Make your sales pitch for why the players would want to fight for the Alliance to Restore the Republic instead of the Galactic Empire.
Why do you think the Alliance is cooler than the Empire?
Want to play an idealistic hippy? Take the moral high ground and pretend you're better? Get inferior training and equipment? Loot dead bodies of fellow sentient beings for gear and food? Be outnumbered a gazillion to one? Like fish-shaped capital ships? Keep up with constant bleeping from an annoying droid while in the middle of a dogfight? Take on the duly elected government-gone-empire? Use guerilla tactics and risk killing civilians in the name of the so-called "good"? Risk cross-species illness (and death) from staying in cramped unhygienic quarters with other life forms? Enjoy the underdog attitude? If you answer yes to one, all or none of the above: Join the Alliance! Fighting the oppression of the Empire because we can!
Edited by JegergryteMake your sales pitch for why the players would want to fight for the Alliance to Restore the Republic instead of the Galactic Empire.
A question that has been asked many times but has remained unanswered for months now Erik; Do you even play the game or did you ever? I'm really curious...
Some quotes from who I'm going to model my rebel characters after. Bonus points if you know who they are from;
I feel my belief in sacrifice and struggle getting stronger. I despise the kind of existence that clings to the miserly trifles of comfort and self-interest. I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate , when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened.
Fellow workers and peasants, this is the socialist and democratic revolution of the working people, with the working people, and for the working people. And for this revolution of the working people, by the working people, and for the working people we are prepared to give our lives.
As I have said before, the ever more sophisticated weapons piling up in the arsenals of the wealthiest and the mightiest can kill the illiterate, the ill, the poor and the hungry but they cannot kill ignorance, illnesses, poverty or hunger.
Edited by That Blasted Samophlange
You commie!
Great basis in my opinion, someone with an ideal, willingness to sacrifice himself and all that.
As for my AoR game, I'm thinking about infiltrator/operatives either with a base or a Lambda-class shuttle, either would work. If my players lobby for a starfighter squadron game I'd probably run with that too.
For me the selling point would be kind of what I posted above, with less sarcasm and irony in it. It would be about being the underdog, ill equipped, idealistically motivated H eroes. I'd present them with a looming danger that is "... capable of unquantifiable levels of destruction..." and then have my players be the only potential saviours of a planet, species, whatnot.
As things stand though, my group is an EotE group with questionable loyalties and ideals, trying to get them into the Alliance would be difficult at best - the one who wants to join is a wanted war criminal, not due to direct action, but direct consequences of her work as a bio-engineer for the Empire's RnD department, so she's sort conflicted... the rest wants riches and power, not ideals, nor a stop to the war, at least not yet.
the rest wants riches and power
A sales tactic there would be that Empire is bad for business. Biggs tells Luke that the Empire is nationalizing commerce in the central systems, and everyone will soon just be tenants, slaving for the greater glory of the Empire:-
Ah you misguided stupid fool...
Make your sales pitch for why the players would want to fight for the Alliance to Restore the Republic instead of the Galactic Empire.
A question that has been asked many times but has remained unanswered for months now Erik; Do you even play the game or did you ever? I'm really curious...
Make your sales pitch for why the players would want to fight for the Alliance to Restore the Republic instead of the Galactic Empire.
A question that has been asked many times but has remained unanswered for months now Erik; Do you even play the game or did you ever? I'm really curious...
He won't answer the question mate, because he DOESN'T play. If he did, then he'd have said so by now.
Poor lad, he's all alone with no one to play with. No wonder he's just ranting on and on with nonsense. I actually feel sorry for him now... he's not misguided, stupid or foolish, he's just ignorant out of a lack of exposure to and experience with the game, I can't blame him for that. Now, if only he was honest about this.
Ah you misguided stupid fool...
Really? If you let your players PCs get rich and then had the Empire nationalize all their stuff and make them slave on a plantation for a bit they wouldn't want some payback?
Well their is the fact that the Empire commited mundicide...
