz alone for questioning. He decides to perform a stunt and bang the heads together of fritz and some other guy to subdue them and leave. He makes a melee attack with an extra challenge die, and apply the result to both. He decides to inflict a critical, to finish it quick. HEAD SHOT - he gets to roll 50/50 if it's fritz or the other guy. The slayer leaves the inn with fritz slung over his shoulder - his skull smashed open. It was a right laugh, the slayer killing two people he really didn't want to kill.

We finished the first three days and the group has gotten together nicely.

Trying to save the barge