I'll host an online one shot

By Gallows, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hey community. I just got into FG2 with my IRL gaming group and we've had a single session online. It was SW - Deadlands, as I wanted something quick and simple before diving into WFRPv3. It was a decent success and only a few technical issues, that we learned from and can prevent in the future. The session ran well and it was close enough to a real life session, that it can certainly supplement our real life sessions, by adding a few online sessions once in a while.

I've listened to the reckless dice podcast among others and realized that FG2 is a great opportunity to play with some of the people from this great community.

I have an ultimate license for FG2, so all you need is free stuff. We use Hamachi to make connecting easy and we use Team Speak 3 for voice chat. I have both set up, so it's easy, although Hamachi is a bit of a pain on win7 - but I can guide you through it, so it works with no issues.

I'd like just to run a single session, but perhaps I fancy running more in the future. Characters are saved, so it's easy to pick up the same character in a later session, as you gain ownership of a character and it won't show up as playable for others.

I'm thinking along the lines of a short session of 2-3 hours, but haven't set a date yet. This is just to test the waters, if anyone would dare signing up for a session with me - my non native english and beginner proficiency with FG2 in mind.

EDIT: Forgot something. Time zone is Europe, but a weekend can be arranged, so it isn't so important.


Edited by Gallows

Im in ...but also understand if you would prefer to try to run it with some new guys ... :)

This would be good for a follow-up post to that guy who asked earlier about the new person test. Maybe cross link there.


Yeah I agree - that's a great idea. I haven't played a lot of FG2 as a GM, but I do know WFRP3 like the back pocket of my favorite jeans :-)

I'm up for that and a short one session is the perfect format. It doesn't have to be new players exclusively, as a few veterans who can help with tips and hints in the chat wouldn't be a bad idea.

Several options are open. I could run a short adventure to highlight the game system, although I'm not really a fan of the too simple shillings adventure. I also have a one sheet "Sweet Marrow", that I've never run myself. Haven't read the blackfire pass intro adventure. Something that can be run in a couple of hours.

Try Roll20 first. Get used to moving tokens around and laying a map on the table. The only other functions you 'really' need are teh dice roller, chat and headset (if you want to do google hangouts). https://googledrive.com/host/0B27SCDR38xFuNE96TGV4S1Jjdlk/rollers/wfrp3e/#

I've run Journey to BFP at conventions. It seems to run ok.

I'm going to use FG2 since I have an ultimate license and I like how well it works :-)

The player video tutorial is pretty good too, so new players can get an overview of how to play using the WFRPv3 rule set.

seriously no-one has jumped at this? Free Warhammers! Count me as yes but give me lots of warning when we'll play so I can book it in.

color me interested - any idea when it will happen?

i'm on CET

Yeah, it will be late november or early december. I have two 8 hour sessions with my regular group this month. There is a possibility I can manage to run a game sunday the 17th of nov. I'll keep you posted :-) Perhaps I can just run my Sweet Marrow one shot, if people haven't played it, read it og listened to it on the reckless podcast.

What is FG2?

And an idea for one of the senior members of this forum: How about a post that details all the abbreviations for both newcomers to the game and the forum?

Fantasy Grounds 2


Its a Virtual Tabletop software.

Since Gallows has the Ultimate version, all you need is the free version to connect to the game. Ultimate allows non owners to play with them if they GM.

I play with a another group, online play is much easiler. Havent had any issues that I can remember so far. Remember to throw the dice in tower or in the chat window, is the main thing.

Alt, Ctrl, Shift, shift ctrl, turn chat input into a different medium. OOC, Emote, Say or Action

The WFRP 3ed ruleset can be found here https://googledrive.com/host/0B27SCDR38xFuNE96TGV4S1Jjdlk/ created by a Neil Foster.

Yeah, it will be late november or early december. I have two 8 hour sessions with my regular group this month. There is a possibility I can manage to run a game sunday the 17th of nov. I'll keep you posted :-) Perhaps I can just run my Sweet Marrow one shot, if people haven't played it, read it og listened to it on the reckless podcast.

I played the crap out of that one, might sit that one out if you run it. I even drew a picture of the mayor and put it on obsidian portal, won't post the link because the text is pretty spoilery.

Yeah, I think I'll make a new little story for the session, so We don't have to worry about that :-)

I'd love to see the mayor though - can you post a link in private maybe?

Edited by Gallows

so i've looked into fantasy grounds and i'm wondering - does it comes with a map maker?

i mean how do you make the maps and what not?

my understanding is you don't make maps in it, you make the maps elsewhere and import them in.

ahh - i see...

i did find the campaign cartographer as well as dunjini (probably spelled incorrectly)....

Thanks for the info.

I'm thinking about starting up a pbp forum. I have a very small group that's starting up a WFRP game, but I'd like to extend what I'm trying to do with that group to the community; which is to create a sandbox environment...will keep this forum posted with updates =).

Cheers ~