In general I'd go with the Rebels most of the time, just because their the good guys. I've occasionally thought of running an Empire campaign, but generally only in the better areas and times of the Empire, such as the Empire of the Hand, or the Reconquest of the Rim. Even then it'd likely transfer to an anti-Empire/Rebellion campaign when the PCs realize their the baddies.
Ah you misguided stupid fool...
Really? If you let your players PCs get rich and then had the Empire nationalize all their stuff and make them slave on a plantation for a bit they wouldn't want some payback?
You keep missing the point, you keep blundering about blind and silly. Fair enough, my monthly fix has soon been met.
In general I'd go with the Rebels most of the time, just because they're the good guys.
That's not really an enormously powerful pitch. Could you amplify on why they are the good guys, and what makes them cool to play?
It's mostly just as simple as I prefer playing good guys. No deeper motivation then that. I don't want to play as a bunch of jackbooted thugs.
So Erik, do you play or not?
Simple question.
Make your sales pitch for why the players would want to fight for the Alliance to Restore the Republic instead of the Galactic Empire.
A question that has been asked many times but has remained unanswered for months now Erik; Do you even play the game or did you ever? I'm really curious...
I think it was me who asked originally, DR. And the question still stands.
But hey, I'll bite: fighting the odds is always great for an RPG, the select noble few against the evil majority. It's a very old trope, but it works for a reason.
And I don't think that following that trope and enjoying playing the Rebels means that I can't also depict the Empire as interesting and multi-dimensional antagonists.
Can I also add that my version of the Alliance doesn't want to restore the Old Republic, but create a new one. It's 95% nonhuman, in the face of the Empire's blatant anti-alien policies, and wishes to break free of the Jedi 'betrayers' as well as the Empire, the latter of which is embroiled in a damaging civil war.
Our chronicle, 'From the Ashes', puts the players in the pivotal 'movie hero' roles, as they face off against what seems on paper to be impossible odds. They are an elite cell, self-sufficient and operating behind enemy lines. They need to gain allies, use their wits and fight to their strengths, use sensible tactics and 'think outside the box'. They may need to examine their own motivations and even seek allies within the ranks of their enemy.
The characters are a mixture of old hands and new members of Crimson Phoenix Squadron. All are elite operatives and their new leader is quite high up in the Alliance brass. The campaign starts after a disastrous mission that cost them half the squad, and deals with the issues of the survivors and having to adjust to new team-mates and a new leader.
Hope that answers your question, Erik.
Will you answer mine? What's your game like? Are you actually playing AOR?
If you're not, I recommend you start. It's very, very good.
Good grief, do we really need another thread that's basically a variant excuse for ErikB to indulge his favorite straw man? He's like a guitarist who claims to play dozens of chords...all of which coincidentally involve the same two strings as all the others.
He's like a guitarist who claims to play dozens of chords...all of which coincidentally involve the same two strings as all the others.
Erik is to these boards what Dave Lister was to guitar playing.
Playing Rebels is PROBABLY going to allow the player group more autonomy in seeking out their own missions (depending on the cell) and implementing their vision for achieving their goals. It would let them better explore whether to play Hard Mode/White Hat or take the easy way and become less moral/more ends-justify-the-means. Playing Imperials would likely more akin to playing Dark Heresy or Deathwatch in terms of the player-team's level of autonomy, simply because the Empire and the Imperium of Man are both more rigidly hierarchical than the Alliance is portrayed.
That's fun to me. In Edge I have my analogue to Rogue Trader. Rebels could play as a more fast-and-loose investigation (DH) or war (Only War) type game. I don't want an analogue to Deathwatch.
Edited by KshatriyaHe's like a guitarist who claims to play dozens of chords...all of which coincidentally involve the same two strings as all the others.
Erik is to these boards what Dave Lister was to guitar playing.
Not true. Lister had some redeeming qualities. He's more like Rimmer.
Not true. Lister had some redeeming qualities.
True, but guitar playing wasn't among them.
Edited by Mr. Flibble"Why do you think the Alliance is cooler than the Empire?"